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HK-51 Help


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Hi all,


i have been trying for 5 days now to get my hands on the last HK part. The one i need is on Dromund Kaas. I was able to get all the other parts rather easily but this last one is just so hard to find, i have spent about 2 hours a day for 5 days looking for it and found nothing.


The first day i was looking on my own, the second day i was in a group of 3, the third and fourth day i was with 1 other person, and now today is the fifth day and i have still had no luck. Its so frustrating, once i have HK im planning to start on the KOTFE for the first time.


Can anyone provide me with tips. i feel i have checked every inch of the temple approach multipal times. I joined the guild i am currently in to get the help of the members to help me find it, but only a hand full of the members were interested and their was on one on the planet that was interested in helping.


its driving me nuts not been able to find this last part.

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large area to cover so you just have to be sure you cover every square inch. Last time I farmed there solo, I simply started at the ramps leading up and moved across the map doing a line at a time. I used my Inquisitor and used the range of Force Storm as a guide as to the next strip to scan
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large area to cover so you just have to be sure you cover every square inch. Last time I farmed there solo, I simply started at the ramps leading up and moved across the map doing a line at a time. I used my Inquisitor and used the range of Force Storm as a guide as to the next strip to scan


^This. You don't have to do it exactly that way but you have to do it systematically. Just make sure that you don't miss a spot - don't just randomly try different spots.

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Also don't forget to ask from time to time whether other persons are searching too. If someone comes to the planet and accidentally digs up the part it will be placed in a different place. Thus making your previous search useless(it can move to already searched area).
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Well, the location is more or less random, so I don't know that coordinates from the 'Net will help too much. I have done it on 24 chars thus far, and I haven't found any likely "clusters". However, I have never found it on the top plateau, nor below the first ramp. Perhaps more often at the front and rear edges of the middle plateaus?



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Well, the location is more or less random, so I don't know that coordinates from the 'Net will help too much. I have done it on 24 chars thus far, and I haven't found any likely "clusters". However, I have never found it on the top plateau, nor below the first ramp. Perhaps more often at the front and rear edges of the middle plateaus?




Perhaps you don't know but I do know. It's actually like nodes. Not really random.

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Thanks for all your answer, still not found it yet today. Maybe tomorrow will be my day.


So far i have been searching like this, leave the exit to the outpost, then going directly to the left. then scan and keep walking to the right then scan again then work back to the left and back to the right. until i reach the temple.

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Like previously mentioned all of the HK parts have "nodes" locations so there are only a set number of spots it can be at technically. Waaaay back when I actually did it on all my toons at release after the first couple of times I just memorized where a couple of the places were and just went back every time I logged on and scanned those couple spots and it would usually pop up within a couple of days. So if you don't want to spend days doing it look up some youtube videos of it being done before and just go scan the specific spots off and on until it is in ones of those places. And be sure to change maps if multiple instances are up if trying a specific spot.


Or look up the x/y/z coordinates like mentioned also.

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Like previously mentioned all of the HK parts have "nodes" locations so there are only a set number of spots it can be at technically. Waaaay back when I actually did it on all my toons at release after the first couple of times I just memorized where a couple of the places were and just went back every time I logged on and scanned those couple spots and it would usually pop up within a couple of days. So if you don't want to spend days doing it look up some youtube videos of it being done before and just go scan the specific spots off and on until it is in ones of those places. And be sure to change maps if multiple instances are up if trying a specific spot.


Or look up the x/y/z coordinates like mentioned also.


how do you change the instances of the map?

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Found it, was searching again today (my 6th day) on my own. I had asked people in my guild and the planet to help but no one was interested.


But once i got within 25m of it i called out again and someone on the planet came to help, we found it within minutes that time.


If you are interested, this is where i found it HK-51 Temple Approach

Edited by JoeDin
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