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Why are certain servers so inactive in the first place?

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... Never noticed how many Patches in recent time are server side only ? Made me thinking ...


There have always been server side only patches in this game. Generally to fix something.. where the client and the packages needed by the client on your local PC are unaffected.


Even if there is no content released.. they will generally speaking reset the servers every two weeks just to clean up all the transactional clutter that collects. Clutter by the way that would collect much much faster on a megaserver, to the point where they might need to reset them every day.

Edited by Andryah
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I love all the haters trying to blame KotFE for the low pops.


Sorry to burst your bubbles, but Jung Ma was an empty toilet long before the expansion hit, and the best move I ever made was to move out when I did. The quality of PVP warzones was also WAY better in Ebon Hawk. I actually had to learn my stuff to even do half as well as I did in Jung Ma.


PvP servers have never been as populated as the PVE servers on average and Bioware relegating world PVP to a separate instance was the best thing they ever did. The only people I can see being mad over it are the ones who enjoyed hunting Lv 25 players with their max-level cheesemasters in ranked gear (in groups, of course, because going after Lv 25s by yourself is way too challenging!).

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I can't speak for Pvp servers as I have never played there. I play on Ebon Hawk and we have a fairly good population on there, regardless of some people claims,.


I think it may just be the pvp servers as it seems that the way pvp is done in this game is not what a lot of the pvp players actually wanted and so it hurt those servers.


As far as KOTFE, I think it is a good story and I have seen people still doing it on my server but it could have been done a bit better where it allowed for group play (not where you have to do it twice) and the eternal championship could have been done a bit better.

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I love all the haters trying to blame KotFE for the low pops.


Well.... this is 2016.. so, in general, the disaffected have to blame someone, something, anyone, anything.... except a mismatch in personal taste vs what's on the menu.


Each MMO has a menu/offering. Some offerings match some players needs, some do not. I guess it's easier to complain and blame, rather then take responsibility for one's needs/wants and go find what actually is fun and fancy for one's personal tastes..... OR... play an MMO for what it has to offer and enjoy it "as is". :)

Edited by Andryah
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Well.... this is 2016.. so, in general, the disaffected have to blame someone, something, anyone, anything.... except a mismatch in personal taste vs what's on the menu.


Each MMO has a menu/offering. Some offerings match some players needs, some do not. I guess it's easier to complain and blame, rather then take responsibility for one's needs/wants and go find what actually is fun and fancy for one's personal tastes. :)


To be fair... if anything... the MMO/menu changed rather than the customer and in this case, since this is the ONLY star wars MMO, and currently the only star wars game that's updated as of late that doesn't suck.... (RAWR BATTLEFRONT!!!) were stuck with what we have.


The restaurant is the ONLY sushi bar within 100 miles of a vicinity. Those who can't stand sushi have already left, those who don't mind it stick around but would like to order something more acquired to their tastes, those who love sushi are content with what they have and may wonder why others don't have such a taste for their liking and vice versa. Those who hate the taste of sushi, may wonder why others love it.

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So tired of people saying this, either show something that displays a net increase in population, or keep you anti OPs bs to yourself...


Have you somehow missed the last 3 quarterly reports from EA? I mean, the info has been presented to you, but apparently you just refuse to look at it.


Bioware flat-out stated that operations are not cost-effective. They cost the most of any content to make by orders of magnitude, and they're only played by a single-digit percentage of the players.

Edited by Caelrie
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Have you somehow missed the last 3 quarterly reports from EA? I mean, the info has been presented to you, but apparently you just refuse to look at it.


Bioware flat-out stated that operations are not cost-effective. They cost the most of any content to make by orders of magnitude, and they're only played by a single-digit percentage of the players.


No where besides the first quarterly report does it state population increased, and a large part of it was most likely because of the holidays, a new movie release, and a expansion to attract players, regardless of the content. Not to mention they didn't state the amount of ops player, and those metrics are probably skewed by players who join the game, play for three hours, and quit. Look at the percentage of players who didn't even receive their ship.

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Feel free to go through as many mental gymnastics as you like, I guess. The simple facts are that the revenue is up so much that SWTOR is the #3 paid MMORPG in the world, and that's happening at a time when they're focusing on solo content and ignoring raiders.
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Feel free to go through as many mental gymnastics as you like, I guess. The simple facts are that the revenue is up so much that SWTOR is the #3 paid MMORPG in the world, and that's happening at a time when they're focusing on solo content and ignoring raiders.


You're seriously going to point fingers at me and accuse me of using "mental gymnastics" all because you fail to provide any facts of the current population of raiders?


I never said that they weren't financially successful, its clear that their out to make money rather than a solid product, just like what I expect from EA. Instead of including activities for all types of people they have in the past, making sure their product isn't bugged to hell, and release the expac when its ready, they instead do all the opposite.


Not to mention while I do agree that the game makes a substantial amount of money, their really isn't many MMOs around compared to the frequency of other genres... bar maybe fighting games and RTS ones, and being in the "sub" category is arguable. Not to mention this game has the 2nd most popular IP in the world just slightly behind the House of Mouse.


All im trying to say is their is a variety of reasons other than focusing on story mode peeps that the game is doing better financially... and that your dodging the questions and not providing facts behind your statements.

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... Never noticed how many Patches in recent time are server side only ? Made me thinking ...


I don't think it's that there is more server side patches just far less bug patches etc.


I believe it would have been during the usual ( bi-weekly wasn't it? ) patch cycle the server side stuff would be done at the same time but now since there are less bug fixes etc. ( they come with the main patch now ) they have to do the server side stuff separately. What that server side stuff may be is anyones guess, probably a lot of it is the CM additions for each pack I would think.

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Have you somehow missed the last 3 quarterly reports from EA? I mean, the info has been presented to you, but apparently you just refuse to look at it.


Bioware flat-out stated that operations are not cost-effective. They cost the most of any content to make by orders of magnitude, and they're only played by a single-digit percentage of the players.


Yeah, they soooo decided against OPs. That is why Musco posted Yesterday that the have alot of OPs excitement coming down the pipe. It sounds more to me that you have a personal issue with OPs, maybe because you feel the cool kids wont play with you.


Either way, your CONSTANT tripe on this subject matter is both uninformed, and has actually gotten boring.

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I love all the haters trying to blame KotFE for the low pops.


Sorry to burst your bubbles, but Jung Ma was an empty toilet long before the expansion hit, and the best move I ever made was to move out when I did. The quality of PVP warzones was also WAY better in Ebon Hawk. I actually had to learn my stuff to even do half as well as I did in Jung Ma.


PvP servers have never been as populated as the PVE servers on average and Bioware relegating world PVP to a separate instance was the best thing they ever did. The only people I can see being mad over it are the ones who enjoyed hunting Lv 25 players with their max-level cheesemasters in ranked gear (in groups, of course, because going after Lv 25s by yourself is way too challenging!).


I don't blame KoTFE itself as much as I would blame it's model.


People often wait a good year or so for a new game to drop after announcement. BW made a solo game where they only really need wait 10 months and pay $15 for ( plus they get anything else that came along in that period which isn't a lot really ). It didn't seem like the smartest model to take imo and it will be interesting to see if they continue it but I doubt even they know until they see what happens after August sub wise etc.

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Have you somehow missed the last 3 quarterly reports from EA? I mean, the info has been presented to you, but apparently you just refuse to look at it.


Bioware flat-out stated that operations are not cost-effective. They cost the most of any content to make by orders of magnitude, and they're only played by a single-digit percentage of the players.


The last 3 quarterly reports never showed an increase in population, stop making things up.

The last one ( that arguably was the most important because it covered the period after the major part of the expansion dropped and would help demonstrate if this model will work going forward or not ) didn't mention this game what so ever and you have to delve into the Q&A to find something rather vague about "extra content continuing to increase" which, correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't say "population increasing".

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Feel free to go through as many mental gymnastics as you like, I guess. The simple facts are that the revenue is up so much that SWTOR is the #3 paid MMORPG in the world, and that's happening at a time when they're focusing on solo content and ignoring raiders.


Ah and now you make the mistake of relying on the superdata numbers which are entirely flawed since they don't even come close to covering all data for all MMOs.


Not all publishers give them all their data on sub numbers etc. so they can only tell you where SWToR ranks against those that do.

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Yeah, they soooo decided against OPs. That is why Musco posted Yesterday that the have alot of OPs excitement coming down the pipe. It sounds more to me that you have a personal issue with OPs, maybe because you feel the cool kids wont play with you.


Either way, your CONSTANT tripe on this subject matter is both uninformed, and has actually gotten boring.


Really? Where was this post I must have missed it, good news then? Yay if so.

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Either way, your CONSTANT tripe on this subject matter is both uninformed, and has actually gotten boring.


I think you have me confused with someone else, given that I post maybe twice a week.


Really? Where was this post I must have missed it, good news then? Yay if so.


Eric Musco hasn't posted to the forums in almost 3 weeks.

Edited by Caelrie
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Ah and now you make the mistake of relying on the superdata numbers which are entirely flawed since they don't even come close to covering all data for all MMOs.


Not all publishers give them all their data on sub numbers etc. so they can only tell you where SWToR ranks against those that do.


So your argument is that you know exactly how SWTOR is doing, despite that no available data counts as accurate.


Are you psychic? Do you have a hotline? What are tomorrow's lotto numbers?

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So your argument is that you know exactly how SWTOR is doing, despite that no available data counts as accurate.


Are you psychic? Do you have a hotline? What are tomorrow's lotto numbers?


Don't play the strawman with me, it won't wash...


Catering to that 3% was part of what caused the downslide in the first place. Since they stopped, population is climbing.


You're the one who made the statement around growing population and that end game MMO content had it in a "downslide" being that is what you were quoting in your reply there.


Burden of proof is on you to support your statements, endeavoring to turn it around on me won't cut it.


So let's have it then, where is this proof of a climbing population?

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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hehe those are late 2015 numbers. keep trying.


That was quarter 3, yes.


And quarter 4:


Since this is the latest info to be released, and it shows further growth, I'm calling my side of the argument good. Now you guys have to show your evidence that the game is dying.

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That was quarter 3, yes.


And quarter 4:


Since this is the latest info to be released, and it shows further growth, I'm calling my side of the argument good. Now you guys have to show your evidence that the game is dying.


I'm not going to post how the game is dying because it's not. What I am going to post about is how biased your assessment of KOTFE is. Ultimately show that you are biased when it comes to the amount of revenue you think KOTFE is making compared to past expansions in terms of profitability.

Edited by squirrelballz
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