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A question of sorrowful lords


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I doubt that these two facts are spoilers for anyone at the moment, but I put them under tags just in case.



Being on Zakuul, SCORPIO acts under the name of Lady of Sorrows. Which suits her perfectly, given her personality and management style.

But. There is a minor mission on Dromund Kaas - the one that needs you to run all over Kaas City with mysterious message. The chain begins from a man at cantina... and the password is "The Lord of Sorrows sends this".

And the mission-giver is a man from Imperial Intelligence. The very organization, whose agent will retrieve SCORPIO from Belsavis a couple of years later.



Now I am tempted to see some connection and hints on something bigger.

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I doubt that these two facts are spoilers for anyone at the moment, but I put them under tags just in case.



Being on Zakuul, SCORPIO acts under the name of Lady of Sorrows. Which suits her perfectly, given her personality and management style.

But. There is a minor mission on Dromund Kaas - the one that needs you to run all over Kaas City with mysterious message. The chain begins from a man at cantina... and the password is "The Lord of Sorrows sends this".

And the mission-giver is a man from Imperial Intelligence. The very organization, whose agent will retrieve SCORPIO from Belsavis a couple of years later.



Now I am tempted to see some connection and hints on something bigger.

It's not impossible, but I'm more tempted to suggest that it is a coincidence.

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It is more then likly that the two have nothing to do with eachother, one is an very minor quest at the very begning of the game, at a time where scorpio would still be locked up on Belsavis, and they arent talking about a person, it is a simple code phrase, the other namly scorpio as the lady of sorrows comes in way later in the expansion.
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