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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Solo Flashpoints


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Does anyone have a list of where to pick up each of the solo flashpoints?


Far as i know, the following are the only ones that can be soloed......


Black Talon




Boarding Party


Taral V


The Foundry


Maelstrom Prison


Battle of Ilum


The False Emperor


Assault on Tython


Korriban Incursion


Manaan Research Facility


Legacy of the Rakata


Blood Hunt


Battle of Rishi


Directive 7


Thanks Newyankalt for pointing out that last one.

Edited by AylaL
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Far as i know, the following are the only ones that can be soloed......


Black Talon




Boarding Party


Taral V


The Foundry


Maelstrom Prison


Battle of Ilum


The False Emperor


Assault on Tython


Korriban Incursion


Manaan Research Facility


Legacy of the Rakata


Blood Hunt


Battle of Rishi


Directive 7



That's all of them

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