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A question of Darths


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I apologize if it has already been covered somewhere.

So, the question is - how and why is the Darth title assigned in the TOR period? Basically - who has the right to grant this title, and what are the requirements?

We meet lots of Darths in game, but only twice we see a Lord becoming one - both times in Inquisitor storyline. In both cases it is granted by the Dark Council, so I presume that it is safely to assume that it is one of the Council's rights. But some details are still uncertain.


1) Do you need only one Councillor to grant the title, or is the approval/absense of objections of others needed? The Inquisitor gets the title from Marr, but others do not object. I wonder if they can, and what happens if, for example, Mortis wants to make someone a Darth, Ravage is firmly against it, and the other Councillors have split opinions?


2) Are there any more or less set requirements? High level of Force powers, of course, goes even without a question, but is there anything else, like accomplishments and reputation? After all, even apprentices happen to be exceptionally powerful.


3) How do you even get a chance to gain the title? Should a Sith apply for it, should a Sith be recommended by someone else?

Of course, having a connection with a Councillor helps. I can really imagine the scene with Sith from Agent storyline.


Darth Jadus: I want to make my daughter a Darth.

Darth Marr: Are you sure? She is still young, and has not performed many deeds.

Darth Jadus: *elaborate speech about fear and growing seeds of ultimate terror*

Councillors: Well... let it be so. But don't think that she can get into the Council so easily.



4) Finally - as there is no Council now, who appoints the Darths? I would assume that it is Acina's duty, but the previous questions stay unanswered.


If you have any information or theories - share, please.

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Observation: The Inquisitor gets the title (and another, more spoilerish thing that I won't mention here) by demonstrating in an extremely graphic way that he/she is one dangerous son/daughter of a **tch.


My Sin isn't just "a Darth". She is Darth Nox, and also has/does/is all these things:


  • She is chief headknocker of a cult on Nar Shaddaa
  • She is a Dark Councillor (the more spoilerish thing)
  • She has a group of Moffs along with their fleets in her pocket
  • She has a bunch of Sith and other ghosts/spirits tucked away somewhere
  • One of her followers is a Dashade
  • She has proved repeatedly that crossing her is a life-shortening activity
  • She has protected the Empire against its enemies, notably by not releasing The Prisoner on Belsavis



Of course she's Darth Kylara Nightsong (of the Argentis legacy, but that's another story). How can you imagine her NOT having that title?

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1) Do you need only one Councillor to grant the title, or is the approval/absense of objections of others needed? The Inquisitor gets the title from Marr, but others do not object. I wonder if they can, and what happens if, for example, Mortis wants to make someone a Darth, Ravage is firmly against it, and the other Councillors have split opinions?`


Sith are about one thing and one thing only, Power,

Zash became a Darth just because she killed Skotia, Ne've, Darth Nox, my sorc, became member of the council, because she killed Thanaton, her son, Raya, Sin, Darth Imperius did the same and Ray, Mara, the Emperor's Wrath killed Darth Barras in front of the council as usual, it was Darth Marr who said, ''the force will show us the truth and the last man standing will be one of ours''


2) Are there any more or less set requirements? High level of Force powers, of course, goes even without a question, but is there anything else, like accomplishments and reputation? After all, even apprentices happen to be exceptionally powerful.


if you are anything else than a Sith, Darth Imperius is more pragmatic than Darth Nox and Emperor's Wrath, who are pure evil, until we join forces to protect the galaxy against Revan and then gain Darth Marr 's trust, so all along the way, you've protect the Empire and it's dogma, gain a sect on Naar shada, the Silencers and few Moffs thats why you become a Darth yourself, Power, more Power!


3) How do you even get a chance to gain the title? Should a Sith apply for it, should a Sith be recommended by someone else?

Of course, having a connection with a Councillor helps. I can really imagine the scene with Sith from Agent storyline.


Darth Jadus: I want to make my daughter a Darth.

Darth Marr: Are you sure? She is still young, and has not performed many deeds.

Darth Jadus: *elaborate speech about fear and growing seeds of ultimate terror*

Councillors: Well... let it be so. But don't think that she can get into the Council so easily.


when i've first created my Agent few years ago, she doesn't care about Sith and even defy them, that's why she get shocked by the Darth and wake up at the medic in Kass :)


4) Finally - as there is no Council now, who appoints the Darths? I would assume that it is Acina's duty, but the previous questions stay unanswered.


nobody! which is the best for some and the worst for others, anyone enough powerfull can claim to be a Darth now, Aecina is a puppet, but will it mean something at all?


how the alliance goes, will you have or want a new Vitiate or a new Marr?


Darth Nox take Valkorion's power right on the thone and then use it because she still wants to rule the galaxy

Darth Imperius didn't until Asylum and then will try to make some good with

the Emperor's Wrath won't , he was the Emperor's assassin and feel betrayed so, like Marr, he won't kneel again whatever happen then

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Ahem. I was not asking about Inquisitor - whatever the title, it is quite obvious how did the character deserve it. I was asking about average or typical Darth, despite all the strangeness of this phrase. It is clear that killing your master/superior is not an obligatory requirement for the title, so the questions stay.
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As far as I've seen, you can gain the title in a couple of different ways: be powerful, defeat Council member, retake superior's position or be useful.


Spoilers ahead!


From Wookiepedia:

"There [our Sith Empire], the "Darth" title was used by high-ranking Sith Lords, including members of the Dark Council."


So, you can get the title by being good at your 'job' :).


Another way is to kill your superior (lilke SI) or 'retake' his/her position (like Darth Zash). However, simply having Darth title will not, by default, grant you respect of other Council members. Darth Zhorrid was a good example of that.


From Tor Wiki:

"Traditionally, a Dark Council member’s apprentice is the first choice to replace that council member upon his death, but Zhorrid’s relative youth and lack of public achievements resulted in arguments behind closed doors. Nonetheless, Zhorrid wields considerable personal power–and she may be the only Sith alive to possess her father’s esoteric secrets."


So, you have to be experienced and have some achievements.

This also tells me that sometimes they might give you the title if they have some good use of you. One more example is Darth Thanathon:


...at the meeting, he refused to kneel before the Dark Council, demanding instead that they confer on him the title of Dark Lord of the Sith in exchange for information regarding the Emperor's plan: a plan that doubtlessly involved preparing the members of the Dark Council as the Emperor's vessels. He demanded that hereafter he be known as Darth Thanaton, Teneb Kel identified himself as the mysterious Sith he had seen in a vision on Lenico IV. In the end, the Dark Council consented to his demands...


Dark Council members can disagree upon whom to chose next as a Dark Council member. I can think of Darth Gravus and Darth Karrid. Darth Marr wished for her (Darth Karrid) to be the new Dark Council member, but others did not. Even if Darth Marr was a senior member,

"The Council agreed that [Darth Gravus] should be given a seat after the planet of Leritor had been recaptured".
So, I guess the same can apply for the title. Also, if some members disagree, they might call in for a vote where majority wins (my thoughts).


One more thing: When Marr grants to SI a seat at the Council, Ravage complains explaining that you are only a Lord. That might suggest "Darth" title is needed for someone to be considered as a potentional Dark Council member. That tells me you simply have to climb up on the ladder and get your Darth title. Since SI defeated a Dark Council member, he/she jumped couple of steps forward and thus was given the title and the chair.


This is just my theory based on the little research I've done. I hope someone knows more. I was also interested into this topic. This question has been asked before, and there was never an ultimate answer because there is always an example of some other Sith getting his/her title the other way. So, I concluded that some Sith get the title fairly and others do not. What is considered fair, is up to people to decide. In my opinion, Darth should be someone who is, not only powerful, but also experienced and has done many good things for the Empire. It should not be a title given to a person just because their father had it.

Edited by Daex
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Ahem. I was not asking about Inquisitor - whatever the title, it is quite obvious how did the character deserve it. I was asking about average or typical Darth, despite all the strangeness of this phrase. It is clear that killing your master/superior is not an obligatory requirement for the title, so the questions stay.


I can provide answers that haven't been given yet. Thanaton gained his Darth title by trading sensitive information for it. There have been Darth's who weren't appointed the title. They claimed it. One day just up and going "I'm Darth so and so." These people are generally powerful enough that if anyone mocked them or tried to challenge them on their claim they got crushed. Basically in the Sith if you claim you're something and no one can prove you're not or overthrow you? You live up to the claim. It's the same as being Emperor. If you murder the previous Emperor their may be Sith that take offense but if they can't kill you or get you off the throne guess who's the new Emperor?


In short? How does one become a Darth? It really depends.

Edited by Rhyltran
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You claim the title, and if no one opposes, you keep it.


This. Sith are all about power and if you are strong enough to claim that you are a Darth then you can be one. You can also get it trough a "promotion" where a stronger Sith gives you the title so you have some sort of credibility. Dark Council members don't need anyone's approval (seriously, Ravage can go screw himself), they can take the seat by killing the current holder, inherit it or if there is no-one to inherit or claim then the rest can vote.

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This. Sith are all about power and if you are strong enough to claim that you are a Darth then you can be one. You can also get it trough a "promotion" where a stronger Sith gives you the title so you have some sort of credibility. Dark Council members don't need anyone's approval (seriously, Ravage can go screw himself), they can take the seat by killing the current holder, inherit it or if there is no-one to inherit or claim then the rest can vote.


Exactly. And we have both variants in the game. SW has Darth title as claim right (oldschool). And SI as classical promotion right. Who still think that SW only common lord read at last his codex.:D He claimed Darth title after killing his teacher and noone opposed him.

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Thank you all. I had the same thoughts generally, and it was good to see that I had not missed something. For the oppressive regime the Empire is quite chaotic sometimes...

Same way, I presume is with the tradition of changing names after becoming a Darth. Seems like that it is just by your wish - Thanaton did, Zash didn't, for example.

Of course, sometimes name-change is symbolic and is not decided. Inquisitor is a good example here.

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