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is there a problem with Kira?

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That's just a lacy bodysuit she puts on for meetings. She's a modest girl and doesn't feel comfortable with all her stuff hanging out when in polite company. She's also probably a little cold in that outfit.


In all seriousness, it's a texture bug that's been around in one form or another from almost the beginning of the game. Vector has had this same problem for at least 4 years.

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I put her in the republic dancer cloths


but for some reason when it goes into cinematic she ends up having a screwed up body



is anyone else having this sort of trouble or if you know how to fix this please tell me


I know it's not what you want to hear, but I have to say I rather like that look and wish it were available outside cutscenes (as separate set). :)


Companion looks have been bugged in cutscenes since forever, with unify color not working, dyes not working, customizations not showing etc. etc. I'd say it's just another one of those, sadly.

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i've had this problem for the longest time as well...i've sent in tickets to CS got a response and did all the things what they told me to do. Ended up having to re-install Swtor twice as well and it still isn't fixed. Another response i got from players was to update my drivers etc. did all that and also didn't fix anything. I ended up believing the problem was on my end but seeing other players are having this issue as well it might be the fault of the game afterall. Hopefully it'll get a proper fix soon.
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I know it's not what you want to hear, but I have to say I rather like that look and wish it were available outside cutscenes (as separate set). :)


Companion looks have been bugged in cutscenes since forever, with unify color not working, dyes not working, customizations not showing etc. etc. I'd say it's just another one of those, sadly.


I know. I spent so much time and credits getting Havoc squad in matching armor; just to have them look like hobo in all the cut scenes.

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I know. I spent so much time and credits getting Havoc squad in matching armor; just to have them look like hobo in all the cut scenes.


OMG, EXACTLY. I wanted them all in the Stealth armor set and thought to go the cheap route through using crafted pieces for everything but the chestpiece and just color match. Total waste of resources because every cutscenes was botched. But at least I got the final shot right, after outfitting them all with a full stealth set.

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That's just a lacy bodysuit she puts on for meetings. She's a modest girl and doesn't feel comfortable with all her stuff hanging out when in polite company. She's also probably a little cold in that outfit.


In all seriousness, it's a texture bug that's been around in one form or another from almost the beginning of the game. Vector has had this same problem for at least 4 years.


Vector's issue is a little different. He wears unitards & bras all the time, not just in cut scenes. But only with his default customization. The rest are fine. (Same with Scourge). When players kicked up a fuss about it when covert armor first got released, they fixed it, but left it bugged for every skin baring outfit since.

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I put her in the republic dancer cloths


but for some reason when it goes into cinematic she ends up having a screwed up body



is anyone else having this sort of trouble or if you know how to fix this please tell me

I had that issue with DS Jaesa, and there it is worse, because it affects her default clothes (bare mid-riff...).

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A lot of the cinematics are broken. For instance on my smuggler i regularly have 2 Risha in a big number of the cinematics.


If you really care enough, that can be fixed by walking out of and then back into the phase (you don't need to reset it, either).

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A lot of the cinematics are broken. For instance on my smuggler i regularly have 2 Risha in a big number of the cinematics.

I get that a *lot*. It happens in the scenes where you meet Commander Narloch on the Esseles - quite often his crew are duplicated. I've also seen it on Rishi, after the Battle of Rishi flashpoint, when everyone is in the safehouse. Well, when two copies of everyone are in the safehouse. Then Darth Marr and Satele Shan depart, leaving us with two Lanas, two Therons, and one copy each of all the Imp and Pub forces that came with DM and SS.


Usually, one copy (the bugged copy) of the duplicated person / people is static, while the other behaves normally.

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There are all sorts of clothing mis-matches in cut-scenes - and weapons too - especially in KoTFE - The couple of things you can do to make your companions unique- like lightsabre colours..... revert back to default for the scene. Suddenly guns you don't own appear to shoot people with....

They never really fixed a lot of clipping issues- so things like the Czerka coats getting tucked into your underpants is always amusing.


There's no money to be made fixing it, so BW will contunie to ignore it.


{La-la-la-la head in the sand. Oooh! look at the shiney things on the cartel market! Don't worry that you're doing 5-year old content again, coz there's nothing new.....}

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As a Sith warrior, when I got Jaesa as a companion, she had a top that is like a tank top, leaving her stomach & mid section exposed, but when it goes to a cut scene, It looks like the exposed areas were wrapped like a mummy. It has been that way since I started playing a few years ago & it does not look like they care to fix it.
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A lot of the cinematics are broken. For instance on my smuggler i regularly have 2 Risha in a big number of the cinematics.


The best (or worst) case of broken cinematics is all the cut scenes for the jedi consular involving the rift alliance on the ship. Duplicates everywhere, people sitting on other peoples lap, its quite surreal.

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Incidentally, I suspect this is one of the reasons we can't customize the KOTFE companions appearance. They don't want people to be going into carefully crafted cinematic storytelling and going, "Man, I did NOT dress my companion that way." Thereby distracting from the story and so on.
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