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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What will you be doing for the Light vs Dark event?


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I actually have all 8 'planned' but I probably will only get 2 done. I had planned to get Legendary eventually anyway (for doing the class chapters) so this just gives me a bigger reason to do so.


What I have planned is...

  1. Jedi Knight
  2. Sith Warrior
  3. Trooper
  4. Imperial Agent
  5. Smuggler
  6. Sith Inquisitor
  7. Jedi Consular
  8. Bounty Hunter


I RP/write character stories, etc. so I have them all planned as Cathar (my favorite race) and all related in various ways (siblings, cousins, etc.) and have even added my existing Cathar into the family tree.


Hopefully I'll get at least the first two done just to get to at least Eternal Level done.

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I'm going to keep two. I'm thinking of a male inquisitor to romance Lana (I have yet to romance her since Theron is so darn appealing!). And a female trooper for the Jorgan reunion. I haven't settled on species yet. I should be able to get through the Eternal level, but I'm not going to try for Legendary since I don't do ops. If the dvl packs are good I might do the lower tiers on other severs for yummy unlocks.
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I plan on leveling up the 8 characters first. I restarted this game about a monthish ago on a different server so I have character space.I have finished the snuggler storyline and completed chapter 2 on the trooper so they will be the last I level up. Thenl complete everything left with the smuggler since I like that class the best.. Figure if I can accomplish that and crafting as I go then the rest might not seem as daunting.
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IDK yet, I have zero spots available to roll a new character.


I have some 21 characters, most of which are already at or near level 65.....what can I say, i have been taking advantage of the streamlined leveling lately. Plus I have been playing since 2011.

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I'll probably do what everyone else is apparently doing on other threads and uninstall the game, rage at BW, set fire to my PC and stand screaming naked at the moon all because of the injustice of this event.


Or maybe I'll just take advantage of the new character slot sales Eric promised when the event starts and get into it.

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Been planning on a new Sith Warrior for a few months now, this event seems like the perfect time for it. Will probably level up a smuggler on the opposite side to unlock the new companion.


Doubt I will have the time or patience to level up 8 new characters and do all the other things to get the mount so will likely avoid that. Also making a light character = zzzzzzzzzzzz.

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Hoping for Legendary, but I'll at least get to Eternal (assuming I can solo ten rounds of TEC - I don't do it often and have only tried on a scoundrel, and failed).


My main DvL characters will be a Dark V Shadow DPS and a Light V Assassin Tank. Depending on the price of the character slots, I'll either recycle one slot for 1-50 on the other classes or actually keep most of them to fill out my AC/Role combinations (I don't have a Commando Healer, for example, wouldn't mind getting one).

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I think I would need to purchase an extra character slot, so I'll probably just do a couple of dailies and play some TFC. :)


Team Fortress Classic? Ah that name brings back happy memories.

Edited by Hebruixe
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I'll probably do what everyone else is apparently doing on other threads and uninstall the game, rage at BW, set fire to my PC and stand screaming naked at the moon all because of the injustice of this event.


Or maybe I'll just take advantage of the new character slot sales Eric promised when the event starts and get into it.


If we get a super discount on character slots, that would be nice.

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Going to crack a shot at the Eternal Level reward and the Champion Level Reward.


My first instinct is to go Sith Warrior again and go full light side this time or make a Dark side character, but I don't know what the companion we get at the end of the event looks like.


I presume the light side chiss they use in the advertisements is the light side companion? If so I'll probably be going full on light side Sith Warrior and Smuggler.


The main thing I want is the armor with the experience boost though.

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If you're planning to read this complete post: good luck. If you did it: congratulations :D.


I'll probably do everything, except for the Legendary Level (that's just over the top, I thought BioWare at least could see that... And I've been thinking they were doing good with KotFE, but that's another discussion, yes, I like it, every last pixel/byte/whatever). So I really wasn't all that angry when I saw the post of that event, but it is a real hard F*** YOU from BioWare to the veterans!


Those Force-bound packs seem appealing to me, I only have Tulak Hord's Armor Set and those weapon tunings do draw my attention, so I might just have 1 character slot preserved to level just for the packs, delete it and start over again until I have what I wanted. BTW, is there someone who knows if those packs will contain those Grand Chance Cubes? If so, I will certainly open as much of those packs as possible, free stuff from CM. I don't own that much of the armor sets, weapons...


That Victorious Pioneer's Armor Set is something I really want, I've been wondering when they would implement bonus EXP on armor. Plus, I only have 3 lvl 65's at this moment (my only 3 characters so far :D), so I could use the bonus EXP for future characters. I think it's great that it's moddable and bound to legacy!

On the other side, this reward is utterly useless to those veterans who already have 40 characters on a server, but I'll come back to that later.


I'm not a fan of companions that don't have something to do with in-game story or recruitement (like in KotFE), at least as far as I know there isn't anything special about them (no romance, no actual story around them). Like Nico Okarr? I don't have him, wasn't subscribed back then, if someone could tell me if there is romance or something story wise, please do, but don't spoil for others! I assume it's the same case with Hexis and Ranos.

However, as the objectives for the Eternal Level don't seem overly difficult, I think I'll certainly do that.


No Legendary Level for me though, ooh hell no. That's just INSANE! Even though I only have 3 characters, 8 characters to level and do story, ops, flashpoints, crafting... with, no thanks! First of all, I don't do ops, nor crafting, nor HM flashpoints. I'm in here for the story, that's it.

I don't like that "tank mount," but that's just my opinion, I prefer the smaller, more aerodynamic mounts. Besides, they should also match with my toon's personality, there is just one character I'd use it for: Republic Trooper. Even then, it's still ugly (my opinion).

Don't know how the Victorious Titan’s Armor Set will look like and given there is probably nothing special added as a bonus (as with the Victorious Pioneer's Armor Set), I don't think I'll be going for Legendary Level for just that. And if I would go for it, I still don't know how it will actually look like, I might not like it in the end...


And then there's this nice, hard F*** YOU towards the veterans. There's nothing in it for them. Except for the armor sets, mounts and pets (and other stuff people usually don't care about, but are always in the rewards). As if BioWare wanted to remind them that they are just another human being, paying money. At least try to do something for them, give them something exclusive all others can't have, maybe something like a cool armor set, I dont know... Instead, they just ignored you guys, I'm sorry for that...


I think I've covered everything I wanted to say, I did this primarily for myself, to see if I actually like the event, even with it's flaws.

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Soooo just found out that apparently you have to finish each tier before moving on to the next. I don't know if I'll be doing this even after all since some of it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
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Soooo just found out that apparently you have to finish each tier before moving on to the next. I don't know if I'll be doing this even after all since some of it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


Yeah participating will be akin to eating raw flour........

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My plans for this event is to play WoW. Never played it before, but when buying a Warcraft movie ticket, they were giving out codes for 30 days free time on a new account so....


It's kind of odd, my character looks a lot more cartoony, and no dialogue picking up quests threw me off at first, but then I realized that I just had to see it as a homage to old school kotor, and it was all better.

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