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1 month for a 30 min chapter?


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Seriously we have to wait 1 month for a chapter that lasts for what at the most an hour if that!?There is just not enough content coming out to really wait an entire month for a chapter. Now dont get me wrong sure this DvL event came out. But for what to make us do everything we've already done? Yeah im not interested in that. But what i am interested in is a much LONGER chapter. I take my time with the chapters and by god if an hour is all it takes to clear a chapter after waiting a MONTH. Yeah for all the money we spend we should get some better content. or more frankly just longer chapters. Edited by FlamingoChest
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Seriously we have to wait 1 month for a chapter that lasts for what at the most an hour if that!?There is just not enough content coming out to really wait an entire month for a chapter. Now dont get me wrong sure this DvL event came out. But for what to make us do everything we've already done? Yeah im not interested in that. But what i am interested in is a much LONGER chapter. I take my time with the chapters and by god if an hour is all it takes to clear a chapter after waiting a MONTH. Yeah for all the money we spend we should get some better content. or more frankly just longer chapters.


If you really think it took them a month to churn out this episode, you're dreaming. Most of these episodes take MONTHS to flesh out, do the voice acting etc, etc. That was more like 3-4 months or so to do that 1 30 minute block.

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I have to agree - this latest chapter was poor and the plotline getting into the realms of silly - I mean really? What was with the ending there?





A Droid you found on the scrap heap for all intents and purposes becomes an intergalactic warlord? Really? I mean come on! Where was the character development for Scorpio for that to happen.


More over - WHY?! Why end it there? We have to wait a month now for the "Battle of Odessen" - Seriously? We all know what's going to happen - Scorpio knows where the base is, your character knows that, so you'd get back fast and evacuate right? Bit of tension builds in the story - start the evac and Scorpio's eternal fleet shows up... big battle, touch and go, get the tension going. But now we have to wait a month - by the time we get to play it - there won't be any tension. Part of the enjoyment of playing games - at least for me - with in-depth story like this one - is the tension - its like reading a book - if its a real page turner and the tension is building - you don't put it down!



Really upsetting honestly because I love this game and I loved the first 10 chapters...but now...for the first time since the game launched, actually thinking about my Sub - and I honestly hate that.

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I liked the story, but yeah, very lacking in content. Not even a Dark/Light choice, just a forced decision about whom you are going to let arbitrarily die, without any meaningful information about it. I dread the moment I'll have to choose with my Jedi. especially since it can be simply reduced to "Am I going to piss off Theron, Lana, or Koth/Senya ?".


I would have liked to have the choice to just save the three important characters, and the choice to save all civilians, sacrificing the Senantor and the Imp.

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