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OMG New Character SPAM is BRUTAL!!!


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I i didnt think that you can travel to your stronghold and get stuff out of banks. seem i need to build up my home


Make sure you have a neutral Stronghold that both sides can access. I put my Cargo Hold/Bank next to the load in area, along with the mailbox, very convenient. At level one, you immediately have access to it.

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Make sure you have a neutral Stronghold that both sides can access. I put my Cargo Hold/Bank next to the load in area, along with the mailbox, very convenient. At level one, you immediately have access to it.

Alternatively, do what you said for Coruscant and DK. (For new accounts, it's probably cheaper.)


I get (n) items in 29 mails on each new character. My inventory size is maxed out (since, like, more than two years ago), so getting everything out of the mails isn't a problem.


With the two GSF titles and the various titles I've unlocked in Collections (around 57%, I think), I can get a new character to level 3 without moving. (90 XP for each title's codex entry...)


Oh, and to get everything out of the mails takes *TWO* clicks once the mailbox is open. Click the checkbox top-left to select all mails, click the "extract stuff from selected mails" button.

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It's befuddling the first-world problems people will complain about. I'd say this one can be filed under "Complaining Just to Complain".


Here you are creating a new character and you get a starship full of stuff that you've earned over years of playing and enjoying the game. I'd say about 91% of the items are totally useful to any new character:


  • Inventory Slot
  • Adaptive Legacy Gear
  • Crystals
  • Mounts
  • Boosts
  • Etc.

*Items may vary depending on your history with the game.


Meanwhile, JennyNewPlayer creates their first character and gets... nothing. Actually, I don't even know since I've been here since launch, but if it's not nothing it's definitely next to nothing. Maybe a "Welcome to SWTOR" message.


You're complaining about getting loads of stuff just cuz you have to get a lot of in-game mail. Did you know you can check the box and open them all at once? Then check the other box to delete them all at once? Then just go into your inventory and spend a few minutes dealing with all the great stuffs you got.


Let's say that BioWare condenses all the mails into one package... you're still going to have to go through all of the items once they're in your inventory so all that's avoiding is you having to take two small steps to clear your mailbox and do you think that's really worth any development time at all?


And let's not forget the "exploit" where you can make characters over and over and over to try and get something rare from the Cantina crates that JennyNewPlayer also has no chance of getting at the start.


Imagine that *you* are JennyNewPlayer just starting out and seeing other new characters with cool gear and Nico running around? Probably doesn't feel very good and here you are complaining that you have too many mails and free stuffs to sort through. *smh*


I've been here since launch and acquired quite a few additional mails, takes about 5 mins when setting up a new character to deal with them. A fraction of the time it takes to find a name that is accepted :p


No kidding.

Edited by PetFish
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A fraction of the time it takes to find a name that is accepted :p

That's a lot easier now that you can use two words. For me it tends to take longer to think of the name (and resolve any issues of "well, that's actually invalid"...(1)) than it does to get the name.


(1) Havelock Thedane is OK. Havelock The'dane is invalid.


For real fun, consider names in The Secret World. You have one word each for first name, nickname, and last name. My first character there is Melanie "Truckslayer" Roberts, where Truckslayer is the nickname.


Neither the first name, nor the last name, nor even the combination of first and last name, is unique. Anyone can create a Melanie or a Roberts or even a Melanie Roberts. Nobody but me can have Truckslayer because the nickname is the unique identifier of the character. My natural tendency on creating a character is to set up appearance and so on, then devise a name, so I created the appearance, then the "natural" nickname was "Red". The game didn't like that, and refused to let me have it. (Sound of penny dropping.) Oh, (bad word), it's the actual name of the character, I understand now. Hmm... No, that's taken. What about ... no, taken, too. I know, Truckslayer(1), yeah, that works.


(1) Inspired by a guy I knew in high school, who was run over by an eighteen-wheeler outside the school. He had the most horrific set of scars up and down both legs, and he called himself Truckslayer in self-mockery.

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Overdramalama much?

Also it is not spam by any definition I know of.


Yes, it takes about 5-10 minutes of your time extra (if it takes you an hour something is wrong at your end) which is an inconvencience but this is certainly not something I would want them to prioritize over any (semi-)important additions or fixes.


Kids these days...

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And for me, when I start a new character I just want to start playing. I don't want to be bombarded with dozens of SPAM emails. I don't want to spend hours organizing stuff I'm probably not even going to use. I just want to get going. They should put these items in collections.
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It's been a while since I started a new character. Like others I decided to use a few server slot unlocks and try out the "event". I was mainly interested in XP Boost / Gear stuff. I have to admit, it was kind of cool to see the starter planets again as a level 1. The familiar sights and sounds, etc.


But bro. I mean Bro. I. MEAN. BRO. I am getting 41 emails now when I create a new character. When I say 41 emails I don't mean, "a lot of emails". I mean I am actually getting 41 emails for every single character I create. So there goes an hour applying titles, unlocking mounts, clicking on pets, moving / deleting armor, opening cantina packs, etc.


Can we PLEASE put this stuff into the COLLECTIONS window and send ONE email that says, "Hi there new person. All of your legacy and account stuff is in the COLLECTIONS window!" Would make life way way way easier.


I've advocated before that all this stuff be placed in a single crate in an email and then we can pick and choose what to pull out of the crate and put the rest of the stuff (still in the crate) in our personal cargo hold.

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I've advocated before that all this stuff be placed in a single crate in an email and then we can pick and choose what to pull out of the crate and put the rest of the stuff (still in the crate) in our personal cargo hold.

Yeah, and that would take soo much less time. /sarcasm :)

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45 emails here


Went to stronghold, hit the mailbox

Clicked the "select all" button, clicked the "get all button." Went to hold, dropped off the speeder unlocks, the containers for BoL items, the individual BoL item, and anything that's not retrievable through Collections (fireworks?). Collected the inventory expander out of the referral reward box and applied it, put the rest of the box in inventory. right clicked on pets and titles and decos; hit L3. Trashed the BoP reward items and inapplicable titles and decos (HK helm, HK weapons, the one vendor, and one title that I got twice, probably something else). Returned to Ord Mantell.


Total time expended, less than 10 minutes, inclusive of the two loading screens, and including hitting a holotrainer.

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I would just prefer a mass-delete option or recycle bin tab on inventory/cargo hold.


In general. Because I also have to retrieve an entire armor set set from collections when all I need is one piece, and with some outfits that's 49 items retrieved, 7 used and 42 deleted...

Edited by KyaniteD
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I would just prefer a mass-delete option or recycle bin tab on inventory/cargo hold.


In general. Because I also have to retrieve an entire armor set set from collections when all I need is one piece, and with some outfits that's 49 items retrieved, 7 used and 42 deleted...


Let us retrieve armor from collections piecemeal, or at least deliver it in a box!

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But I just can't believe all of the SPAM I am getting for every character. They are asking us to create all these new characters for the LS/DS event and then I end up with dozens of SPAM emails from the system. Can't we just get all of this stuff added to collections???
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But I just can't believe all of the SPAM I am getting for every character. They are asking us to create all these new characters for the LS/DS event and then I end up with dozens of SPAM emails from the system. Can't we just get all of this stuff added to collections???


A lot of it IS in collections. But if I delete it from the mail without picking it up I have to unlock it with a cartel coin, and I don't want to spend cartel coins on that. Not getting it in the mail at all would be the same result.

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A lot of it IS in collections. But if I delete it from the mail without picking it up I have to unlock it with a cartel coin, and I don't want to spend cartel coins on that. Not getting it in the mail at all would be the same result.


Obviously he is asking for it to be unlocked in collections when the character is created. Not that they just don't send the mail message.


I've always thought this system was a little messy, but it's not a big deal. I know the items I want and I go to those messages first. The rest usually just sit in my mailbox forever. If it's something terrible like the HK stuff, it gets deleted.


I don't think there's a real issue here.

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Yeah, I've created 2 new characters this week and it's no big deal. If you've been in game long enough to get 30+ emails you should already have multiple account wide inventory rows unlocked, and have a stronghold you can port to, complete with a bank to store things. Processing the emails shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes. Stop whining over small stuff.
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Yeah, I just made a new character for the event and I can confirm that it DOES NOT take just a few clicks to deal with all of the ***SPAM*** you get from the system.


First, I don't even have enough room in my inventory to get everything in one swoop.


Second, some of the items I DO want. Some of them I don't. Sorting through this SUCKS.


Third, I have some items like titles that are duplicates so it becomes super tedious to not miss.


Clicking on titles, mounts, pets... opening cantina crates... moving stuff from mail to inventory... moving stuff from the inventory to my bank... adding companions, etc. took 45-60 minutes. It's NOT a couple of clicks.


This stuff needs to just be in COLLECTIONS. That's what the COLLECTION system is for.

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Yeah, I just made a new character for the event and I can confirm that it DOES NOT take just a few clicks to deal with all of the ***SPAM*** you get from the system.


First, I don't even have enough room in my inventory to get everything in one swoop.


Second, some of the items I DO want. Some of them I don't. Sorting through this SUCKS.


Third, I have some items like titles that are duplicates so it becomes super tedious to not miss.


Clicking on titles, mounts, pets... opening cantina crates... moving stuff from mail to inventory... moving stuff from the inventory to my bank... adding companions, etc. took 45-60 minutes. It's NOT a couple of clicks.


This stuff needs to just be in COLLECTIONS. That's what the COLLECTION system is for.


A lot of the stuff does go to collections - the problem is that it has to hit your inventory first. Would that they could change that; but it's probably not as simple as it looks from outside.

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A lot of the stuff does go to collections - the problem is that it has to hit your inventory first. Would that they could change that; but it's probably not as simple as it looks from outside.


Probably but what happens one year from now when I get 3x the number of emails. Assuming SWTOR is still here :rak_03:

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Iki's guide to new character mail:


Step 1: Get your favorite adult beverage, you'll probably want to have had at least one before

Step 2: Put on a good show or movie on the other monitor

step 3: Erm, stuff

Step 4: Open the mail you want and delete what you don't. take a sip every time you delete something

Step 5: Who cares, you probably had three adult beverages

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