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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maximum Character Slots Per Server


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Hey folks,


The team spent today looking at what our options are for increasing the server maximum by 10. As of their current investigation, there are some hurdles we need to get over before we can implement this. I will continue to pass on updates as I have them over the next few days!




hurdles, like how much cash they can make on the market before doing it? this whole thing just stinks of cash grab. ive never been more disappointed in a game company

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It's great to hear that you are actively considering an increase of the character slots. I know how hesitant you were in the past with changes that negatively impact server performance, so to me this shows that you are taking the concerns about the event seriously and are trying to make changes.


That being said, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and I'm willing to bet that the number of players who actually do have all 40 slots filled is very small. Increasing the number of character slots is a good idea, but there's still more to do to appease players again.

Edited by Jerba
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Remember back when it was "we can't add more than a handful of new slots for each player or the servers will explode from the strain" and then suddenly the max number jumped from 24 to 40 and they started pushing us to roll more alts, alts, alts?


Now there are suddenly "hurdles" to overcome to add more slots again. But don't worry, the cartel unlock is discounted a generous 25%. Meanwhile, the price of hypercrates has jumped 20%.


Guys, seriously, don't bother. I'm all good now. My sub is still lapsing whether there are 40 slots or 400. I'll see you at the end of Season 2. Maybe. Depends on ESO, really.


I thought STO was going to get my money instead, but the game looks hideous, is overly complicated for no reason I can discern and CTDs every time I hail starfleet (on a brandy new comp, too), so that got binned right quick. Wish there was another sci-fi MMORPG coming that wasn't being made by Bioware. Medieval fantasy is definitely my second choice.


Check out The Repopulation. They've had to recode the entire game to the unreal 4 engine since hero engine company went under without ever finishing the product, so it won't be out till 2017 most likely, but can get in and play it and mmo survival game Fragmented for one price.

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Hey folks!


One of the questions that came out of the Dark vs. Light Event announcement was the current maximum character limits per server. There are some players who have all 40 slots filled, and were concerned about participating in the event.


I wanted to let you know that we are actively testing right now the possibility of increasing that maximum by 10. That would mean that a subscriber could have a server maximum of 50 characters. We are exploring if this is a safe change to make and I am hopeful that I will have an answer about this today.


As soon as I have any other information I will pass it on. I wanted to make sure you all knew that this was in process. There is no guarantees this change will happen, we need to make sure it won't cause any issues!




So what you have just said is that you didn't even consider this might be an issue BEFORE you wrote the code? And only NOW are you thinking of doing something about it?!?!?

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Check out The Repopulation. They've had to recode the entire game to the unreal 4 engine since hero engine company went under without ever finishing the product, so it won't be out till 2017 most likely, but can get in and play it and mmo survival game Fragmented for one price.


Thanks! I'll check it out.

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I literally feel sorry for Musco right now. The guy has been tasked with putting a pretty bow on a pile of trash and selling it to us as something we are supposed to want.




I hope all present remember that this is not Eric's idea. He is not the one who needs to be yelled at, he has no choice but to give us what the suits tell him to say. They are to blame, not Eric.


That being said, I have bought one slot, as I needed it for a project (one that does not involve the event). Had the cost been 50% or more off, I would have bought several...just because. But I cannot justify more than the single slot I needed, not at such a small discount. For the sake of EAWare employees just trying to get by, I hope this does not blow up in the company's face. I do not have a good feeling about it, though.

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Hey folks,


The team spent today looking at what our options are for increasing the server maximum by 10. As of their current investigation, there are some hurdles we need to get over before we can implement this. I will continue to pass on updates as I have them over the next few days!




Appreciate that this is actually being worked on but this really should have been thought about before the event went live imo. As in when it was in the planning stages.

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Hey folks!


One of the questions that came out of the Dark vs. Light Event announcement was the current maximum character limits per server. There are some players who have all 40 slots filled, and were concerned about participating in the event.


I wanted to let you know that we are actively testing right now the possibility of increasing that maximum by 10. That would mean that a subscriber could have a server maximum of 50 characters. We are exploring if this is a safe change to make and I am hopeful that I will have an answer about this today.


As soon as I have any other information I will pass it on. I wanted to make sure you all knew that this was in process. There is no guarantees this change will happen, we need to make sure it won't cause any issues!




Cash grab will not solve the issue. Thanks EA for showing the world your true colors.

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Hey folks!


One of the questions that came out of the Dark vs. Light Event announcement was the current maximum character limits per server. There are some players who have all 40 slots filled, and were concerned about participating in the event.


I wanted to let you know that we are actively testing right now the possibility of increasing that maximum by 10. That would mean that a subscriber could have a server maximum of 50 characters. We are exploring if this is a safe change to make and I am hopeful that I will have an answer about this today.


As soon as I have any other information I will pass it on. I wanted to make sure you all knew that this was in process. There is no guarantees this change will happen, we need to make sure it won't cause any issues!




The fact that this concern wasn't meaningfully anticipated sufficiently to do the footwork on this as part of planning the event suggests to me that there is no understanding in your offices of how to do basic project planning.


This should have, very literally, been one of the very first questions asked and answered before this thing was even announced let alone released.


What do you people do for project management?


Just not bother?

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hmmm 4,5k to 6k CC's for 10 char slots.. thats how you make money.. tell them you dont know if you can, yay you can! they will be pleased and therefore spend money on cc and char slots.. never more..
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My plan was to buy four slots total (just bought three at a lower price than I was expecting), expanding my total by four whenever I'm unsubbed to twelve (although hopefully not for a while again), I don't have has many characters to even fill the eight I had whenever I'm preferred (playing since last July) but there is always going to be a finite amount of characters per person, server stability wise. While I wish all characters could contribute conversation points and for people who have all slots filled, it's bad they have to wait to see if they can participate without character deletion or moving server but it's not like anyone has undone however many characters you've played.


They're still all yours, and any extra slots that become available- it's not like they aren't available to purchase. But it's not like anyone who is gifted a character slot now would happily give it back at the end of the event, at the end of the day, we pay for every character above our max.

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Hey folks,


The team spent today looking at what our options are for increasing the server maximum by 10. As of their current investigation, there are some hurdles we need to get over before we can implement this. I will continue to pass on updates as I have them over the next few days!




Just curious. Why didn't you look at your options before you implemented the update? Do you guys have any common sense? Did you not realize that some people might have maxed out their slots???

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Hey folks!


One of the questions that came out of the Dark vs. Light Event announcement was the current maximum character limits per server. There are some players who have all 40 slots filled, and were concerned about participating in the event.


I wanted to let you know that we are actively testing right now the possibility of increasing that maximum by 10. That would mean that a subscriber could have a server maximum of 50 characters. We are exploring if this is a safe change to make and I am hopeful that I will have an answer about this today.


As soon as I have any other information I will pass it on. I wanted to make sure you all knew that this was in process. There is no guarantees this change will happen, we need to make sure it won't cause any issues!




Seriously when will people stop giving EA the money they want for crap like this if you stop buying from cm theyll finally listen to us .Keep giving EA money and they'll continue to not give a crap and more events like this will come in the future if the game makes it that far. Increasing the server slot amount seems like a big **** you to veterans who cant use their lvl 65s for this event so you guys are taking the lazy route to up toon slots where in there did upping toon slots going to change anything ?!?!?! You have already pissed off half your player base already even more so with hypercrate cc cost that went up , if you want to just stomp this game into the ground then just pull the plug already !!!! It is so sad what you guys are doing to my favorite game . Maybe if you guys would stop being desperate and money hungry EA and actually gave a damn and communicated with us on a daily basis the game could be so much better . Other games Devs are constantly communicating why is it so difficult ? Stop being lazy and trying to get money out of selling slots just make the event able to use lvl 65 toons and then you wouldnt have to worry about anything . If anything you should recompensate for all the trouble an hype of this event , WE were PROMISED new content but in REALITY we have to go relevel 8 toons still idk why new achievements on existing toons would be so difficult to do ? why are you guys avoiding theres a 195 + pg of people telling you whats wrong with the event and your lazy answer is to add more slots really ? tbh im glad my sub is running out soon this game is going down the drain . I highly doubt the livestream would discuss anything about the event in general your prob just going to mention slots are on sale and thats it and then your prob going to ignore all the backlash from he event , i hope your ready for that backlash bcuz its a real slap in the face to us that have played for 4/12 yrs yet you add another slap on that face but just upping the toon slots .

Edited by LordKitana
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Are you seriously going to force your longterm subscribers to BUY their way into this event? You need to grant everyone at least 1 free slot.


This. We should have received one free token and the discount should have been half the price... because right now this event looks to be nothing else than a cash grab.

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When we were told that there would be a reduced character slot cost to facilitate players towards participating in the event I thought it would be an encouraging figure. Its a bloody joke.


When I create new slots I use them so there are never any spare - now I need 8 new ones to take part in the event unless prepared to create and delete my way through 8 characters - not my gig - sorry #facepalm



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They are not forcing you to do anything. Its your choice to not delete one of your chars or buy a char slot. By deleting a character( say gunslinger) making a new gunslinger and leveling it up to lvl 65 what do you really lose? You lose valor, titles, and name? I have been in game since launch and I know lots of people who have 16 chars lvl to 65 and everyone I know plays 4-6 majority of the time and the others are just collect dust and they might log them in a couple times for crafting/missons. I am sure everyone has two chars that are maxed they could delete. If you dont I would love to know how you spend your time on each of your chars that makes you feel you cant delete one of them.


I lose my Cartel Market GSF upgrade and ships - they go poof. Cartel ships are 2K CC each X 4. Add in all the cosmetic upgrades, costume slots, weapon tunings, and unique NIM gear, and various weapons removed completely from being accessible via the game, and you have a problem deleting.

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Yep, all this, 100% on the money. Revenues for EAWare must be down if they're resorting to even more blatant methods of cash grabs than usual. I don't think the whales are going to save you this time, EAWare.


This one right here (me) certainly won't be.

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Im the dood with 40x 65s geared on the same server and i wont create ONE more toon for this event.


Retroactive or nothing.


I don't have 40 toons, but I have at least 2 of each class... I'm NOT making any more... Basically this event is only for newer players, anyone who has been around awhile and has toons, is not invited...

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It's a bit of a disappointing sale.


Pay a sub....have to pay real money to participate fully in an event.


And no, don't tell me to delete characters that I get cool rewards with from the event that are bop.


While I agree with the disappointment, your chances of getting anything cool are very slim and you can opt to keep a char that is lucky enough to get a set of something you have never been able to afford, and nuke the rest.

I know lots that are doing this event but know of noone that is keeping all the characters.

We talked about this in length on TS the other night and most are doing the total event with one char, doing the 6 classes to 50 first then whatever order for light and dark.

Most were doing it purely for achieves and had little interest in the fluff, with some saying what I said above, possibly keeping a char "lucky enough" to score a full outfit.

What was made clear, is that no one was willing to put their hand in their pockets for this event, myself included.

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