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Can't defeat Gemini Captain


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I have to admit i find this a difficult fight if i don't keep Senya in healing mode. None of the healing classes can keep up with the damage output Senya will receive if she is in DPS ...I can still finish the fight on a healer merc/commando but the other 2 don't have the dps....Maybe I try her in Tank spec to see if she can survive... But this is the toughest story mode fight in the game by far....
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I have played this boss battle for 8 times before and had no problems with Sonya in healer mode, but EA changed something and now it is the toughest battle I agree. Why didn't EA just leave it alone. AS a work-around, I have been grouping with another 70 and the battle is no problem.
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I have a level 70 BH/Mercenary. His gear/weapons are purple 230s and he has one purple earpiece that is 245. I started playing him about 8 weeks ago from level 1 and so far have breezed through all the fights (I think one fight he died a few times when he was knocked off a platform). Some fights are a challenge, but those that are challenging have been pretty exciting if they have unusual mechanics that require some strategy.


This fight is not interesting or fun especially since it impedes progress through the storyline.


I decided to stop after my character's fifth death and go back and try again later. I usually don't give up, but the fight isn't even close. If it was close I would keep trying, but the fact that it isn't tells me there's not a lot I can do to make it better.


Senya is on heal (I think she's at level 8). I use my interrupts, and the heroic skill, I have stims, extra heals, extra presence tonics, basically everything I can think of to throw at this fight. I get Gemini down to about 1/3 health and then Senya dies. My character can stay up for about another 30 seconds. It's just odd that all the fights have not been a big deal and then suddenly *wham*. Almost like it's a heroic boss that's bugged into storymode.


I don't want to give up. I'm really enjoying the story. Should I just find someone to help?

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Just tried it again.


I'm doing fine but Senya dies so quickly. If she would just heal me and stop fighting I would win this fight. She is set to heal. Wish she would just DO that.


Depending on Senya's influence, raising it could help. Also, you may want to disable her stun ability for this fight as it's a waste of an action for her to use it. Are your sure your difficulty setting is story mode?


Edit: Just saw your other post mentioned you think she's at level 8 influence. While that should be enough, since you are having trouble with this fight you could try raising it to 10 and see if that makes a difference.

Edited by PiiTarr
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I stopped the story and went up to the fleet to raise Senya's influence. I have a ton of command crates I haven't opened due to lack of space and they can contain some high level companion gifts, although not always the type Senya likes.


I'm so disappointed with this story mission. Up until now, I was mentally giving the dev team high fives for story mode, allowing people who are not hardcore like me to enjoy the story without getting bogged down in difficult, frustrating fights yet allowing those who want more of a challenge to chose a harder setting. Then I run into this fight.


I can understand a ramp-up of difficulty, but the Gemini Captain, who is a gold star boss, is many levels of difficulty above any bright starred boss I've fought. (I know those aren't the right terms for the bosses, but I hope you know what I mean).


I'm going to turn off Senya's stun and I'm pretty sure I'm on story mode because I haven't deviated from that since I started, but it's worth a check. I think if Senya stopped running off and stuck next to my BH, I could beat this boss.

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Finally beat Gemini but just barely.


As people suggested I got Senya up to 10 favor and tried it again. Popped stims, heroic skill presence tonic and everything else I could throw in there.


Just a second after Gemini died and her green conversation indicator popped up, my character died from her DOTs but the timing couldn't have been better and I had already won the fight.


I went on to fight Arcann and it wasn't a problem. Just get the shield and even if you don't have the weapon you made on Odessen you can still beat him.


KotET started up and it's pretty epic.

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Finally beat Gemini but just barely.


As people suggested I got Senya up to 10 favor and tried it again. Popped stims, heroic skill presence tonic and everything else I could throw in there.


Just a second after Gemini died and her green conversation indicator popped up, my character died from her DOTs but the timing couldn't have been better and I had already won the fight.


I went on to fight Arcann and it wasn't a problem. Just get the shield and even if you don't have the weapon you made on Odessen you can still beat him.


KotET started up and it's pretty epic.

Cool, thanks for letting us know you've finished successfully. For the future, if you want to run another character through this fight, you might go looking for other sources of Presence - one of the occasionally overlooked ones is getting a human character to level 50 (by levelling from 1, not by Outlander tokens or the Master's Datacron), which gives a +100 to Presence on all your characters, but you can also get Presence bonuses from planetary datacrons.(1)


(1) It's also worth noting that Influence doesn't directly boost your companions. Instead, it boosts your character's Presence score when adventuring with that companion.

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Cool, thanks for letting us know you've finished successfully. For the future, if you want to run another character through this fight, you might go looking for other sources of Presence - one of the occasionally overlooked ones is getting a human character to level 50 (by levelling from 1, not by Outlander tokens or the Master's Datacron), which gives a +100 to Presence on all your characters, but you can also get Presence bonuses from planetary datacrons.(1)


(1) It's also worth noting that Influence doesn't directly boost your companions. Instead, it boosts your character's Presence score when adventuring with that companion.


Oh thanks, I didn't know this. I've been away from the game for about 4 years and wanted to start a character from scratch, relearn the game but also just do the planetary and class quests and not all the side quests so I did the level 70 boost. I'm not a hardcore player, don't really care about fights, I'm just a Star Wars fan and want more of an interactive story.


Last night I finished KotET and it was pretty epic. I had to hit escape several times just to replay that last scene. Wow. Just wow.


BTW, the Gemini fight is the only one that's ever given me trouble. I had no issue with the Valynn fight (leading her into the green circles) or really any other fight after that.

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  • 2 months later...
Yeah, the Gemini boss is a little overpowered unless you use a healing companion. I was paying attention to the numbers, every-time she hit you, it was within 2000-5000 damage a hit. I had level 65 gear with purple lvl 64 augs, and how fast she was killing me was stupid. My tank companion died alot faster, because it would always stand in her knockback radius. I finally said **** it and used a healing comp, and beat it with no problem.


even with a goddamn healing companion it's impossible 'cause senja is *********** useless

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even with a gosh darn healing companion it's impossible 'cause senja is *********** useless

DId you rank up her Influence? Have you accounted for the currently-bugged companion behaviour?(1)


(1) It affects ranged companions more than melee companions, but there are secondary effects on them as well.

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  • 1 month later...
Im getting spanked even with healing , shes way too over powered. i always get her to a pinch of health then she kills senya and then im left with no companion , and i die.:mad:
Which difficulty are you playing on? Which class and spec do you play?


Been a while, but if I recall correctly you need to get the hell out of her cleave asap and there was some cast you could interrupt.

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  • 2 months later...
Be as nearby as possible. Worked for me even tho I played as IA. Also having a deprogrammed skytrooper with you helps a lot.


i reprogrammed a sky trooper before the boss battle, once i got into the fight, the game decided that was unfair and got rid of the sky trooper. he just disappeared completely and the emp grenades are worthless as a twig. this seems to be one rigged boss battle, as i have found no environmental factors to attack to make the boss spaz out like in some other boss battles

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i reprogrammed a sky trooper before the boss battle, once i got into the fight, the game decided that was unfair and got rid of the sky trooper. he just disappeared completely and the emp grenades are worthless as a twig. this seems to be one rigged boss battle, as i have found no environmental factors to attack to make the boss spaz out like in some other boss battles

Carefully check to make sure you aren't playing the chapter on Veteran or Master mode at that point. The fight is far far far from rigged, but on Veteran or, worse, Master, it's way harder, like all fights in KotFE and KotET, than it is on Story.


Check your gear. Look top-left in the Character panel ("C") to see what your Item Rating is. (This is the equivalent of "gear score" that some other MMORPGs have. Try to have it significantly above 200, and for preference at 230 or more.) Make sure all your gear is correctly matched to your selected Discipline. Do not use equipment that has the stats "Defense", "Absorb" or "Shield" unless you are in a tank Discipline. Use your character's abilities correctly. Go into the Disciplines panel ("K") and make sure you've selected suitable "utilities". Er. Read the tooltops that explain what they do. Um. Make sure you've actually selected a Discipline.


For the fight itself, well, she'll bat you around from time to time, but don't let that worry you. If she splits into four(1), hit them in sequence. Three are decoys and will disappear individually when hit, and the fourth is the real one, and will make *all* the decoys disappear.


Other than that, just hit her until she falls over.


Apart from that, I can't really help you because you haven't explained what's actually happening, and I've never, ever had this kind of difficulty, although I've never tried this in Veteran or Master.


(1) "If" rather than "when" because although she's *supposed* to split like that, in poorly-defined circumstances it won't happen.

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  • 4 weeks later...
what interrupts here agent here and nothing will interrupt

All classes have one ability that interrupts. Unless you mean an actual *Agent* rather than a Sniper or Operative(0). That said, if the boss has the relevant flavour of "boss immunity"(1), it can't be interrupted.


(0) That hasn't been possible on new characters since 5.0 dropped, and it requires some thought to preserve a character's "base-class-ness" if the character was created before 5.0.


(1) There are two flavours, and some bosses have both:

* Immune to CC abilities (stun, knockback, slow, etc.)

* Immune to Interrupts.

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  • 1 year later...

Just set companion on heal and try to keep gemeni agro'd on you as much as possible....


If you keep her agro'd on you while she uses her special your companion won't die and the heals will be enough to keep you alive.... Then just rinse and repeat. That is how you beat this fight the easiest

Edited by CZall
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This of course will depend on the capabilities of your class, but in my experience, this strategy is universal (although it takes a while).


Set Senya to heal. Always keep the GEMINI captain in a corner of the room. Avoid attacking and keep her focused on Senya who can hold her own most of the time, and stay on the adjacent corner behind one of the ledges that juts out from the wall, so you can avoid the ranged attacks. After she finishes her AoE attack and her focus attack where the red beams/line markers show up, attack her until she charges up her AoE, then run back to cover. After this cycle, the captain will appear with 3 other decoys in the center who have extremely lethal attacks. Look quickly to check which of them is the real one (the only one showing damage in the health bar), and kill all three decoys ASAP or they will quickly kill Senya. Once all three decoys are dead, run to a nearby corner of the room, keep the captain anchored there, and repeat the cycle a few times. Once she's down to 10-25% HP, activate Heroic Moment, rush in and use all heavy damage moves (basically use every damage move possible that's charged up) and don't let up until she's defeated.


Another option is to buy a Commander's Compendium from the Cartel Market and use it to automatically upgrade Senya to lvl 50 influence, which greatly improve her combat and healing abilities. It's technically cheating but I'd do it on my other toons if I get that far since I've already done this battle the hard way twice :p

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Another option is to buy a Commander's Compendium from the Cartel Market and use it to automatically upgrade Senya to lvl 50 influence, which greatly improve her combat and healing abilities. It's technically cheating but I'd do it on my other toons if I get that far since I've already done this battle the hard way twice :p

If you have the credits and the Dark Projects, you can buy the Compendium from the droid V1C-0RY on the fleet, in one of the outer bays. (No, I don't remember which bay, nor which quadrant.)


And I've only ever done it the hard way, i.e. fight her wherever and just beat on her until she falls over.

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If you have the credits and the Dark Projects, you can buy the Compendium from the droid V1C-0RY on the fleet, in one of the outer bays. (No, I don't remember which bay, nor which quadrant.)


And I've only ever done it the hard way, i.e. fight her wherever and just beat on her until she falls over.


Fair enough but in my experience, players are better off using hit-and-run tactics with this boss

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