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Class story after KOTFE


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So I know that KOTFE is about to come to it's climax so I was thinking that Bioware should continue class stories in KOTET.


Here are my suggestions.




We know that the Jedi Knight stopped the Sith Emperor at the end of chapter III in the main class story and he/she is probably shocked that he has returned. So my suggestion is that they will send the Alliance on a hunt for Valkorian/Vitate





The Jedi Consular is focused on the Jedi order and the Republic so he/she should restore the Jedi order and remove the puppet chancellorwith their alliance.





We all know that the smuggler has a criminal empire so he/she will probably use the alliance to restore it and fight the Eternal Throne





I'm not so sure about him/her, but they should create a private military organization dedicated to destroying the Eternal Throne along with their alliance.





The Sith warrior was formerly known as the Emperor's wrath so he/she should probably restore the hand and plot against Empress Acina.





The Inquisitor was formerly a dark Council member so he/she should choose some Alliance main characters and rebuild the Dark Council.





The bounty Hunter is kind of tricky, but what I was thinking is that he/she builds a crime organization out of his Alliance and works in Zakuul's underworld against The Eternal Throne.





The Agent managed to bring down the Star Cabal and all that stuff so he/she should build a seceret spy network with the help of their alliance and the Shroud and feed both sides the dirty secerets of Zakuul.



That's all I can think off. What about the rest of you.

Edited by Slerdnico
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I doubt they will continue class story in Kotet . It would be nice..maybe the next expansion after it if peoples ask for it loud enough .



Don't forget not all JK players went LS and wanna stop Valk . Some embraced the darkness .




JC story was boring enough as it is , and ya want to throw them at a chancellor ? urgh




Smuggler , again not everyone went with the dark side here . But yeah I can see us at the head of a fleet spazzing and shooting .




RT arent you supposed to be dead ?but you could make a new Zaakul Squad instead




SW forget the hand . All a bunch of slave for Vititate and his Glory . I would never want that bunch of zealot back . If anything , my SW would go on the Hunt and kill them all so nobody ever do another ''Ritual'' to bring him back.




SI my Sith Inquisitor wouldn't restore that bunch of Idiots on the dark council . If she had her way , she become the new Emprore and erase the whole Dark council idea .




BH could rally all Mando under one Banner . Or all Merc under one Banner .




AI now the agent is very tricky since it has MANY ending . I have an Agent that went rogue and is Solo . She would Trust Scorpio over the rest of the damn Galaxy . As well as AI who is a double Agent and hopefully one day will move to the Repb . One agent that is still Loyal to the Empire but hate all Sith . So what they can do....is take over Lady of Sorrow Network (if Empire Loyale and maybe rally those Snake Brotherhood of crazy) . Or chase down Valk alone (If gone rogue and doesn't trust anyone ) . Or a Double agent would work to make the Noble or anyone who wouldn't to rally to the cause , think again .


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Not sure how much of a spoiler but re: Inquisitor:



What Dark Council? The Inquisitor is arguably Emperor. There's an option when you find out that Darth Acina declared herself Sith Empress due to sole survivor to answer to the effect of "Hey, that's mine!" And whether or not Acina acknowledged it, the SI has the strength to easily depose her. And the SI has a number of dialogue options throughout KoTFE on annexing Zakuul. Subtle.


The Wrath could make a similar power play on "might makes right" but it is the obvious next step for the SI. It's so obvious that I don't know what you do with that character afterwards.


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Not sure how much of a spoiler but re: Inquisitor:



What Dark Council? The Inquisitor is arguably Emperor. There's an option when you find out that Darth Acina declared herself Sith Empress due to sole survivor to answer to the effect of "Hey, that's mine!" And whether or not Acina acknowledged it, the SI has the strength to easily depose her. And the SI has a number of dialogue options throughout KoTFE on annexing Zakuul. Subtle.


The Wrath could make a similar power play on "might makes right" but it is the obvious next step for the SI. It's so obvious that I don't know what you do with that character afterwards.


Aye aye , I hear you :)



Same . I always though Sith Inquisitor (especially Dark Side) had the Potentiel and was Hinted to be able to walk a Path similar to the Emprore . Hence of all my toons ,she is the one I choose to take Valk powers as well as be Hungry to rule the Galaxy .


well the wrath could be emprore too . Just because Sith Inquisitor has a few dialogues , doesn't mean nobody else get the chance .


Although it is all in the end how we went our sith (and others character) to go .


I personally , play my Sith warrior more like Darth Marr . A warrior more suitable to lead the Sith army then rules . That too has its benefit and is fun .


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There will never be more class missions in this game, there might not even be faction specific missions in this game ever again because of the simple fact that it costs a lot more to do. Basically if they have to make class missions they have to pay writers voice actors and animators to do 8 stories, whereas if they make one story then they only have to pay those people to create one story that will service a lot more people and it will save them money, this is just how it is going to be, and it is about time people just accept the reality
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