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OMG New Character SPAM is BRUTAL!!!


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Probably but what happens one year from now when I get 3x the number of emails. Assuming SWTOR is still here :rak_03:


You have to hit "get all attachments" in the mailbox a couple of times? Maybe buy a stronghold, a mailbox, and ahold deco, so you can jump to stronghold, collect your mail there, apply titles, pets, and whatever else you can at L1, trash items that go to collections on pickup, and store the legacy stuff; lather, rinse, repeat, jump back to story start?

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Yeah, I just made a new character for the event and I can confirm that it DOES NOT take just a few clicks to deal with all of the ***SPAM*** you get from the system.


First, I don't even have enough room in my inventory to get everything in one swoop.


Second, some of the items I DO want. Some of them I don't. Sorting through this SUCKS.


Third, I have some items like titles that are duplicates so it becomes super tedious to not miss.


Clicking on titles, mounts, pets... opening cantina crates... moving stuff from mail to inventory... moving stuff from the inventory to my bank... adding companions, etc. took 45-60 minutes. It's NOT a couple of clicks.


This stuff needs to just be in COLLECTIONS. That's what the COLLECTION system is for.


If you are not exaggerating you are doing something very inefficiently. I get 67 mailings and it takes me less than 10 minutes to open it all, learn the pets & titles, organize what I'm keeping and toss the rest. Only one title is a duplicate and the delux rewards are duplicates of the ce rewards.


It takes more time to for me to claim titles, pets, mounts & emotes from collections since there is no "learn all" button :(

Edited by Damask_Rose
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If you are not exaggerating you are doing something very inefficiently. I get 67 mailings and it takes me less than 10 minutes to open it all, learn the pets & titles, organize what I'm keeping and toss the rest. Only one title is a duplicate and the delux rewards are duplicates of the ce rewards.


It takes more time to for me to claim titles, pets, mounts & emotes from collections since the is no "learn all" button :(


Learn all button, I want one too, can I have one too?

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It's been a while since I started a new character. Like others I decided to use a few server slot unlocks and try out the "event". I was mainly interested in XP Boost / Gear stuff. I have to admit, it was kind of cool to see the starter planets again as a level 1. The familiar sights and sounds, etc.


But bro. I mean Bro. I. MEAN. BRO. I am getting 41 emails now when I create a new character. When I say 41 emails I don't mean, "a lot of emails". I mean I am actually getting 41 emails for every single character I create.

Only 41? I get 65 for each new character:




I can't even accept everything into inventory at once.

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Yeah, I just made a new character for the event and I can confirm that it DOES NOT take just a few clicks to deal with all of the ***SPAM*** you get from the system.

It's NOT spam. You are actually COMPLAINING about getting a LOT of FREE STUFF for your NEW CHARACTER that will give you a HUGE edge over anyone who is just starting the game. I can't believe you are actually complaining about free stuffs. The only thing you *did* confirm is that you don't actually know what you're doing here.


First, I don't even have enough room in my inventory to get everything in one swoop.

Yes, you do, 45 mails and I have one empty spot remaining which goes away when I use my inventory unlock.


Second, some of the items I DO want. Some of them I don't. Sorting through this SUCKS.

It only sucks cuz you have a bad attitude. They are the same every time for you so you should know what you want and what you don't.


Third, I have some items like titles that are duplicates so it becomes super tedious to not miss.

There is ONE duplicate title (The Illustrious) and NO duplicate items (except for a few of the special ones that I never had access to in Canada cuz they aren't available).


Clicking on titles, mounts, pets... opening cantina crates... moving stuff from mail to inventory... moving stuff from the inventory to my bank... adding companions, etc. took 45-60 minutes. It's NOT a couple of clicks.

It *is* a couple of clicks. There's no need to be moving stuff around between your inventory/banks/cargo/etc at all. You might only have ONE companion (Nico) at start.


This stuff needs to just be in COLLECTIONS. That's what the COLLECTION system is for.

So you'd rather go into Collections for each character, each tab (weapons, mounts, pets, etc) every single time rather than just click THREE TIMES to get everyhing?


I made a video of me taking less than 6 minutes to get a new character ready to play and I'm not even going as fast as I normally do:




I started with 45 mails and then I:

  1. Opened the Mailbox
  2. Clicked the "Select all messages for mass edit" Box
  3. Clicked the "Get all checked message attachemtns" Icon
  4. Clicked the "Delete all checked messages" Icon


There, now your mailbox is completely empty in less than 30 seconds and only a few clicks.


Next, I did the following:

  1. Went through my inventory line by line, claiming what I could (pets, titles, etc). I had only ONE duplicate title (The Illustrious)
  2. Opened my cantina crates and preferred bundle
  3. Destroyed anything I couldn't use or didn't need
  4. Rearranged my inventory and equipped some gear


You'll notice I didn't open any of the Legacy Gear Sets because why would I unless I plan on using them? If you're opening every set just to have them open then this is a seriously stupid move and *will* waste a lot of inventory space so just don't do it.


I can't use mounts yet so I just organized them neatly in my inventory. When all is said and done I still had 36 available inventory slots and will have 10 more once I purchase the final inventory space.


So there you have it, less than 6 minutes and I'm ready to start adventuring. If you're taking up to an hour just to get going then you are doing something ridiculous.


TL;DR - Your confirmation of taking up to an hour to go through the new character mail you get is a complete lie. I'm thinking your flaw is in that you don't know how to claim EVERYTHING with THREE clicks and are instead going mail-by-mail and opening gear crates you have no reason to. But then instead of being calm and rational about it you run here spazzing out and grossly exaggerating your complaint with lies. Which is just a sad reality of the standard M.O. of complainers just to trying and get some sympathy: hyper-hyperbole.


If you can get past your rage I hope you learn something from what I posted.


TO THE PEOPLE THAT GET MORE MAIL (65): Just do what I did but in 2 batches (ie. first half of the list and then second half), that might take you up to 10 minutes, but it's still quick.

Edited by PetFish
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My god yeah, so many items just get straight deleted when I make a new character as I just know I will never use them. But I wish the armours were in collections so I could just unlock them later down the line if I wanted them.


I agree. The 'reward' emails are feeling pretty unrewarding.. Especially since lot of the stuff is entirely superfluous and gets deleted.

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I made a video of me taking less than 6 minutes to get a new character ready to play and I'm not even going as fast as I normally do:




I started with 45 mails and then I:

  1. Opened the Mailbox
  2. Clicked the "Select all messages for mass edit" Box
  3. Clicked the "Get all checked message attachemtns" Icon
  4. Clicked the "Delete all checked messages" Icon


There, now your mailbox is completely empty in less than 30 seconds and only a few clicks.


Next, I did the following:

  1. Went through my inventory line by line, claiming what I could (pets, titles, etc). I had only ONE duplicate title (The Illustrious)
  2. Opened my cantina crates and preferred bundle
  3. Destroyed anything I couldn't use or didn't need
  4. Rearranged my inventory and equipped some gear


You'll notice I didn't open any of the Legacy Gear Sets because why would I unless I plan on using them? If you're opening every set just to have them open then this is a seriously stupid move and *will* waste a lot of inventory space so just don't do it.


I can't use mounts yet so I just organized them neatly in my inventory. When all is said and done I still had 36 available inventory slots and will have 10 more once I purchase the final inventory space.


So there you have it, less than 6 minutes and I'm ready to start adventuring. If you're taking up to an hour just to get going then you are doing something ridiculous.


TL;DR - Your confirmation of taking up to an hour to go through the new character mail you get is a complete lie. I'm thinking your flaw is in that you don't know how to claim EVERYTHING with THREE clicks and are instead going mail-by-mail and opening gear crates you have no reason to. But then instead of being calm and rational about it you run here spazzing out and grossly exaggerating your complaint with lies. Which is just a sad reality of the standard M.O. of complainers just to trying and get some sympathy: hyper-hyperbole.


If you can get past your rage I hope you learn something from what I posted.


TO THE PEOPLE THAT GET MORE MAIL (65): Just do what I did but in 2 batches (ie. first half of the list and then second half), that might take you up to 10 minutes, but it's still quick.


Pretty much what I do, too. I open the cantina crates, first, though. If I get an XP boost from then, I pop it before getting all the titles, since they give XP and usually get me to level 2, on the brink of level 3.


Then I go to my stronghold, dump everything I can't/won't use (yet) into a cargo tab, get Revan and Satele/Malgus from collections and I'm ready to go.

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Thinking about it, I'm not sure they can arbitrarily insert arbitrary items into inventory, I think it has to be "clicked in" somehow. I recently got an email from The System that gave my character back a quest item that was (allegedly) detected as lost to glitch (I forget the exact wording). And the DvL rewards are email-delivered. Even the achievement rewards have the ability to be clicked on out of the achievements window.
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So what's the MAX number of default mails you can get?


I have 36 - started playing 4 summers ago, bought ROTHC, been a sub since Jan 2013, bought the Amazon bundle.


And it takes me all of 2 seconds to collect that :


- select all

- collect

- unselect one for a reminder of char creation date

- delete all (empty) mails


Afterwards it takes about 3 minutes to sort out, destroy the other faction's scout paint job, the excess illustrious title. Takes about 5 minutes to go over all my keybinds again. Another 5 minutes to go through collections, collect the stuff I'm going to wear, put it in designer outfit, select toys and pets.

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I get 41+ mails per new char.


I get out of the starter quest instance, go to my Stronghold, open mail, click select all messages button, then click the collect all button, then select all again, then click delete all messages. Takes about 5 seconds.


Then i throw anything i wont immediately use in the last bay of my personal cargo hold.


As many other posters said, it takes maybe a few minutes.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I get 41+ mails per new char.


I get out of the starter quest instance, go to my Stronghold, open mail, click select all messages button, then click the collect all button, then select all again, then click delete all messages. Takes about 5 seconds.


Then i throw anything i wont immediately use in the last bay of my personal cargo hold.


As many other posters said, it takes maybe a few minutes.


Not to sound too N00b-ish, but... there's a way to collect all your stuffs by clicking, like, two buttons? :t_confused:


*bangs head on keybord* :t_redface:

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While It has never bothered me how many starting emails I get, I think it's fun to read about everyone's starting routine.


I get thirty-Nine, to me it's kind of a neat achievement, "I have been playing since launch, look how much crap I get right out of the gate."


I don't bother to sort it all, I find Dr. Pockethutt , and leave the rest. I then adjust my UI, add my key bindings, and off I go killing stuff. I leave my mail alone until I get to the fleet, level 10 or so at which point I make two or three trips from my mailbox to my cargo hold and sort the stuff as I go

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Not to sound too N00b-ish, but... there's a way to collect all your stuffs by clicking, like, two buttons? :t_confused:


*bangs head on keybord* :t_redface:


Be very careful - the "Get Selected Attachments" button and the "Delete All Selected" buttons are very close together. You should get a warning about deletion. Should...

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