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Open Letter/Petittion to BioWare regarding Email Spam


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You still can do DND (do not disturb) putting you in non available mode

I didn't realize this command existed. Thank you. Exactly what does it do? I assume it prevents people from whispering. Can you still see messages from people in your guild?


This is frustrating to me. Upon logging on I instantly get a message for that character, and I have several characters. I do a lot of selling, so it is a disappointment to find another spam message. An ignore list that spans your legacy would really help.

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Dear BioWare:


As you are undoubtedly aware, credit spamming continues to be a large issue in this game, and part of the problem is email spam. The relative ease and inexpensiveness of sending email in-game means that people are often forced to deal with spam messages the moment they log on. This of course detracts from their enjoyment of the game, because, lets face it, nobody wants to deal with a real-world problem in-game.


Several other massively multiplayer games have implemented a system wherein players are able to set a fee for receiving emails from senders not in their Friends list. If such an option is set (You could make it a Cartel unlock for non-subscribers), the sending party must pay the fee, and most of the fee is attached to the email and delivered to the recipient.


All of the games in which this system is implemented have little to no in-game email spam. Some games have even extended this as far as "private chat channels" and "whispers" (Though the last may be taking it a bit far). When implemented, email spam in these games disappeared virtually overnight and never came back. It also provided a "reward" as it were for reporting spam messages.


I would like to encourage BioWare to consider such a feature for Star Wars: The Old Republic.


Thank you for your time!

Excellent post and a very politely worded request...I love that you included examples as well, not just a rant. I wish all requests/suggestions were as nicely phrased as this one is. Keep in mind how nicely you asked the next time you see someone suggesting Devs avoid the forums because of how toxic they are ;)


The BEST deterrent we have right now is alt+ characters. As much as I dislike the spam, I only find it mildly annoying - it's ONE click to delete it...which I easily do. I hope they implement any of your suggestions above, but I don't feel the same sense of urgency that you do to address it...it's really not that big of a deal to me.

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well the easiest and simplest way to reduce spam is this: DO NOT BUY CREDITS FROM FARMERS!!!

but since there are ALWAYS people looking for "the easy route" i'll say this maybe its time that bioware starts

giving out perma bans to gold/credit spammers

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Serious food for thought ---> there is this wonderful, powerful, flexible, easy to apply filter you can use ---> your mind... you do have the power to ignore anything in your reality that you choose to. Make choice in your favor, IMO. I did.. and believe it or not.. it was not hard to just mentally ignore the chaff in the chat channels and mail and it was much more efficient in the end then letting it destroy my in game fun.

I've advocated making greater use of "ignore" rather then "/ignore" for quite some time. I rarely receive SWTOR spam, but when I do, I don't really recall it. There are many aspects of SWTOR I cannot control that cause me consternation. To use Jay Z's vernacular ... "I have 99 problems, but a spam ain't one."

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