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Hug a Dev Month


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I was just down at the court house in Austin and ran into a Bioware lawyer, mumbling something about TROs. Seems the developers are being hug-attacked. Strange, I wonder what brought that on?


Were you at the police station before the court house too?

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I find it interesting that a number of people aren't able to just pull themselves out of the negativity and just on a human level appreciate other human beings.


I currently stopped playing the game, though my sub isn't out just yet, but I don't blame the developers for the reasons why. I do also realise that some people do not distinguish between the developers and other members of BW like for example the ones in charge who make the decisions. I have problems with what I perceive as the leadership but I can only have respect what the developers have accomplished in spite of all the circumstances they undoubtedly have set against them.


I certainly have been critical of the game and particularly at the moment but I still am able to send a hug and warm greetings to the developers and I could do the same for the management, because at the end of the day we are all human beings with flaws and we need to be able to set our differences aside for at least a moment and acknowledge each other in a positive way. No matter how angry we can get, they are not criminals, they didn't kill any real people (even the npcs in game have a tendency to come back from the dead on more than one occasion ;) ). So yeh, I'm not happy with some of the aspects of the game and how it's run but I am also able to be grateful for all the positives that are there and for that I shall say thank you Bioware.


You hit the nail perfectly on the head, and gave a great summation of how things really are. It's too bad more people can't step back for a minute and really consider people.

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You hit the nail perfectly on the head, and gave a great summation of how things really are. It's too bad more people can't step back for a minute and really consider people.


It's a balance act. My example upthread- I respect and appreciate the devs, but I do not respect and appreciate the people who are the ones who milk the game for all it is worth and don't seem to be putting the funds back into the game for things like bug fixes (AGENT STORY BUGS FFS [as an example]!). The evil bean counters and evil suits.

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It's a balance act. My example upthread- I respect and appreciate the devs, but I do not respect and appreciate the people who are the ones who milk the game for all it is worth and don't seem to be putting the funds back into the game for things like bug fixes (AGENT STORY BUGS FFS [as an example]!). The evil bean counters and evil suits.


Totally, totally agree! It's the suits up top that most often stifle games to the point of failure. Rather than reinvesting for greater growth, they continue to suck out every last cent, and then tie the hands of the real development staff at every turn. Game companies manage to gain success in spite of corporate, not because of corporate.

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Totally, totally agree! It's the suits up top that most often stifle games to the point of failure. Rather than reinvesting for greater growth, they continue to suck out every last cent, and then tie the hands of the real development staff at every turn. Game companies manage to gain success in spite of corporate, not because of corporate.


I have learned a saying which apparently comes from American Business :


"If it works, then run it into the ground."


Nothing more needs to be said.


[ It means that it a thing works, then it should be reapeated and exploited until it is hopelessly broken. Like a plough run into the ground [ the plough's metal bar / scythe totally gone eroded ] because of too much use. ]

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I have learned a saying which apparently comes from American Business :


"If it works, then run it into the ground."


Nothing more needs to be said.


[ It means that it a thing works, then it should be reapeated and exploited until it is hopelessly broken. Like a plough run into the ground [ the plough's metal bar / scythe totally gone eroded ] because of too much use. ]


Fairly accurate

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I have learned a saying which apparently comes from American Business :


"If it works, then run it into the ground."


Nothing more needs to be said.


[ It means that it a thing works, then it should be reapeated and exploited until it is hopelessly broken. Like a plough run into the ground [ the plough's metal bar / scythe totally gone eroded ] because of too much use. ]


"I want it all and I need it right now"- a line from a song came to mind as I read your post.

Your description also made me think of my math homework where I had (hypothetically) a 30 loan at 7% interest on a house, and at year ten interest rates went down to 6% and I was to consider refinancing what I still had to pay being refinanced at the new rate. Would have saved a couple hundred dollars a month, but the refinance was for another 30 years so I'd be paying more in the long run for a short-term boost in what sits in my pocket. (I know, refinance for 15 or 20 years at 6% would have been better, still paying a higher monthly bill, but get house paid off sooner or something, but that was not an option for the blasted math assignment, and in the scenario there weren't other circumstances to consider.)


Short Term gains at the cost of Long Term earnings... Evil bean counters and suits!

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"I want it all and I need it right now"- a line from a song came to mind as I read your post.

Your description also made me think of my math homework where I had (hypothetically) a 30 loan at 7% interest on a house, and at year ten interest rates went down to 6% and I was to consider refinancing what I still had to pay being refinanced at the new rate. Would have saved a couple hundred dollars a month, but the refinance was for another 30 years so I'd be paying more in the long run for a short-term boost in what sits in my pocket. (I know, refinance for 15 or 20 years at 6% would have been better, still paying a higher monthly bill, but get house paid off sooner or something, but that was not an option for the blasted math assignment, and in the scenario there weren't other circumstances to consider.)


Short Term gains at the cost of Long Term earnings... Evil bean counters and suits!


That internalized mantra has been the largest obstacle to getting any new groundbreaking quality mmo games. That's why the mmo market has been stymied for years with little success. I would argue one of the last groundbreaking MMo's was swg, but that short sighted view eventually made its way to that game too, and as a result turned out the way it did.

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That internalized mantra has been the largest obstacle to getting any new groundbreaking quality mmo games. That's why the mmo market has been stymied for years with little success. I would argue one of the last groundbreaking MMo's was swg, but that short sighted view eventually made its way to that game too, and as a result turned out the way it did.


I'm sorry SWG was not ground breaking. I know a lot of people would agree. Just because you liked it doesn't mean it was greatest game ever. It did something well and other things horrible like ever other game on the market.

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I'm sorry SWG was not ground breaking. I know a lot of people would agree. Just because you liked it doesn't mean it was greatest game ever. It did something well and other things horrible like ever other game on the market.


It was groundbreaking regardless if I liked it or not. There are so many rich groundbreaking features of swg that have yet to be touched even today. And the fact that many people still extol the virtues of those feature still, is a testament to their design. I would recommend really reading up on swg before make absurd statements.



Ask yourself this too, 5 years after swtor shutsdown, do you think anyone will be talking about its great features other than voice overs?

Edited by Holocron
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It was groundbreaking regardless if I liked it or not. There are so many rich groundbreaking features of swg that have yet to be touched even today. And the fact that many people still extol the virtues of those feature still, is a testament to their design. I would recommend really reading up on swg before make absurd statements.



Ask yourself this too, 5 years after swtor shutsdown, do you think anyone will be talking about its great features other than voice overs?


ROFL You see SWG like everyone does with MMO of the past through rose colored glasses. Yes people will talk about SWTOR and all the great things about it after shutdown. Just like people do with all their favorite MMO. I see things SWTOR does great; talk about on other game forums now. If SWG was so ground break and amazing. Ever other MMO forum would have people talking about all the great things about it. But I have only ever seen that game talked about here because of 2 little words. SW.

Edited by Warrgames
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As a counterpoint:

HOWEVER, there is one take away from all of that. Players are fickle and mean. They will always find reasons to nitpick and attack. And while some players may have more valid reasons than others, we all sort of forget one thing. And that is Love them, or hate them, the devs are the whipping post for all our grievances. I'm sure the reality is that many work hard, and maybe even long hours, yet they have to endure the constant abuse and hatred. Sure it may come with the territory, but I want to try win them with honey for once.


I was going to hug a dev, but then I remembered that at previous times devs didn't react well to personal interaction with players. So I decided against interaction. It's better this way.


I might hug a dev down the road, but if they get mad about how imperfect my hug is, I may withhold it until a time it is without flaws and can be appreciated, but I am afraid to tell them this, lest they mock my imperfect hugging skills. So I will just say nothing and duck away when they come at me for that hug.


Desperate to make up for this, I promised them a big hug at the Star Wars celebration, but instead decided to show them a picture of someone else hugging....that they had already seen.


Upset, they asked me repeatedly when and if I would ever give them a hug. I told them that I was working on a plan to hug them, but didn't want to say if and when it would happen. Hugs are tricky things.



1. They aren't all the constant target of ridicule and abuse. Some never post/read the forums or interact with the community at all. In fact, relatively few people could name you more than one or two actual devs by name.

2. An actual Customer Service department, Better communication, fewer screw ups, and some integrity could fix a good chunk of the reasons behind the "abuse and hatred". For the rest, it's the same as any other business dealing with annoying customers.

3. Concerning "winning them with honey for once", what did you try to win them with before? What do you get if you do "win them"? Is there a secret Eric Musco stronghold deco known only to the most elite super secret sects of Bioware's white knights?

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1. They aren't all the constant target of ridicule and abuse. Some never post/read the forums or interact with the community at all. In fact, relatively few people could name you more than one or two actual devs by name.

2. An actual Customer Service department, Better communication, fewer screw ups, and some integrity could fix a good chunk of the reasons behind the "abuse and hatred". For the rest, it's the same as any other business dealing with annoying customers.

3. Concerning "winning them with honey for once", what did you try to win them with before? What do you get if you do "win them"? Is there a secret Eric Musco stronghold deco known only to the most elite super secret sects of Bioware's white knights?


3. Yes, you don't have one? It looks awesome on my Yavin Stronghold. And my super secret classified Alderaan -oops.

2. No argument.

1. Well, there was that one time. But on the forums, I've frequently read people saying "the devs don't care" and similar comments, so that could be one way of considering "target of ridicule and abuse". "The devs" not "Dev Jones" or something, just "the devs" because we don't have names to individualize people as.

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