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Anyone else had enough of the never ending expansion and updates !!!


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Hi all,


I am getting fed up with the monthly updates and patches etc...as it seems tedious and unnecessary not to mention untested and full of bugs. It is way too drawn out and boring to say the least. Why did the Devs not just go back to 6 monthly game updates etc with quarterly patches if necessary as the more you mess with software the more it is likely to glitch or even fail. Does anyone else feel the same way ? or is it just me ?


I really liked the core game and the old companions and the Hutt expansion and the Revan expansion but the new expansion seems too episodic and therefore prone to glitches and bugs. The new companions are over simplified to the point of any other companion after your first one is useless. Please re-consider for your next expansion as I for one will not bother playing if its going to be another episodic one. I just can not be bothered with all the downloads every month and the subsequent bugs and then fixes or work arounds.


Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks. JMS.

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I actually have mostly enjoyed the chapter releases. I don't necessarily like the "seasons" approach, because I fear it will lends itself to poor writing in the same that it does in TV shows...rather than focusing on telling a complete story from beginning to end, the idea simply becomes to just sort of maintain a moderate-but-unfulfilling status of constant mild hype about "what's next".


The episodic approach to individual chapters, however, is rather convenient for gameplay, for the most part, though, and I'm pretty okay with it. The only limitation I've seen there is that since you can't save and reload in an MMO, certain story elements you might not have prepared for, and couldn't have predicted, can be pretty frustrating, as a player.

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They're doing it because they have to. They need to drip feed is content to keep the player base playing. Im worried what will happen when they write themselves into a corner and cant come up with anything else.
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I guess I wouldn't mind it so much if the story was more interesting. I don't really care for the characters in it, and some of the chapters seem drawn out to the point of tedium, while others seem like they are over all too quickly.


There is no real companion interaction anymore either outside of the story missions. Because of that, I couldn't care less if most of them live or die.


With the story elements that have unfolded in the most recent couple of chapters it seems as though they are pulling plot ideas out of a hat.


Then there is the combat. Instead of making it more challenging and interesting, they just throw in gimmicks and bosses who chain stun you. I am pretty sure it is nigh impossible to die in most of the boss fights.

Personally I would rather have a fight that has at least some chance of killing me over one that forces me to use a bunch of different temporary abilities to get through it, but never have any real threat of dying.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, I see some of you echo my own feelings but I do not think anything will change as others have mentioned, they need to drip feed content to keep the interest going but at the expense of total immersion and a sense of completion as we would have with a fully loaded expansion.


Also the numerous and unnecessary amount of companions with all the same abilities means you do not have the same connection and involvement in their progress and development. Granted it makes selecting a companion insanely easy but at what expense ?


Any further thoughts ??? would be welcome as I am seriously considering leaving this game and cancelling my subscription.


Peace all :)))

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'Drip feeding' a 20-30 minute chapter every month feels more like an excuse on BW's part to not come up with any real content outside of anything related to the story. Instead of releasing relevant new ops, warzones, flashpoints etc, they just rehash old content by scaling everyone down to the appropriate level.


The Eternal Empire is supposed to be the big bad of this story and our character the leader of an alliance of Pubs and Imps. It's completely asinine to gather allies from both groups only to then turn around and attack the opposite side through old heroics or whatever and completely ignore the main threat. Instead of redoing content that's five years old we should be exploring Wild Space, trying to throw the proverbial spanner in the works of any and every plan that Arcann/SCORPIO can concoct, not trudging back to some place like Taris to yet again foil Republic restoration plans like nothing ever happened.


We may have been stuck in carbonite for five years, but it's the galaxy that got frozen in time.

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I play mainly for the story as well, but I also know it's not the be all and end all of an MMO. These games bring in a variety of players, so why should PVPers and raiders get the short end of the stick content-wise just because BW decided to develop what is basically half an expansion? If this were any other game developer their player base would likely want to lynch them for such a half arsed attempt. But because this is EA/BW they get a free pass for some reason.


They had a pretty solid formula in SoR, with there being a little something for everyone, so it's disappointing that they didn't try and structure this expansion similar to that. Given that they're so insistent on staging the expansion like they are, said formula would probably work really well with releasing one FP, WZ and op per season, with the op being entirely optional to complete the main story for that particular season.

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