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Pvp seasons in galactic starfighter


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Many people do not play galactic starfighter as they do not see the point in it. There have been no updates that compliment galactic starfighter either. I think that if there were regular seasons in galactic starfighter there would be more insensitive. I also think it would be great if our starfighters were faction wide. It's hard to keep track of each characters starfighter collection. Unlocking cosmetics for each character is also a hassle.


Another suggestion. Allow us to fly around our guild ships in our galactic starfighters. It would be a great way to practice with guild members.


Off topic: Let us display our starfighters in our stronghold.

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Signed, but it wouldn't be enough. GSF needs to be better integrated within the main game. Ground-PVP uses the same characters we play in PVE, just with different gear, big difference. GSF needs to integrate itself in different ways, like Strongholds did.


- Fleet Requisitions should replace Fleet Comms entirely and be required to purchase various rewards, items, crystals, decorations, mounts and unlocks in the game

- GSF daily/weekly should grant Reputation tokens for Republic First Fleet/Imperial Forward Command (Kuat) and Republic Hyperspace Armada/Imperial First Mobile Fleet (PVE Space)

- Class-ships should be added to Hangar, with Ship/Fleet requisitions replacing Ship Part upgrades, PVE on-rails space missions should grant Ship/Fleet Requisitions upon completition

- Starfighter customizations as rewards added in multiple sections of the game

- Conquests should emphasize GSF way more

- Hangars should be legacy/faction wide to encourage GSF play on all characters

- 'physical' Hangar-Strongholds within Fleet space should be added where our actual customized Starfighters could be displayed, additional rooms could be unlocked with Fleet Requisitions instead of Credits

- Fleet Requisitions donatable to Guilds as an option to unlock more rooms on Guildships

- I'm not even mentioning PVE Starfighter/off-rails space as its obvious but will likely never happen


etc. etc. Strongholds expansion was succesful because the Strongholds, decorations, crafting and Conquests got integrated within the rest of the game. Starfighter needs the same.

Edited by Pietrastor
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