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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Funniest pvp moments


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Map: huttball


I have got the ball,and i runs with my assasin to The another side,Then I wanted to be clever and make me invisible and Then i Runs over the line and wrote :yeeeeees in the Chat

First thing:If i make me invisible i lose Ball

Second:it was our goal line,so i was close to make a own goal:p


But we won the Game

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Tell your Funny stories:)

Map: huttball


I have got the ball,and i runs with my assasin to The another side,Then I wanted to be clever and make me invisible and Then i Runs over the line and wrote :yeeeeees in the Chat

First thing:If i make me invisible i lose Ball

Second:it was our goal line,so i was close to make a own goal:p


But we won the Game


Funniest PvP moments?



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It's a lowbie (Nar Shaddaa) Huttball match and we're Imps against a Pub premade. It's 1-1, we have 20 secs left on the clock, the enemy has the ball and is crossing one of the lower bridges to the scoreline. I'm on my new Sin learning the class, below him near where the health buff is. Right before he starts crossing the fire pit, I start casting Whirlwind. He gets stuck in the trap, the ball then goes to a teammate and we win!


Before then they were gloating, laughing at us.... well who's laughing now?! It was hilarious, and I finally felt useful on my new Sin, as we would have lost otherwise! :D:D:D

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I remember in a Hypergate I was chasing down a PT out of mid who was down to 2 percent, but with hydraulics up, was out distancing me. Before he went out of range, I threw a sticky grenade. He rounded the corner and the sticky grenade critted, killing him and a Sin, who had retreated to the same corner earlier because he also was low on health and trying to get out of combat to heal.
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I remember in a Hypergate I was chasing down a PT out of mid who was down to 2 percent, but with hydraulics up, was out distancing me. Before he went out of range, I threw a sticky grenade. He rounded the corner and the sticky grenade critted, killing him and a Sin, who had retreated to the same corner earlier because he also was low on health and trying to get out of combat to heal.


Sometimes you wish you had a friendly push. I can remember being on my sniper; safe from the bubble stuns from range and the smash monkeys unable to leap to me. That's when your teammates decide to cluster around you, and here they come! If only I could cover pulse those fools.

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