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BioWare Heed My Advice Before It's Too Late


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This game is awful. The millions of people playing this game and enjoying themselves are fools. You should listen to me and my opinion on the game that you worked so hard to create because I'm a professional MMO expert and can also predict the future of the gaming industry. SWTOR will go F2P in 2 months once everyone is tired of the voice acting. Most people are hitting spacebar already anyway, opening their easy mode map and hopping from marker to marker playing collect the gear.


Seriously you guys couldn't make some new quests? It's all just start from point X go kill or click on N of Ys and then either return to point X or continue on to point Z. Also all of this instancing is terrible because I want to compete with 200 other people for the same quest objective that's on a 30 minute respawn timer.


Also, what's with the lack of a LFD tool? I mean seriously. I should be able to click one button and be transported to the dungeon of my choosing with random other strangers. I find it tedious to actually have to talk to people and go to the area that links all of the dungeons together. So dumb.


Another thing, your UI. I mean look at it. It's just there. I can't do anything with it at all. It just sits there taking up space. I can't drag things around like I want. Nevermind that I had to download, install and update (with every patch) at least 5 add-ons in other games to get the UI the way I wanted and it took years of trial and error to finally get this right. I want you guys to give me full control right away because it's 2011 and just because other games have had 7+ years worth of development on you, you should be past them already in every single area.


I don't care if you've done your market research. I don't care if you've had the biggest and arguably smoothest/successful MMO launch to date. I speak for all the players out there because instead of playing the game that I paid for, I'd rather #occupy these forums and spew forth this hatred I have for you.


Server maintenance? You're joking me right? This game should be online and active 24/7 because I'm a paying customer and I pay the right to play when I want. By taking servers offline during what you call 'non-peak' hours are peak gaming hours for me. Who needs to do things like sleep, work, go outside and productive when I could waste away in front of my computer playing a game that I despise because it's just a clone of WoW which is just a clone of EQ which is just a DIKU MUD clone.


Oh and you have the nerve to toss out a nerf with the first weekly patch? My word. I've never seen something so idiotic in my entire life. Who cares if slicing was allowing players to have hundreds of thousands if not millions of credits in a much quicker fashion than those without the profession that could've potentially lead to a virtual economic crisis? It was profitable to me and I'm the only one that counts. Have you not figured this out yet?


I haven't even mentioned how bad this game looks. I don't care if you're trying to cater to a broad audience with literally infinite variations in hardware/software configurations. You should be catering to me and my wants. I want my eyeballs to explode in graphical awe of your art conquests. Not this filth that you've presented me with. I don't care how many stunning videos of this game I see in 1080p this game looks like crap because I say it does. My uber system can handle more. GIVE ME MOAR.


Space combat is another thing. If you're going to give me Star Fox, at least give me all of the controls. I keep waiting for Falco to come out of left field and take out that Destroyer for me, but noooooooooooooooo I have to fire the missles at it myself and then take my free credits, commendations, and xp for playing such an awful mini-game that is designed to give me a break from the grind of questing for my daily profits.


I think this enough for now BW. You have been warned. This game will implode soon if you don't just scrap the whole project and start over because this game is a steaming pile of dung because I say it is and I'm a professional MMO expert and I speak for everyone here.

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This game is awful. The millions of people playing this game and enjoying themselves are fools. You should listen to me and my opinion on the game that you worked so hard to create because I'm a professional MMO expert and can also predict the future of the gaming industry. SWTOR will go F2P in 2 months once everyone is tired of the voice acting. Most people are hitting spacebar already anyway, opening their easy mode map and hopping from marker to marker playing collect the gear.


Seriously you guys couldn't make some new quests? It's all just start from point X go kill or click on N of Ys and then either return to point X or continue on to point Z. Also all of this instancing is terrible because I want to compete with 200 other people for the same quest objective that's on a 30 minute respawn timer.


Also, what's with the lack of a LFD tool? I mean seriously. I should be able to click one button and be transported to the dungeon of my choosing with random other strangers. I find it tedious to actually have to talk to people and go to the area that links all of the dungeons together. So dumb.


Another thing, your UI. I mean look at it. It's just there. I can't do anything with it at all. It just sits there taking up space. I can't drag things around like I want. Nevermind that I had to download, install and update (with every patch) at least 5 add-ons in other games to get the UI the way I wanted and it took years of trial and error to finally get this right. I want you guys to give me full control right away because it's 2011 and just because other games have had 7+ years worth of development on you, you should be past them already in every single area.


I don't care if you've done your market research. I don't care if you've had the biggest and arguably smoothest/successful MMO launch to date. I speak for all the players out there because instead of playing the game that I paid for, I'd rather #occupy these forums and spew forth this hatred I have for you.


Server maintenance? You're joking me right? This game should be online and active 24/7 because I'm a paying customer and I pay the right to play when I want. By taking servers offline during what you call 'non-peak' hours are peak gaming hours for me. Who needs to do things like sleep, work, go outside and productive when I could waste away in front of my computer playing a game that I despise because it's just a clone of WoW which is just a clone of EQ which is just a DIKU MUD clone.


Oh and you have the nerve to toss out a nerf with the first weekly patch? My word. I've never seen something so idiotic in my entire life. Who cares if slicing was allowing players to have hundreds of thousands if not millions of credits in a much quicker fashion than those without the profession that could've potentially lead to a virtual economic crisis? It was profitable to me and I'm the only one that counts. Have you not figured this out yet?


I haven't even mentioned how bad this game looks. I don't care if you're trying to cater to a broad audience with literally infinite variations in hardware/software configurations. You should be catering to me and my wants. I want my eyeballs to explode in graphical awe of your art conquests. Not this filth that you've presented me with. I don't care how many stunning videos of this game I see in 1080p this game looks like crap because I say it does. My uber system can handle more. GIVE ME MOAR.


Space combat is another thing. If you're going to give me Star Fox, at least give me all of the controls. I keep waiting for Falco to come out of left field and take out that Destroyer for me, but noooooooooooooooo I have to fire the missles at it myself and then take my free credits, commendations, and xp for playing such an awful mini-game that is designed to give me a break from the grind of questing for my daily profits.


I think this enough for now BW. You have been warned. This game will implode soon if you don't just scrap the whole project and start over because this game is a steaming pile of dung because I say it is and I'm a professional MMO expert and I speak for everyone here.


Genius, you showed those trolls didn't you!

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You don't seem to be a very professional MMO player. Things are instanced so the game doesn't get super server overload and crash. If you can't tell me these graphics are good, then your playing on a IMB 1990, this game looks beautiful. Also there is nothing wrong with the Space Combat mini game, it's a mini game at best. It's not supposed to be a feature that they put a drastic amount of time into.


Also, you put too much on "Me, tatter to my needs, you must do what I want, me, me, and me." it's not about just you. As you can see, some people clearly don't agree with what you say.

Edited by The_Eyesight
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You don't seem to be a very professional MMO player. Things are instanced so the game doesn't get super server overload and crash. If you can't tell me these graphics are good, then your playing on a IMB 1990, this game looks beautiful. Also there is nothing wrong with the Space Combat mini game, it's a mini game at best. It's not supposed to be a feature that they put a drastic amount of time into.


Totally oblivious^

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