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[EXTREMELY IMPORTANT] HEROIC 4 -The Shroud Revealed /The Shroud' s Last Stand


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The shroud revealed is last part of the Macrobinacular Missions , and MUST NEED 4 PLAYERS:mad:, but it is impossible to self find 4 player including a healer anywere, either in fourm or on any planets public chat including the imperial Fleet

FOR HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE including me ,worked hard to do the whole chain of mission and without warning popped an MUST NEED 4 PLAYERS STORY ENDING MISSION , and what's the worst is that people don't want to abdone their mission but their are force to because of THEIR IS NO 4 PLAYER YOU CAN FIND, AND WHAT WORST! if you start the knight of the fallen empire the mission goes away because of the timeline


Their are choice to deal with this mission:


Take away the control panels that need four person to click on it at the same time and erase the part were The Shroud Makes clones of himself and you have to find the real one


Make an Group Finder JUST AS THE OTHER FLASHPOINTS DID,but I don't think you could find yourself a group even with group finder







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They should let players pull 2 more companions out and give them a few extra commands like triggering those panels or whatever object that's highlighted blue. It's the same kind of commands I witnessed when I played Star Wars: Republic Commando. You should try the game out to see what I mean. It's being sold on Steam/Valve.
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HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE including me ,worked hard to do the whole chain of mission and without warning popped an MUST NEED 4 PLAYERS STORY ENDING MISSION , and what's the worst is that people don't want to abdone their mission but their are force to because of THEIR IS NO 4 PLAYER YOU CAN FIND, AND WHAT WORST! if you start the knight of the fallen empire the mission goes away because of the timeline


If there really are HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE then why is it so hard to get 3 others to do it with you?


Also, I don't think EXTREMELY IMPORTANT means what you think it means.

Edited by PetFish
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I think this mission (and the mining droid) are old enough to just make it a soloable mission. It's served its purpose.


you maybe right if you are on a populated server but for me on Bergen Colony , it is extremely rare to find a group of 4

the most I found is an group of 3 , and that is to do the operation dread fortress

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Like any other story arc, they might as well make a way to finish this solo. Are there even any other Heroic 4 missions left outside of the seeker droid / macro binoculars missions? They should either make them solo or make them into FPs ... or both.


Making matters slightly worse is when you have several characters with that uncompleted mission still taking up space on their mission log. Sure, if you waste enough time trying / begging for a group, you might finish the story on one toon, but what about the rest? Nobody says you have to do this story, but obviously, the people that have gotten that far want to and it shouldn't be that hard to complete (especially on low-pop servers). The fact that it is hard to get a group together for that, indicates the group requirement was never a good idea in the first place.


On a side note , there have been several times where I was part of a group that had at least one person that didn't have the mission (on more than one of those heroics) and it kept us from completing it for some reason. So it's pretty "iffy" that you can just grab 3 friends or guildies and make it work. I'm sure some people have had no problems, but my experience has been the opposite (when using a group member without the mission).

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Reply: okay , okay thank you , but I switch my account to another server , now I am going to get a group

Like any other story arc, they might as well make a way to finish this solo. Are there even any other Heroic 4 missions left outside of the seeker droid / macro binoculars missions? They should either make them solo or make them into FPs ... or both.


Making matters slightly worse is when you have several characters with that uncompleted mission still taking up space on their mission log. Sure, if you waste enough time trying / begging for a group, you might finish the story on one toon, but what about the rest? Nobody says you have to do this story, but obviously, the people that have gotten that far want to and it shouldn't be that hard to complete (especially on low-pop servers). The fact that it is hard to get a group together for that, indicates the group requirement was never a good idea in the first place.


On a side note , there have been several times where I was part of a group that had at least one person that didn't have the mission (on more than one of those heroics) and it kept us from completing it for some reason. So it's pretty "iffy" that you can just grab 3 friends or guildies and make it work. I'm sure some people have had no problems, but my experience has been the opposite (when using a group member without the mission).

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you maybe right if you are on a populated server but for me on Bergen Colony , it is extremely rare to find a group of 4

the most I found is an group of 3 , and that is to do the operation dread fortress


I am on BC have several characters on this quest but have yet to actually see any on post up a lfg on empire fleet or group finder.

The only reason I have yet to do it is because I don't want to take the time to get a group going which is probably the true root of the problem. No one wants to take the time.

Try posting up in the server forums.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, Devs! (And Eric!) It's been almost 3 and a half years since the Macrobinocular and Seeker Droid Quests were added into the game, and very few people do the quests, and the ones that do get stopped by the Heroic's (Or only do the Macro quests to get the "Find the MCR-99 Droids" achievement. And trying to find a group on the fleet or in a guild (If you have one) is a pain in the butt. Also, it's pretty clear that the HK Bonus Chapter is going to heavily involve the Shroud, so it is the perfect time to make the change!


Technically, with the [HEROIC 4] The Alchemy of Evil/Uprooting the Last Seed, [HEROIC 4] All The Pieces/Dark Design, and [HEROIC 4] The Shroud’s Last Stand/The Shroud Revealed, there are six heroic 4's for the two questlines. :eek: I feel like adding them to the GF wouldn't do much either, and be just a band-aid.


The best thing to do is retweak them to a solo mode (Since they all require 4 people at some point, make it so you only need to do one part, instead of four, Like the Solo Mode Esseles only requires you to Slice one of the power consoles, instead of both.), and either give us the God Droid from the Solo FP's, or some Strong type trooper NPC's to help us out! And making the Heroic quests change to the Solo mode retroactively would be important too, since you don't want to lock people out.


Sorry for the long winded post, this is one of the few wishlist things I want from BWA. (Other than a Solo mode to the ending of the Oricon Storyline, and more KotOR Armors!) :rak_01:

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I called this out when it was released, id go back and look for my post but i couldn't be bothered.

Basically, I said it was a bad design because after the main populous has run through it, it would get harder and harder for people down the track to find people willing to do it.

Its a cool mission and It would be kind of sad if it was converted to solo as that would amount to just walking in the room to fight him.

I suggested back then to add it to the group finder and reward some crystals and decent credits to entice people to run it for a weekly or even daily. so people can get it done years later without too much problem.

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I can try to formulate this problem more generally: there are some missions [Heroic 4] which have to be done with a full group of 4 or at least 3 and 1 companion, because they contain some kind of puzzles. Currently these are the final macrobinocular missions, seeker droid missions and half-forgotten Colicoid War Game.


All such missions should be queue-able via Group Finder.


Maybe outside of daily / weekly bonuses, maybe in the separate section, but should be included anyway. Now all they are missed in GF, which makes the searching for allies too long, too boring and not always possible at all. Alternatively, these puzzles may be redesigned with common [Heroic 2+] approach.

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There's nothing wrong with some things not being able to obtain any longer, but this isn't even the case, you can still get it you just need to be patient and gather a few other players.


Don't go "I must get this done tonight" and then be upset and disappointed that nobody else is around.


I suggest every day just casually asking on Fleet but don't get so focused that if you don't get your group your day is ruined. Ask, wait, go do something, ask again, wait, go do something, etc. Eventually you'll get it.

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I'm on both sides of the fence with this. It took months and months to finish both the macrobinoculor and the seeker droid missions because of trying to find group members to do them. Even when I was able to get a group many times a member would leave not understanding what they needed to do and getting frustrated or thinking it was something done real quick but really didn't want to spend actual time to do it.


Making these solo would be great because of what I mention above.


At the same time, making these solo would destroy the awesomeness of these missions.


Add a GF tab for custom activities could be a solution and would work for more than just these missions. Advertise for a group for the Shroud, the Dark Seed, Dailies, World bosses, Warzones, GSF, Star Fortresses, Heroics, OPs, etc. This would make Group Finder really earn it's name. Anyone who has played WoW in the passed couple years knows what I'm talking about and was used to create any kind of group a player wanted from rep farming to FP groups to RP groups to PvP groups to raids to etc. etc. etc.


Another option would be to make it optional to complete it as either solo or Heroic like the Star Fortresses.


Edit: For the Shroud, maybe put a time limit on the buttons and targets long enough that you can run from one to the next and be able to do them solo, in essence making it a sort of an obstacle course.

Edited by Keraejis
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Is running these going to be necessary for the bonus chapter I wonder? I know nothing about Shroud so am I likely to be missing out on a fair bit of background lore as I have never run these, it was always a case of me levelling to the next big story and stuff like this got left by the wayside as I had heard how difficult it was to get groups for this.
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I'd say at the very least add the missions as repeatable Heroic 4s available on the planetary and fleet heroic terminals. Retuning the macrobinocular and seeker droid heroics may not be possible at the moment but this would at least make finding others to run those missions a lot easier. Edited by RAZIM
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At least on the shroud H4, if someone without the mission kills the droid on the bridge after the panel pushing anoyance the next door will not open. People without the mission CANNOT get the killing blow or the instance bugs.


Seriously these needs to be turned into flashpoints or solo-able.


If you have to offer credits to get people to run it, then you have obviously proven there is a problem with the quest.

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If you have to offer credits to get people to run it, then you have obviously proven there is a problem with the quest.


It's not a problem with the quest. It's a problem with people. Nowadays most players are only concerned with "What's in it for me?" "Oh? 20 mil? Sure I'll go help you do a 15 minute mission for 20 mil." :rolleyes:

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Those two Shroud FPs could be easily combined into one tactical FP; then we wouldn't have to stay on fleet, desperately searching for 3 players who are also on this part of the quest or willing to help. Some people will hate this FP, because of the puzzles where you can't just jump at stuff and smash it, but that's just fair, others don't like KDY.


BW could also add a new roleplay (aka "babble & puzzles") flashpoint category to groupfinder, including SM Esseles / Black Talon, Colicoid Wargames and The Shroud's End.

Edited by Mubrak
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