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Kotfe chapter 16 , Is it just me?


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Is it just me, or will anyone else be disappointed if you can't sever Arcann's worthless head and step over his lifeless body. Anything short of stepping over his lifeless corpse would be anti-climatic and sad.


I hate to say it but prepared to be let down.


I want to kill Arcann and marry Vaylin.


This the SWTOR version of Kill, Marry, F*ck? LOL

Edited by MiloUto
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I'll be more disappointed when (and I've already resigned myself to "when" and not "if") I can't kill Vailyn. I'm really tired of her. I'm much more ambivalent about Arcann; he's a buffoon and has been a bit of a letdown, but he was portrayed that way from the start, but now that it's obvious he's just a speed bump rather than the big bad guy, I'm admittedly a little curious to see his fate.
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