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Remove the minigame of inventory and credit management.


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I want to say I appreciate all the work Bioware has done two take care of the inventory problem. Right now I have 2 major problems with inventory and credit management and 3 minor ones.

1. Keeping all the different pieces of armor in case I need them to complete a look later. I need one for each character if the piece isn’t in collections or can’t be made by a crafter. That means I have 3-4 tabs for each armor piece.

2. Mat storage while it was nice you made components to help with storage. The problem is you still need to keep green and white mats in their gather format.

3. Not a major problem but like to see address is transferring credits is a pain.

4. Cartel market armor of uncompleted sets.

5. dye storage


Some solutions

1. Allow all armor, weapons and offhand items that can’t be crafted to be unlocked in collection. If you have a full set of an armor look, weapon or offhand item. It will unlock in collection on that character. It can be unlocked account wide for a CC cost. What you can get out of collection is a shell that can have mods put in it but with no mods inside it.


What the above does is remove the need to store armor for use in outfit designer. Since it doesn’t include armor that can be crafted it should have no effect on crafters. It also fixes in a work around the not being able to put weapons in the outfit designer by give you a weapon that looks the same but can have mods put in it. The only down side is the ability to get armor that doesn’t take mods to one that does. Since almost all of us have at least one set of armor that takes mods. It really doesn’t matter. It also doesn’t hurt the GTN loot marker because that market has been dead since before KotFE. In fact, it might help it since people will be looking for the piece they are missing.



2. Get rid gathered green and white mats from all recipes. Also remove all Crafting companions and replace them with Scavenging component, Bioanalysis component and Artifice Component.

a. Scavenging Component would replace Armor, Cyber and Arms Components

b. Bioanalysis Component would replace Biochem Component. (this step not needed really just a name change)

c. Artifice would replace Synth and Archaeology components.


What this does is allow people convert all other and green gathered mats in to components for storage. It also combines crafting skill components that already use the same recipes. This makes life easier for everyone.



3. Please allow us to store credits in legacy bank if we are a subbed and spend those credits directing.



4. Allow it to keep the partial unlocks in collects even if we delete the armor. Also allow those to be legacy wide unlock on the character that unlocks the last piece.


This would mean if you are 3/5 Satele armor set on your main and you get your last 2 piece on another character and equip them. It would still unlock in collects for the character that got the last 2 pieces. It would also mean I would stay 3/5 even if I delete those 3 piece to make room in my inventory.


5. Please add dyes and weapon tuning to collections. I wouldn’t have a problem with them not being in collections if I could by them directly off the Cartel Market. I can’t so adding them to collections doesn’t hurt the cartel market..

Edited by Dalagante
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I don't see any issue with inventory managment, you must not be doing a good job of it personally, you have more than enough cargo bay slots, inventory slots and legacy bay slots once fully unlocked not to mention all the additional characters you can use as pack mules if you really need them. Maybe you have a hording problem?

3. Please allow us to store credits in legacy bank if we are a subbed and spend those credits directing.


5. Please add dyes and weapon tuning to collections.


About the only 2 things I agree with in the whole post, The credits in the legacy bank would be very useful and it's already implemented in the guild bank so why not allow it for legacy as well?


As for the dyes and weapon tuning, it's a kick in the pants for dyes to be single use items, accidentally using a good dye module results in it being lost for all eternity so a collections system for this would be nice

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I want to say I appreciate all the work Bioware has done two take care of the inventory problem. Right now I have 2 major problems with inventory and credit management and 3 minor ones.

1. Keeping all the different pieces of armor in case I need them to complete a look later. I need one for each character if the piece isn’t in collections or can’t be made by a crafter. That means I have 3-4 tabs for each armor piece.

2. Mat storage while it was nice you made components to help with storage. The problem is you still need to keep green and white mats in their gather format.

3. Not a major problem but like to see address is transferring credits is a pain.

4. Cartel market armor of uncompleted sets.

5. dye storage


Some solutions

1. Allow all armor, weapons and offhand items that can’t be crafted to be unlocked in collection. If you have a full set of an armor look, weapon or offhand item. It will unlock in collection on that character. It can be unlocked account wide for a CC cost. What you can get out of collection is a shell that can have mods put in it but with no mods inside it.

Make one change here, and I can get behind it. You want this change, you say, to help with creating looks in Outfit Designer. So let's make it compatible with that: the shells have no modification slots and are useful only for OD and companions. That sounds cool.


Or implement an Outfit Designer like the one in Runes of Magic. Theirs was called the Magic Wardrobe (MW), and it had a sort of secondary inventory panel. This panel contained only "lookable" items - costume pieces and gear items. Putting costume items in there was free, while it cost one "aggregator" (stats/look fusion item) to put a piece of gear in there. The MW inventory was shared among all characters (account? server? not sure, I only played on one server). There was also a dress-up-doll section in there, like the Character panel, where for each armour slot you could choose between the real gear you used, any item in the MW inventory that worked in that slot, or nothing at all - undies included, thanks.

2. Get rid gathered green and white mats from all recipes. Also remove all Crafting companions and replace them with Scavenging component, Bioanalysis component and Artifice Component.

a. Scavenging Component would replace Armor, Cyber and Arms Components

b. Bioanalysis Component would replace Biochem Component. (this step not needed really just a name change)

c. Artifice would replace Synth and Archaeology components.


What this does is allow people convert all other and green gathered mats in to components for storage. It also combines crafting skill components that already use the same recipes. This makes life easier for everyone.


3. Please allow us to store credits in legacy bank if we are a subbed and spend those credits directing.

Forum search is your friend. This has been discussed to death. Repeatedly. The answer is no, especially for direct spend.

4. Allow it to keep the partial unlocks in collects even if we delete the armor. Also allow those to be legacy wide unlock on the character that unlocks the last piece.


This would mean if you are 3/5 Satele armor set on your main and you get your last 2 piece on another character and equip them. It would still unlock in collects for the character that got the last 2 pieces. It would also mean I would stay 3/5 even if I delete those 3 piece to make room in my inventory.

I understand, perhaps, why they don't want to do this, but sure, I'd like it.


Picky point: once you have equipped an item that is part of a set, you can indeed delete it, and the fact that you unlocked it is remembered. (It stays green in the tool-tips, but just for that character.)

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  • 3 months later...

This is just the most recent thread of many since 2012 that came up in my search, but I have to say inventory management is painful enough that it has prompted me to come post on the forums when I would rather just be playing the game. These are some basic quality of life issues that it feels like could have been dealt with long ago for a game that's been around this long now.


These are my suggestions to dramatically improve inventory management:


Consistency: The same options should be consistent across vendor inventories, personal inventory, and cargo bay inventories, including legacy. If I can sort or filter for something in one, I should be able to do the same in all. I would even suggest that crafting interface filter and sort options should also be consistent with inventories, since they are related, but make the inventories consistent, at the very least. Please.


Text Search: Please include a text search to help me quickly find an item in any inventory window. It's incredibly painful mousing over dozens of items in a cargo bay looking for that one particular piece you need. Same goes for vendors, especially when upgrading mods on alts - don't make me scroll through the vendor's entire inventory looking for an item when I know exactly what I need, let me type it in a search box and filter to my item.


Better sort & filter criteria: Filtering a vendor list by "usable" items is really not helpful at all when it shows my sith warrior bounty hunter armor. If the options are going to be so limited, why not filter by class, at the very least? A better improvement would to allow the text search so I can filter by a name for a set or mod that I want. Similarly, sorting by price and quality does me no good at all when a vendor has items for multiple classes and the list happily mixes them all together so I still have to browse through stuff I can't use trying to pick out the pieces I actually want. Having a better search & sort system would also allow for fewer vendors, as it wouldn't be as important to break up item lists across several vendors just to manage class and level differences.


Better criteria would include:


  • Sort by Level
  • Sort by Type (Amor, Weapon, Mod, Trade Good, etc)
  • Sort by Slot
  • keep Sort by Quality and Price (these are useful only in a filtered list, but not with the current filtering options)



  • Filter by Level
  • Filter by Class
  • Filter by Type
  • Filter by Slot
  • Filter by Bound status (Unbound / Legacy Bound / Bound)
  • Text Filter


Same criteria applies equally to vendor, character inventory, and cargo holds; see Consistency, above.


As a related item, please allow me to select to purchase multiple items at once consistently on all vendors. I can buy a stack of trade goods when I need something for crafting, but I can't buy 9 mods at once? Why not?


If this game is going to have another 5 years or more of life, then please make these changes sooner rather than later. Don't make the player base suffer any more than necessary.

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I would definitely love to be able to store credits in the legacy bank (and use them with any of my characters without having to go make a withdrawl).


Regarding cartel market armor sets, I'd love it if there were more details in the hover-over info, like:

1. In addition to "unlocked in collections" and "unlocked for character" add "unlockable in collections". Would be nice to know on hover-over if I can unlock it in collections, rather than having to look at my inventory, open up the collections window, and cross-reference. This would help me more quickly identify which sets I can sell if they're not bound to me yet.

2. Some way of identifying on hover-over which pieces of a set characters in my legacy already have, and if each piece is bound to that character or not. When we're dealing with dozens of characters (as some of us are), having this kind of info available on hover-over is such a time-saver, rather than having to log in and out of bunches of characters to cross-reference what gear they have. Especially since we have limited space in the legacy bank, and a lot of that is usually taken up by mats and such. (If we had ten times the amount of space in the legacy bank, this would be less of an issue.)

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I don't see any issue with inventory managment, you must not be doing a good job of it personally, you have more than enough cargo bay slots, inventory slots and legacy bay slots once fully unlocked not to mention all the additional characters you can use as pack mules if you really need them. Maybe you have a hording problem?



About the only 2 things I agree with in the whole post, The credits in the legacy bank would be very useful and it's already implemented in the guild bank so why not allow it for legacy as well?


As for the dyes and weapon tuning, it's a kick in the pants for dyes to be single use items, accidentally using a good dye module results in it being lost for all eternity so a collections system for this would be nice


I agree with you and what you pointed out except for one thing, dyes need to remain out of collections. We need more reason for crafters to actually do their thing and craft.

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