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Lana romance bug.


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I know there is a lot of other threads with similar problems that appeared a lot of time ago, but haven't been able to find a person with exact same one as mine. In chapter IX ending I got cantina kiss scene, but I never got a message about romance lock-in. Few days ago I checked interactions screen and there was no clue about romance. Anyone else ever got the same problem?
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A very common issue which BW totally deny is there. They clam you MUST use the flirt option every time there's one to romance Lana if using a level 60 token. If you have done Reven storyline you may get away with not doing every one assuming you flirted with Lana during Revan story but still must do most. There are threads about this in the Bug forum.


To me this is poor writing by BW, and many of us believe we did do the flirt option every time. Even if we did not would that mean you would no longer try flirting after chapter 9 to get the romance? well there no option to.

I have only seen posts on Lana but assume this happens with other romance able companions as well. If you did enter in a romance it really is never mentioned again unless you go back to a former companion, then you get a brake-up scene. Otherwise you would not even know you were in a romance so you have lost nothing by not getting the choice. This is one of the big let downs to me with KotFE. Other than that I have enjoyed the story. Some of the recruitments alerts are disappointing but that's another issue.


So not getting the option to romance Lana has happened 1 in 3 times. So about 10 of my 30 characters across my accounts. So you are not the only one OP.

Edited by Nevaeh-Heaven
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First of all, I finished chapter IX with all other available chapters and the character I used (my main character) weren't from 60lvl token. Now about that bug. As I stated before, I got that romance scene, where my character and Lana kissed in cantina, but for some odd reason it never locked to this romance. So this isn't ordinary problem with writing, but more like a bug.
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That's a bug? I literally used every flirt option with Lana on several characters and not a single one of them has gotten any kind of "romance lock note" from her. I just though it was neglect of the romance subplots by Bioware.


Once again, Bioware shows their complete incompetence of handling the simplest of tasks. God the coding staff for this game is horrible. They really need to fire these weaklings and get some real talent.


ADDENDUM: After double checking 1 of them is listed as in a relationship with Lana, but the other three should be as well.

Edited by Drachehexe
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Add my name on this one, too. My Slinger has flirted with Lana at every turn, and got the cantina kiss, but on the N menu, under interactions all it says is "Lana is worried by Valkorion's presence in your mind but appreciated your candor in admitting you got crabs from Vette"


...or something like that.

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