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SW:Rebels Season III


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Edit I; Enter Thrawn - Q&A with Timothy Zahn


Edit II; Season 3 opens September 24


Edit III;


Edit IV: 10 days left to go >> Dark?


Edit V: Meet "The Bendu"


Edit VI; Food for speculation; watch this breakdown of the first trailer for season 3


Edit VII; Prepare to get 'Thrawned away', and hear the actors thought on season 3


Edit VIII; Seems like Saw gonna join us when season 3 picks up again!!


Edit IX;


Edit X;

mini documentary


Edit XI; So how hard is it to wield a dark saber?


Edit: XII; So we're just about a week away for Rebels to pick up after the Hiatus: "Trails of the

" left things kinda hanging, as it should.


Edit XIII; "Legacy of the Dark saber"

Edited by t-darko
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Just to connect some with the threads headline; The SW;R Season 3 trailer received standing ovations as it was apparently clear that thrawn was about to come back in from the cold and rejoin Canon. Strong characters and stories will not be ignored; It actually was a pure joy to watch Filoni at the panels, his commitment and engagement to Star Wars is really coming across at those moments.


The trailer contains so many aspects of Canon that it feels really packed: Three defected Imperial junior cadets and you hear one of them introduce himself; "You can call me Wedge. . ."

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I agree! I am super excited that they are digging into the EU and bringing in old Characters. As much as I was resistant to Rebels to start, I really love how they are tying the show together with the movies and the "legends" EU.
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This is the last season, right? I think they are trying to go out on a big bang, before moving on to the next series (which is set around ANH-ESB-RTJ timeframe).

Is it? I believe S1 stated five years before ANH, so I'd anything I would suspect they would be aiming for five seasons.


Also, what is this series set during the OT you mentioned? I don't recall hearing anything about that.

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Is it? I believe S1 stated five years before ANH, so I'd anything I would suspect they would be aiming for five seasons.


Also, what is this series set during the OT you mentioned? I don't recall hearing anything about that.


Something that was mentioned back in February (and, sort of a follow-up on something Lucas was working on, that Disney took over).

Basically, they already had the arcs worked out for the Rebel crew, and pretty much knew how they would end up (and not cross canon). I vaguely remember Filoni talking about how they had plotted out the ending for the story arc after the season two ender...

...and in an interview, they talked a bit about a possible followup series (kinda like how Rebels was a follow-up to the second version of the Clone Wars). Filoni said something along the lines that the third series would run about the same time as the original trilogy.

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Something that was mentioned back in February (and, sort of a follow-up on something Lucas was working on, that Disney took over).

Basically, they already had the arcs worked out for the Rebel crew, and pretty much knew how they would end up (and not cross canon). I vaguely remember Filoni talking about how they had plotted out the ending for the story arc after the season two ender...

...and in an interview, they talked a bit about a possible followup series (kinda like how Rebels was a follow-up to the second version of the Clone Wars). Filoni said something along the lines that the third series would run about the same time as the original trilogy.


I can say that the Rebel panel didn't mention any of the sort, but there was a great emphasis on Rebels setting up the events in Rouge one.

Edited by t-darko
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Enter Thrawn - Q&A with Timothy Zahn:


"As revealed at Star Wars Celebration Europe, the legendary Grand Admiral Thrawn will be appearing in season three of Star Wars Rebels, and in a new novel, penned by Timothy Zahn, the creator of the character.


Lucasfilm asked Zahn about his thoughts on Thrawn’s upcoming tales in this exclusive Q&A:




Q: How does it feel to be returning to Thrawn?


It’s very exciting. A writer never knows which characters are going to click with the readers, and it was highly gratifying to me that Thrawn captured the imaginations of so many people over the past quarter century.


Over the years I’ve written a lot of books and stories that featured him, but with this book I’ll be visiting a part of his life that I never before had a chance to explore.


Part of the fun of writing him, of course, is that I get to play with tactics and strategies. Hopefully, he’ll be pulling a few tricks on his opponents that the readers will enjoy.


Q: You’ve already seen advance footage of the Rebels TV show. What was it like seeing Thrawn on screen for the first time?


When I visited Lucasfilm, I only saw a single cut from Episode 1, the scene of him entering the show for the first time. But even that short bit was awesome, and just a bit surrealistic. Authors don’t get to see our creations come to life very often, and it was a real treat to see a walking, talking Grand Admiral Thrawn.


Q: Can you give us any hints about the story and what readers will learn in the new book?


Thrawn will span several years of the Star Wars timeline, beginning with his first encounter with the Empire and ending just before the opening of Rebels Season 3.


Q: Are you incorporating any elements from your previous Star Wars books into the new Thrawn novel?


I’ve thrown in a few bits and pieces. Nothing too blatant, just little Easter eggs for those who are familiar with my other books.


You have to be careful with such things, because you don’t want new readers wondering what’s going on or – worse – feeling like they’re being left out of some private joke. But that shouldn’t be a problem with any of the references here.


Q: Will Thrawn be interacting with any of the Ghost crew or other Rebels characters in the new book?


There will be an occasional brush with pre-established and familiar Star Wars characters. You’ll just have to wait to see which ones."

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So, I revisited Season 2 they other day; concluding that for me the highlights of the season were "Siege of Lotal", "the Lost Commanders", "The Honorable Ones" and of course "Twilight of the Apprentice" being the absolute high light. Seeing Episode 1 and the last episodes in succession really shows the journey that Rebels took during season 2, both episodes(Well all three to be correct) is some awesome Star Wars Storytelling.


Malachor is growing into a focus point in the whole "New Canon" story of the Jedi vs the Sith. With the Bendu creature coming up in Season 3 we now have some giant loose ends that need to be tied together concerning the Force; Mortis, the entities that Yoda encounters in "The Lost Missions" together with Malachor and of course "The Bendu" added to all that!?. What we know from the episodes on "The Lost Missions" is that to become a Jedi in Yoda's caliber, you need to face down your fears on a real dark level, sort of battle with the Dark Side for control over your Force connection to stay in true balance. And Balance seems to be the new Theme, well not new in the"brand new" sense but rather, the answer to what really is "Balance in the Force" and what do that actually mean!?


Can't help to think that Ezra's new look somewhat resembles the look of Galen Marek, and ad to that the Dark Force exploration he seems to embark on, the real question is - How will Ezra find Balance in the Force? The Season 3 trailer olsa reveals that Kanaan will have an encounter with "The Bendu" and have some major Force revelations on his own, and is that new beard a sign of a "Wise Jedi" in the making? Somehow the Mask-helmet feels like a cocoon and that something powerful and different will emerge once it comes off!!


Lastly Filoni stating that we'll see some build up to Rogue One in Rebels also makes me more than curious . . .

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So, I revisited Season 2 they other day; concluding that for me the highlights of the season were "Siege of Lotal", "the Lost Commanders", "The Honorable Ones" and of course "Twilight of the Apprentice" being the absolute high light. Seeing Episode 1 and the last episodes in succession really shows the journey that Rebels took during season 2, both episodes(Well all three to be correct) is some awesome Star Wars Storytelling.


Malachor is growing into a focus point in the whole "New Canon" story of the Jedi vs the Sith. With the Bendu creature coming up in Season 3 we now have some giant loose ends that need to be tied together concerning the Force; Mortis, the entities that Yoda encounters in "The Lost Missions" together with Malachor and of course "The Bendu" added to all that!?. What we know from the episodes on "The Lost Missions" is that to become a Jedi in Yoda's caliber, you need to face down your fears on a real dark level, sort of battle with the Dark Side for control over your Force connection to stay in true balance. And Balance seems to be the new Theme, well not new in the"brand new" sense but rather, the answer to what really is "Balance in the Force" and what do that actually mean!?


Can't help to think that Ezra's new look somewhat resembles the look of Galen Marek, and ad to that the Dark Force exploration he seems to embark on, the real question is - How will Ezra find Balance in the Force? The Season 3 trailer olsa reveals that Kanaan will have an encounter with "The Bendu" and have some major Force revelations on his own, and is that new beard a sign of a "Wise Jedi" in the making? Somehow the Mask-helmet feels like a cocoon and that something powerful and different will emerge once it comes off!!


Lastly Filoni stating that we'll see some build up to Rogue One in Rebels also makes me more than curious . . .

I think it's pretty clear the Ezra will be Snoke


Kanaan and Maul are playing tug of war the Ezra, Kanaan will get killed at the end, guilt over that, along with his parents being killed by the empire and his hate for the Sith (which is shown in the preview clips) will lead him to join Maul in an effort to get revenge on Vader and Palapatine...they will make their move too soon, Maul gets killed, Ezra maimed pretty bad, he goes into hiding while biding his time and starts the KOR

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I think it's pretty clear the Ezra will be Snoke


Kanaan and Maul are playing tug of war the Ezra, Kanaan will get killed at the end, guilt over that, along with his parents being killed by the empire and his hate for the Sith (which is shown in the preview clips) will lead him to join Maul in an effort to get revenge on Vader and Palapatine...they will make their move too soon, Maul gets killed, Ezra maimed pretty bad, he goes into hiding while biding his time and starts the KOR


I seriously doubt Ezra is Snoke.


IIRC, part of Snoke's story is that he saw the rise of the empire. Ezra was born when the Empire was founded, that is, already risen.


Another problem, Snoke is recorded as not being human

Snoke was a humanoid alien who witnessed the rise and eventual fall of the Galactic Empire


Edited by MadDutchman
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I'm just curious if they might do the old find evidence of the Death Star but have it like spread out among the episodes making mention of it in some.


They've already had a hint of it in Season 2 on Geonosis. I think it's a good bet that there will be more, leading into Rogue One.

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They've already had a hint of it in Season 2 on Geonosis. I think it's a good bet that there will be more, leading into Rogue One.


One way is, that maybe they rescue some slaves who were going to be sent to build it and even if the slaves don't know what they are building they know that when you are sent there you'll never come back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmm Ezra is ominous


Oooo, that is chilling.


It's kinda nice though seeing the kinds of things mental domination can do for you. Normally its all just a whole bunch of TK and lightning and stuff. But put a weak willed individual in charged of a heavily armed and armoured weapons platform...


Throughout season 1 and 2 they've been really showing off Ezra's telepathic and extrasensory abilities rather than just pure TK power (though he has some of that too), so I guess this is just an extension of that trend.


I'm really interested to see where they go with it.

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Ashla and Bogan being made canon for light and dark side it seems




We had Ashla introduced in Season 2, but now we got the set. Nice to see Dave pulling all this old EU stuff back in.


Lovely promo you found there, taking the liberty to put it in the OP.


Looks like you're right; Ashla AND Bogan is a fact of Canon as of now, did I mention that "Dawn of the Jedi" is my personally part of the EU among other things:)

But interesting input there from the "Bendu"; looks like Jedi Leor Hal was correct all along!!:eek: Fancy that!! Interesting turn in the New Canon . . .

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