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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

wow.... hypercrates cost more and you get less money from heroics... EA wins...


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I'm going to be completely honest here..


I've been getting severely agitated lately with the changes to this game. However, I stand behind the lowered credit rewards for heroics.


It was simply too easy to get money. The value of a single credit went down like 500% when 4.0 launched.


I think that lowering the amount of credits people gain from mission rewards will lower the rate of inflation. An individual credit will retain more value and thus the prices of expensive items on the GTN will diminish.


However, this hypercrate thing... you got me swinging there. No clue.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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Perhaps I'm just playing the devils advocate, but could there be a legitimate reason for lowing the H2's weekly pay out? We've seen hyper inflation in the GTN which makes it harder for new players to acquire some of the items. even common ones, because they cost millions. I highly doubt the devs or BW ever intended for the market to alienate a large portion of the player base.


Lowing the H2 payout will, over time, reduce the amount of funds players have to spend on in-game items, thereby forcing those who sell rare ( high value ) items on the GTN to reduce their prices. If not these 60 million credits armor sets and weapons will simply not sell.


Just a thought.


Lowering money pay outs from H2's isn't going to do anything for SWTOR's so called economy. Hyper inflation? Only thing that's causing inflation is BioWare and their damn Cartel Packs. When you are lucky enough to get an ultra rare Defiant Vented Lightsaber........ should I sell for 10 mil, or 60 mil. Gee I wonder what everyone is going to choose. Same thing with everything else, prices for such items are only based on how high they can list it before it becomes obviously absurd.

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Perhaps I'm just playing the devils advocate, but could there be a legitimate reason for lowing the H2's weekly pay out? We've seen hyper inflation in the GTN which makes it harder for new players to acquire some of the items. even common ones, because they cost millions. I highly doubt the devs or BW ever intended for the market to alienate a large portion of the player base.


Lowing the H2 payout will, over time, reduce the amount of funds players have to spend on in-game items, thereby forcing those who sell rare ( high value ) items on the GTN to reduce their prices. If not these 60 million credits armor sets and weapons will simply not sell.


Just a thought.


All of that sounds fine and dandy until you realize that the fast pace leveling along with the heroic gear rewards kind of discourages purchasing items from the GTN at all . And by the time you level to 65 you should have enough comms to purchase 208 gear without any problem at all so there will be no need to buy armor from the GTN. And if you are a like myself you really don't shop on the GTN for mods since you are able to craft them yourself. So the only thing that I've seen sold for really obscene amounts is cosmetic gear ,vanity, rares and speeders and such. And for those items it's really ok since no one is forcing you to buy it.

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