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Which tree for PvE DPS?


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Without hard numbers it's hard to tell which one is "on top" at the moment, however I can say they aren't very far apart and would encourage you to test out all 3 to see which play style you like the most.


i agree


there are strong arguments for all 3 trees, great points raised by each.


find the one that suits your play style and run with it

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im at lvl 50, i have not tried carnage, i was annihilate all the way from 10. but i can say that carnage does very high damage with Dots and annihilate. there is not a dps meter yet, but i have no doubt that i am always leading on dps in flashpoints.
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I'm all Carnage right now and its great.


However, my understanding is that Carnage is good for general purpose damage but Annihilation is better for PVE Bosses and PVP. The bleeds that Annihilation offer really stack up lots of damage on boss fights without the huge spikes that Carnage does (thus reducing the likelihood of pulling aggro from the tank).


For now I am happy with Carnage. I havent done much PVP (surprisingly I've only been attacked 3 times while leveling) but I'm sure my damage will suffice.

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I love Annihilate tree. Amazing for soloing especially as you get higher crit. I can face 2 elites and come out with over 90% HP using Annihilate and Quin. Using Carnage and quin I was coming out at like 20% health.


Not to mention in PvP I am usually top of the chart in damage as Annihilate.

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Annihilation is very good dps , but if you check carnage has a lot of survivability as well so i guess seeying pve perspective maybe offtanking with some good damage out put

i would redirect that tree for dps juggernauts


dont shoot me if im wrong though as its indeed hard to check the damage output of trees


the only thing is what i experience as an annihilation marauder lvl 39 atm:

on champion mobs from lvl 40 the dps output is insane if you manage your Dots.


i dont know about sub -stats i still need to check on the sub stats :


acrility , power, power surge, and crit

(maybe someone can add to that?)


acrility is haste i guess

power is AP

power surge is the increased Crit damage


just looking for a way how to boost my dot damage

(again dont shoot me if im wrong) input is allways appreciated

Edited by Alegoss
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I think of it like this...

Each of the 3 skill trees are good but where it really works with DPS is in the stats you get from gear.


Objective inorder:


Accuracy try to get anything above 110% (Still trying to find out how to do this)



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I love Annihilate tree. Amazing for soloing especially as you get higher crit. I can face 2 elites and come out with over 90% HP using Annihilate and Quin. Using Carnage and quin I was coming out at like 20% health.


Not to mention in PvP I am usually top of the chart in damage as Annihilate.


Totally agree, Annihilation tree is awesome!

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