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Arrogance and the Current Event


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The whole game has been aimed at new players since 4.0 dropped, where have you been?


What have vets gotten in almost 2 years now?


^^ This, exactly. The whole dumbed-down way the game changed with 4.0


I really miss the distinctiveness of the old companions, when Risha was the single target DPS queen. Now they're all the same, all blandly generic corporate crapola.

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I feel that I must start by paraphrasing Anakin:


I've disappointed you. I haven't been very appreciative of the game. I've been arrogant and I apologize. I've just been so frustrated with BW.


Ok, I can admit when I make a mistake. I've been thinking about this event, BW, and the things I've been posting lately. The funny thing is, I was wrong. The event. BW. All of it. It was all wrong.


Seriously, though: I think the event is a good thing and I'll tell you why. People are chasing after rewards that many people have saved credits over long periods of time, or spent CCs on, These people are getting a taste of things that were previously out of reach. This is a great incentive for them to complete sets, which will require either paying or playing more.


People are participating in an event and their actions directly affect the outcome and the reward that many people will receive. That's great! No more complaining about which on BW went with because it was decided by people just like you and me!


People get to experience more. Those who were drawn to the game by KotFE and instant-60 tokens now get to see the truly impressive part of the game. I hope they don't just spacebar through it. Unless you're a vet who has done the stories before. In that case, spacebar away and get your rewards that much faster!


And, finally, the best part of the event. People are doing things again. People are playing. Any world I go to, there are plenty of people online, asking questions, recruiting for guilds, and just generally having a good time. This is what it's all about.


I'm willing to sacrifice a new WZ or a FP for that last point. I want to see people out in the worlds. I've already done the thing where no one was on. It was cool, but the world is better with other people in it.


I hope BW takes advantage of this opportunity and expands endgame content for all these people running the event and for long-time vets who are ready for more. If we have to wait a few extra months because BW is trying to bring in more people... well, I think that's worth it.




Yep, also BW has announced new group content coming out which we are likely to get a taste of in their next live stream.


The items people get encourages them to buy the remaining parts of the set if they really want it, and can global unlock it if they get an item they REALLY like, for me a got 2 white color crystals now both hawkeye and indestructible so that is awesome.


400+ players on starting planets, just shows how many people like this event, or are ok with it.


The rewards for all the tiers but the last one are easy to get through, that gives a bunch of the rewards and the companions so if you don't want to grind everything you get most of the good stuff without grinding.


They gave us 10 new character slot expansion to all servers, and put additional character slots on sale to 450, a lot better then 40 max and no sale if you ask me.


They will make some achievements retroactive, Crafting is the first one to be so in 4.7 (Which im glad because grinding crafting can be a pain).


Leveling is wicked easy to rush through.


I am 26% through this event already with about 75% of the HM flashpoints done with and half way through the level 50's and i am loving this event. There are different ways to tackle it and its interesting. Thats why i made a guy.


Overall im glad people have a brain in their head and can make a good post and keep an open mind and not destroy everything without fully understanding something.

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I have to admit I also flopped back and forth on this event (as a veteran who has been playing since the game went live). At first I was excited about it, then dissapointed, then went to a "we'll see when it starts" attitude.


I won't be making enough new characters to get all the way to legendary (since I already had twenty active chars on EH), but I did decide to make one new Dark and one new Light character to participate in the event, and I have to agree with the OP about the re-vitalization of lower planets. It was a joy to see Korriban and Tython re-populated, not just with other veterans doing the events, but a *lot* of new players asking legit questions about how the game played, what there was to do, and enjoying the Star Wars experience....


...and when it comes down it it, isn't that why most of us are here?


And I have to admit, re-enjoying the Jedi start....or my favorite, the Sith Inquisitor, has been a pleasure.

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Fair enough. :)


But I have to say.. you appear to have left all your prior negative rhetoric all over the forum. Any plans to go back and rework any of that, or at least put a pointer to this thread?


I ask because newer players do browse the forums, and what we (the collective community) say does make impressions on them. Which is one of the primary reasons I tend to post contrasting opinions to some of the harsh negativity that slathers the forum from time to time.


Can't tell if serious or... :t_confused:

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I thought of this, but I think most people will just realize that the upper tiers are out of reach. Honestly, very few people have the time to reach them. My hope is that people will play to reach tier 1 or tier 2, but realize all the great content they have to play and continue whether the event is active or not.


I think this is true for Legendary, but the rest seem pretty attainable even by "casual" players like myself. I'm going for it, anyway. I have already obtained the rewards on the first two tiers, but I sure am lagging on story.... Level 50 now and just about to head to Tatooine (pub side). :eek:

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Can't tell if serious or... :t_confused:


So.... No then. Just going to leave all your harshly negative posts surrounding the event "as is".


Got it.


Your posts, so of course it is your choice. The event, like most things in MMOs has issues and is imperfect... but I do feel some (not all) of your posts were a bit over the top, particularly in context to the topic of this thread.

Edited by Andryah
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Just got home and have to ask - AlienEye, did your account get hacked?


Seriously though, it takes a lot of guts to admit a mistake, and I have a lot of respect for people who can admit a change of heart like this. There have been a few times when I wish I had the courage to admit when I'm wrong.


I know this event has had a lot of complaints, but it's nice to see so much enthusiasm in the game again. Levelling up a few characters and have already noticed how much participation there is. Queues are popping almost instantly for WZ's and FP's, and while not quite instant for GSF, certainly a lot faster than it was. People were complaining about no new content, but going back and doing it all again like this, feels like replaying an old, well-loved game.


Hopefully it's bringing in a new generation of players that will stay and play with us veterans for some time.

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Hopefully it's bringing in a new generation of players that will stay and play with us veterans for some time.


Not sure it will actually do this... but it is nice to see more active play out on the planets, and to see modest upticks on torstatus (save for the known dead servers) since the event.


MMO players tend to be more nomadic and hop from MMO to MMO as each MMO times their new content a bit apart from one another. Nothing wrong with this by the way... it's actually a healthy way to play MMOs IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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So.... No then. Just going to leave all your harshly negative posts surrounding the event "as is".


Got it.


Your posts, so of course it is your choice. The event, like most things in MMOs has issues and is imperfect... but I do feel some (not all) of your posts were a bit over the top, particularly in context to the topic of this thread.


That's an awful lot of work you're asking for. I don't have time to crush the event, much less "fix" my old posts.


BTW: is it possible for you to find a post that don't complain about? It's always something and never good enough with you.

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That's an awful lot of work you're asking for. I don't have time to crush the event, much less "fix" my old posts.


BTW: is it possible for you to find a post that don't complain about? It's always something and never good enough with you.


It was a simple question.


You answered it. Again.. you posts, your choice.


No need for the "BTW....." ad hominem.


Being " a lot of work" pretty much invalidates your attempt here IMO, as it ratifies to me that you know how very negative you have been about the event. This thread alone will not fix that in my view. It's too much work to rework your posts... but it was not too much effort to produce them to begin with? Oki dokie. Personally, I go back and rework my posts fairly often.. particularly to address perceived tone (perceived by others".

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Not sure it will actually do this... but it is nice to see more active play out on the planets, and to see modest upticks on torstatus (save for the known dead servers) since the event.



Really? Because I'm seeing the opposite for the North American trend and Harbinger at least unless I'm reading it wrong. It did pick back up sort of in the last day but it actually seems to have dropped since the event started which I find rather surprising until I think about it more in depth.


This event isn't really advertised outside, isn't enough to bring back old players who've left as they've done it all and based on the amount of negative feedback is actually driving some players away.

Thus I conclude there are probably more people leaving than joining.


Not that I care about total population either way. The planets I am on and doing what I do seem more populated than since I joined ( I did beta but didn't play proper until 2.0 ) now I just hope this translates to more pugs going by the time I need to do ops for the event.


I can only judge it on what affects me personally and thus far the event seems successful to me in that regard, just odd that the stats I looked at paint a different picture.


**Edit** - My bad, I was reading Torstatus graphs incorrectly.

Standard status has spiked not dropped.

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It was a simple question.


You answered it. Again.. you posts, your choice.


No need for the "BTW....." ad hominem.


Being " a lot of work" pretty much invalidates your attempt here IMO, as it ratifies to me that you know how very negative you have been about the event. This thread alone will not fix that in my view. It's too much work to rework your posts... but it was not too much effort to produce them to begin with? Oki dokie. Personally, I go back and rework my posts fairly often.. particularly to address perceived tone (perceived by others".


Well, bully for you. To change posts would invalidate the responses. Some of which were well-reasoned.


But, thank you for, again, failing to contribute to the actual discussion. You don't need to bother with a reply.

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It was a simple question.


You answered it. Again.. you posts, your choice.


No need for the "BTW....." ad hominem.


Being " a lot of work" pretty much invalidates your attempt here IMO, as it ratifies to me that you know how very negative you have been about the event. This thread alone will not fix that in my view. It's too much work to rework your posts... but it was not too much effort to produce them to begin with? Oki dokie. Personally, I go back and rework my posts fairly often.. particularly to address perceived tone (perceived by others".


Devil's advocate ...


Perhaps since you have issue with the posts he has made that you feel paint things in a negative light you could put up a post of links to these specific posts so he can easily go to them and edit them?


After all you're the one here stating some are, for lack of a better term, "out of line" otherwise it could be a bit difficult for him to know which posts you are referring to.


i.e. some might have been over the top and blatant hyperbole, some might have been on the money even though they were negative.

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But, thank you for, again, failing to contribute to the actual discussion. You don't need to bother with a reply.


yet another ad hominem. :rolleyes: Why so defensive?


And I have contributed to the discussion in this very thread. Not may fault if you choose not to read.

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Devil's advocate ...


Perhaps since you have issue with the posts he has made that you feel paint things in a negative light you could put up a post of links to these specific posts so he can easily go to them and edit them?


After all you're the one here stating some are, for lack of a better term, "out of line" otherwise it could be a bit difficult for him to know which posts you are referring to.


i.e. some might have been over the top and blatant hyperbole, some might have been on the money even though they were negative.


Because I am not trying to "make" him do anything. I simply asked the question. And I got a very clear, and what I consider stubborn, response. Personally, if I made such a retraction thread, I would also spend the time to clean up some of my earlier posts. He's said he won't. So that is the end of it, IMO.


Are you saying you consider all his previous negative posts about the event to be on the mark and objective?

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Really? Because I'm seeing the opposite for the North American trend and Harbinger at least unless I'm reading it wrong. It did pick back up sort of in the last day but it actually seems to have dropped since the event started which I find rather surprising until I think about it more in depth.


This event isn't really advertised outside, isn't enough to bring back old players who've left as they've done it all and based on the amount of negative feedback is actually driving some players away.

Thus I conclude there are probably more people leaving than joining.


Not that I care about total population either way. The planets I am on and doing what I do seem more populated than since I joined ( I did beta but didn't play proper until 2.0 ) now I just hope this translates to more pugs going by the time I need to do ops for the event.


I can only judge it on what affects me personally and thus far the event seems successful to me in that regard, just odd that the stats I looked at paint a different picture.


My point specifically in my earlier post is while the event may create more activity in the player base, and even attract some veterans back and attract new players... I really don't think it will "grow the player base" with any persistence. Players will come back in droves for 5.0 and then be gone again within 6 months, like every other expac cycle. It's the nature of the MMO player base these days... and honestly.. I see nothing wrong with it. It is what it is.


People will be "checking out" again after they have played the event and in the absence of 5.0 released yet. I expect we will start to see this by end of July. So that modest uptick we are seeing on torstatus from the event will evaporate once again, IMO.


The event is fine as far as it goes. It certainly provides some filler activities for the summer and ahead of 5.0 and the 5th anniversary.

Edited by Andryah
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Fair enough. :)


But I have to say.. you appear to have left all your prior negative rhetoric all over the forum. Any plans to go back and rework any of that, or at least put a pointer to this thread?


I ask because newer players do browse the forums, and what we (the collective community) say does make impressions on them. Which is one of the primary reasons I tend to post contrasting opinions to some of the harsh negativity that slathers the forum from time to time.


He changed his mind after he looked at things in a different light. There is no need to change his posts as they were from an earlier date and unlike you I think even new people would understand that sometimes when things are announced not everyone agrees with it.


To me it takes a bigger person to come back and write a post like this after he has looked at things differently. Most people are smarter enough to see that.

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Because I am not trying to "make" him do anything. I simply asked the question. And I got a very clear, and what I consider stubborn, response. Personally, if I made such a retraction thread, I would also spend the time to clean up some of my earlier posts. He's said he won't. So that is the end of it, IMO.


Are you saying you consider all his previous negative posts about the event to be on the mark and objective?


All? No. Some? Yes.


I personally think whilst he made some valid points in some posts there was too much emotion in many of them that kind of obscured a valid point he may have been making.

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My point specifically in my earlier post is while the event may create more activity in the player base, and even attract some veterans back and attract new players... I really don't think it will "grow the player base" with any persistence. Players will come back in droves for 5.0 and then be gone again within 6 months, like every other expac cycle. It's the nature of the MMO player base these days... and honestly.. I see nothing wrong with it. It is what it is.


People will be "checking out" again after they have played the event and in the absence of 5.0 released yet. I expect we will start to see this by end of July. So that modest uptick we are seeing on torstatus from the event will evaporate once again, IMO.


The event is fine as far as it goes. It certainly provides some filler activities for the summer and ahead of 5.0 and the 5th anniversary.


Well hopefully they do something to take advantage of the uptick because surely the prime reasons for the event as I see it was to get this uptick, not just keep the status quo ticking along.


I personally am interested to see if they keep this "subscribe any time get all chapters" model if they do indeed continue an episodic course.

I don't personally view such a model as overly profitable and I think a lot more people will have cottoned on to the "I'll just sub at the end of it all to get it all cheap" if that's the only content we are likely to get.


I think with KoTFE many may have realised this but they were already invested in the story or bought longer term sub and figured they may as well stay the course but I'm not convinced this will be the case unless there is more to offer than just more chapter story to lure them in to "5.0". Here's hoping anyway.

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Well hopefully they do something to take advantage of the uptick because surely the prime reasons for the event as I see it was to get this uptick, not just keep the status quo ticking along.


I personally am interested to see if they keep this "subscribe any time get all chapters" model if they do indeed continue an episodic course.

I don't personally view such a model as overly profitable and I think a lot more people will have cottoned on to the "I'll just sub at the end of it all to get it all cheap" if that's the only content we are likely to get.


I think with KoTFE many may have realised this but they were already invested in the story or bought longer term sub and figured they may as well stay the course but I'm not convinced this will be the case unless there is more to offer than just more chapter story to lure them in to "5.0". Here's hoping anyway.


Yeah... I think what they do with 5.0 will tell us a lot about how well (or not so well) their 4.0 business model worked from the studios perspective.


What works against them IMO.. is players consume content very fast, and then get all negative and pejorative about there not being more content, particularly more content that players claim they want, or even demand. But I have come to grips years ago that MMO players in general have become very impatient ... and with lots of choices in the market ... they move around at the first signs of discontent. Not all players for sure.. but certainly a lot of players.


It is refreshing though, IMO, to see a lot of the severe emotions and passions around the event ebbing. Yeah... some things about the event are sub-optimal (such as portability of rewards across a legacy).. but over all it gives players a reason to go back and revisit the content that brought us to where we are today.

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All? No. Some? Yes.


I personally think whilst he made some valid points in some posts there was too much emotion in many of them that kind of obscured a valid point he may have been making.


Sorry, it's the human in me. I'll try to keep it in check. :t_wink:

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Yeah... I think what they do with 5.0 will tell us a lot about how well (or not so well) their 4.0 business model worked from the studios perspective.


What works against them IMO.. is players consume content very fast, and then get all negative and pejorative about there not being more content, particularly more content that players claim they want, or even demand. But I have come to grips years ago that MMO players in general have become very impatient ... and with lots of choices in the market ... they move around at the first signs of discontent. Not all players for sure.. but certainly a lot of players.


It is refreshing though, IMO, to see a lot of the severe emotions and passions around the event ebbing. Yeah... some things about the event are sub-optimal (such as portability of rewards across a legacy).. but over all it gives players a reason to go back and revisit the content that brought us to where we are today.

I agree with the first two parts of the post, and have a comment on the third-


It seems to me, despite my on-off being on the forums, that emotions have been very high since SoR dropped with the broken Ravagers Operation, and then everything just snowballed into more rage, as with the slotmachines, and then this long drought of group content variety. IT is nice to see some of it ll simmer back down in general.


Maybe it's because it is summer, and people in teh northern hemisphere are going out to finally get some sunlight again to balance out their moods and recover from Seasonal Affected Disorder (or whatever it is called now), or people are just playing the game once more.

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This event did give me the incentive boost to return and try out a class I had not tried before... Jedi Telekinetic Sage, as a 'caster' type to round out the variety of class types I've taken to level 65. However, there is an overabundance of 'spacebar flashpoints' (Thank goodness for the solo option, to actually catch up on the dialogue in these FPs after a long break from SWTOR).


The only burning question in my mind is this... Will the new companion be customizable with armor/clothing sets? If KOTFE is any indication, I'm reluctantly expecting a small army of clone Hexids or Ranos characters on the fleet after the event ends, similar to the numerous clone Lanas I remember seeing at one point. Either way, I still want a Chiss companion regardless, so... goody-two-shoes consular (and possibly operative), here we go...

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I too have seen more and more players online. Which is why I have decided to take a few weeks off playing. It good for the game over all so not complaining. Just far to many players online right now for me personally. Which is also the reason I hope we never get server merge's.

Still a few weeks away will be good for me anyway. did 5 accounts to level 25, and one of those accounts to 65 and third level. since next level requires group play which I am never ever going to do. good time for a brake. Not going to get the companion anyway so see no reason to continue with the event.


Decided to give Netflix another go as I can now watch though T.V (wireless connection now) as still cannot watch though the P.C.


Not that it matters to me all that much but hope lightside wins.

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