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Was Darth Marr really a good leader(Spoilers)?


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He was the head of the Empire, and the intelligence was controlled by Jadus/Zhorrid, it should be easy for him to settle the deal.

Marr wasn't the head of the empire, he was one of eight leaders that all handled different parts of the empire, intelligence was not his department. By the time of ROTHC Jadus was gone and Zhorri is most likely dead. And depending on who replaced them and the other councilors, no, it would not be an easy thing. Especially when there's a war going on.


Why would the Dark Council want the intelligence stay dead anyway? It's just retarded

Because Intelligence was disbanded for a reason, both for shows of incompotence and for suspisions of being traitors in the making. Hell, the whole reason that Cyher Nine was put under mind control was because the Council was scared of him/her inspiring more imperials to rise up against the sith (And ecause Keeper convinced them not to exercute Nine).


The decision to rebuild it alone wouldn't be an easy acoplishment, and rebuilding it with the dark history of it's predicecor in mind would be even more tedious.

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Marr wasn't the head of the empire, he was one of eight leaders that all handled different parts of the empire, intelligence was not his department. By the time of ROTHC Jadus was gone and Zhorri is most likely dead. And depending on who replaced them and the other councilors, no, it would not be an easy thing. Especially when there's a war going on.


He was after the emperor is gone. There is no proof that Zhorrid is dead, as for Jadus we got his hand and forces, there would be easy to reestablish one.



Because Intelligence was disbanded for a reason, both for shows of incompotence and for suspisions of being traitors in the making. Hell, the whole reason that Cyher Nine was put under mind control was because the Council was scared of him/her inspiring more imperials to rise up against the sith (And ecause Keeper convinced them not to exercute Nine).


The decision to rebuild it alone wouldn't be an easy acoplishment, and rebuilding it with the dark history of it's predicecor in mind would be even more tedious.

And without them the Empire was running blind in the war, it almost cost them the war. Makeb was found because of the intelligence's effort, there is ZERO reason to disband it without making a new one, especially during the war.

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He was after the emperor is gone.


No, he wasn't. No matter how much Marr fans woud want it to be, he's still one council member, not the head.


There is no proof that Zhorrid is dead, as for Jadus we got his hand and forces, there would be easy to reestablish one.

Jadus, the traitor? Zhorrid, the incompotent? No council member would want either of them re-taking intelligence after what both of them pulled. Plus, it being disbanded in the first place probably took away both of those two off their seat.


And without them the Empire was running blind in the war, it almost cost them the war. Makeb was found because of the intelligence's effort, there is ZERO reason to disband it without making a new one, especially during the war.

Again, they disbanded it for a reason. If they were to rebuild it, they would have to look into how to avoid previous mistakes of Intelligence. They would have to think of who to put in charge of it, the budget, the resources they could pour into it, ect. It isn't sucha simple matter as you seem to paint it as.

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Marr was the de facto head of the Sith Empire if not the de jure commander. He didn't enjoy absolute rule like an emperor, but he had absorbed more spheres of governance into his remit than possessed by any other single councilor. Considering that they were all related to military matters during a time of open war with the Republic, this did give him disproportionate influence. It is not an empty boast that he suggests to the Sith Inquisitor that between the two of them they can hold the rest of the Empire's oligarchy in check. Even if it's not explicitly confirmed by deep lore or codex entries, BioWare's writers clearly paint with mood and tone circumstances where Marr is the single most important person on the Dark Council. It's obvious that they want him to be recognized as a little bit more than one among equals.


Also the reason intelligence was disbanded wasn't because of their own outstanding incompetence. It was a combination of a centuries-old conspiracy in the form of the Star Cabal, which no intelligence apparatus could have reasonably cracked without an epic plot-empowered figure such as the Imperial Agent, and the Sith coveting the resources and talent retained by Imperial Intelligence. Many in the Order didn't like there being a neutral, politically independent organization in the Empire allowed to keep secrets from the Sith and the Star Cabal's ploy was a good excuse to liquidate the agency and divide up its assets. Its replacement, Sith Intelligence, was organized precisely to satisfy that old objection. Politically, creating it wasn't the hard part.

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Marr was the de facto head of the Sith Empire if not the de jure commander. He didn't enjoy absolute rule like an emperor, but he had absorbed more spheres of governance into his remit than possessed by any other single councilor. Considering that they were all related to military matters during a time of open war with the Republic, this did give him disproportionate influence. It is not an empty boast that he suggests to the Sith Inquisitor that between the two of them they can hold the rest of the Empire's oligarchy in check. Even if it's not explicitly confirmed by deep lore or codex entries, BioWare's writers clearly paint with mood and tone circumstances where Marr is the single most important person on the Dark Council. It's obvious that they want him to be recognized as a little bit more than one among equals.


Also the reason intelligence was disbanded wasn't because of their own outstanding incompetence. It was a combination of a centuries-old conspiracy in the form of the Star Cabal, which no intelligence apparatus could have reasonably cracked without an epic plot-empowered figure such as the Imperial Agent, and the Sith coveting the resources and talent retained by Imperial Intelligence. Many in the Order didn't like there being a neutral, politically independent organization in the Empire allowed to keep secrets from the Sith and the Star Cabal's ploy was a good excuse to liquidate the agency and divide up its assets. Its replacement, Sith Intelligence, was organized precisely to satisfy that old objection. Politically, creating it wasn't the hard part.


The reason Intelligence was disbanded was because the Dark Council didn't trust Darth Jadus, because Intelligence was his domain.



If Cipher Nine chooses to serve Jadus, during the class mission on Hoth, the agent runs into one of Jadus' servants, who assigns the agent to survey a detachment of Imperial Guardsmen on the planet. Once the mission is complete, the servant cryptically claims that Jadus has a better grasp of the Sith Emperor's plans.


Following the conclusion of Chapter 2 of the Imperial Agent story, Jadus tells Cipher Nine that he's removing himself from the war to concentrate on other plans, leaving Nine to carry out his work. He also sanctions the Minister of Intelligence's request for Nine to hunt down and destroy the Star Cabal.



Belsavis for the agent is interesting. You are sent their to break into the maximum security prison to find the secrets of the Vault on the planet the Cabal has been keeping. In addition, you've got a roster of prisoners. There was a failed attempt previously to penetrate that vault. Interesting that seems like this break into the vault was tried by Intelligence before. At the end you learn more about the Star Cabals conspiracy and galactic goals you get a re-programmed SCORPIO unit whose bound by the confines of a loyalty program that restraints it.


Given our past interactions with Jadus and his long game, was the goal of Belsavis to gain a weapon for Jadus that would let him gain ultimate control over the Emperor's Eternal Fleet? That as the 'outlander', 'Emperor', Arcaan fight for power Jadus is lurking in the shadows. Gathering power and watching his enemies destroy each other.


The Star Cabel is gone.

The Dark Council is gone.

The Jedi Order is in choas.

The Eternal Fleet is in SCORPIO's control.

The Remaining Alliance forces are Warring the Remaining Zakuul Forces.

The Emperor is Bound to the Outlander.

The Republic and Empire are Conquerered.


This leaves Jadus unaccounted for and primed for a power grab.

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Jadus can also be captured or forced into hiding at the end of chapter 1 which removes him as the top motive for dissolving Imperial Intelligence. Contrary to wookiepedia's stance on the matter, Dark Side choices are not more canon for Imperial classes.
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Jadus can also be captured or forced into hiding at the end of chapter 1 which removes him as the top motive for dissolving Imperial Intelligence. Contrary to wookiepedia's stance on the matter, Dark Side choices are not more canon for Imperial classes.


Nno matter the choice Jadus is free and in hiding by chapter 3.

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I'd imagine without Marrs leadership, the Empire would of fell apart much sooner.


Was it Marr's leadership or the actions of our characters and his loyal followers holding the Empire together? Who defeated the Dread Masters? Who discovered the plot of the Revanites and defeated Revan? Who steals Makeb from the Hutt's and get us Isotope-5 to fuel the fleet? Who secured Corellia? Who killed Lord Malgus the betrayer? If you are the Agent you foiled an inter-galactic plot called to bring down both Sith and Jedi. Among other accomplishments like Kuat Drive Shipyards, or killing defectors, or stopping the spread of the Rakghoul Virus.


What has Marr done besides point us in the general direction of trouble and ask us to go fix it?

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Was it Marr's leadership or the actions of our characters and his loyal followers holding the Empire together? Who defeated the Dread Masters? Who discovered the plot of the Revanites and defeated Revan? Who steals Makeb from the Hutt's and get us Isotope-5 to fuel the fleet? Who secured Corellia? Who killed Lord Malgus the betrayer? If you are the Agent you foiled an inter-galactic plot called to bring down both Sith and Jedi. Among other accomplishments like Kuat Drive Shipyards, or killing defectors, or stopping the spread of the Rakghoul Virus.


What has Marr done besides point us in the general direction of trouble and ask us to go fix it?


Defend the entire Empire, shore up logistics, and generally be the Supreme Military Commander.


Just imagine: the amount of paperwork he had to do. Daily. Hourly. The number of fried helpers who forgot to provide rations for outpost RX-1451-B. Oh, and he did it from the bridge of a starship that did not have an Admiralty bridge nor did he have the requisite CnC consoles for a Fleet Operations commander.

That speaks of a lot of hands-on, no-sleep, constant drudgery and dangerous fighting... whilst keeping the troops fed and watered. Volwron ran for the hills for months or years, Marr picked it up.


He (and your character) are pretty much the only two Council members doing things. Your character is the James Bond super solver of problems no one else can see or handle; he handles everything else.

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Defend the entire Empire, shore up logistics, and generally be the Supreme Military Commander.


Just imagine: the amount of paperwork he had to do. Daily. Hourly. The number of fried helpers who forgot to provide rations for outpost RX-1451-B. Oh, and he did it from the bridge of a starship that did not have an Admiralty bridge nor did he have the requisite CnC consoles for a Fleet Operations commander.

That speaks of a lot of hands-on, no-sleep, constant drudgery and dangerous fighting... whilst keeping the troops fed and watered. Volwron ran for the hills for months or years, Marr picked it up.


He (and your character) are pretty much the only two Council members doing things. Your character is the James Bond super solver of problems no one else can see or handle; he handles everything else.


His armor has special features that don't get him papercuts.

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