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What clan does the Bounty Hunter belong to?


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It's not a straight-forward "wife joins the husband's clan" rule with Mandos, the husband could just as easily join the wife's.


I haven't played a female BH with a Torian romance, so I'm not sure if it's explicitly talked about in any of the conversations, but since Clan Cadera is pretty much defunct (plus just looking at the interpersonal dynamics between the Hunter and Torian) I wouldn't be surprised if Torian joined her clan. (The SWTOR Encyclopedia says that Mandalore's clan is Clan Lok, so I guess that would be the Hunter's as well.)

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In the newest Chapter, after you return from your mission, Shae Vizla makes a comment to Torian that "Clan Cadera survived another battle," after which Torian looks at the player and says "Guess we're both alive."


I took this to mean that he considers the player part of his clan--but it's only really meaningful if you're a Bounty Hunter. Even though that dialogue isn't specifically for BHs, it was really moving as a female Mando BH who romanced him--especially because Shae confirms that Mandalore the Vindicated's clan (Lok) has been almost completely wiped out in the war, leaving you alone and without a clan.


This dialogue also confirms that Torian does go on to reestablish Clan Cadera, whether or not you marry him. It's part of his story arc for male BHs, but females don't really get the opportunity to see that story unfold.


Edited by Shambolic
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In the newest Chapter, after you return from your mission, Shae Vizla makes a comment to Torian that "Clan Cadera survived another battle," after which Torian looks at the player and says "Guess we're both alive."


I took this to mean that he considers the player part of his clan--but it's only really meaningful if you're a Bounty Hunter. Even though that dialogue isn't specifically for BHs, it was really moving as a female Mando BH who romanced him--especially because Shae confirms that Mandalore the Vindicated's clan (Lok) has been almost completely wiped out in the war, leaving you alone and without a clan.


This dialogue also confirms that Torian does go on to reestablish Clan Cadera, whether or not you marry him. It's part of his story arc for male BHs, but females don't really get the opportunity to see that story unfold.



I don't really think that dialogue meant he considered you part of his clan, just that he was observing "Hey, we both made it out alive." Remember, last time you saw Torian he was walking off alone to face down an army of Skytroopers to buy you time to get GEMINI. When Shae said "Clan Cadera survived another battle," she was talking about Torian. Torian's follow-up line had nothing to do with the clan reference, that I could tell.


But yeah, the BH is a member of Clan Lok, assuming you accepted Mandalore's invitation into the clans. Which also could mean you're the last member of Clan Lok, if the rest of Mandalore's clan went down with him.


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I don't really think that dialogue meant he considered you part of his clan, just that he was observing "Hey, we both made it out alive." Remember, last time you saw Torian he was walking off alone to face down an army of Skytroopers to buy you time to get GEMINI. When Shae said "Clan Cadera survived another battle," she was talking about Torian. Torian's follow-up line had nothing to do with the clan reference, that I could tell.


But yeah, the BH is a member of Clan Lok, assuming you accepted Mandalore's invitation into the clans. Which also could mean you're the last member of Clan Lok, if the rest of Mandalore's clan went down with him.



Yours is also a completely valid interpretation, I just took the word choice and body language at more than face value. When he said "Guess we're both alive," he made it sound inclusive, whereas something like "guess you're alive" or "guess you finished your mission" would have been more objective. Just my two cents, though. I'm clearly biased.




Either way, I think it's completely viable that a female Mando BH who married Torian would be considered part of Clan Cadera--if that's how you want to imagine it. Sometimes I think they leave these aspects of the game undetermined just for that reason. You can stay a part of Clan Lok and get revenge in Mandalore's name, or you can join Torian's clan and lead it at his side.


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Shae clearly states you belonged to Mandalore the Vindicated clan. So no, our BH is not part of clan Cadera, even Torian mentions it back in 1-50 story when the two of you begin a relationship - he says something along the lines of "your clan is not fond of clan Cadera, Mandalore might have something to say about this"

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To answer the OP


The Bounty Hunter is part of Mandalore the Vindicated's clan, as during his reign as Mandalore, adopted you into his clan. In Mandalorian culture, both parties in a marriage become honorary members of their spouses clan. So, you remain part of your clan, but you are also part of clan Cedera. If both parties are heads of their respective clans, then the clans are merged.


it's also worth mentioning that a Mandalorian marrying another Mandalorian from another clan is a political thing, and the heads of each respective clan would have to give their blessing due to the political ramifications of the marriage. With that said, your marriage with Torian is not legitimate until KOTFE, as your Mandalore is dead, and Torian is Mandalore in his clan, and there is no one to say you cannot, and no one to represent you in the marriage, unless Vizla merged your clan with her own, in which case Vizla would have to give her blessing.

Edited by cool-dude
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To answer the OP


The Bounty Hunter is part of Mandalore the Vindicated's clan, as during his reign as Mandalore, adopted you into his clan. In Mandalorian culture, both parties in a marriage become honorary members of their spouses clan. So, you remain part of your clan, but you are also part of clan Cedera. If both parties are heads of their respective clans, then the clans are merged.


it's also worth mentioning that a Mandalorian marrying another Mandalorian from another clan is a political thing, and the heads of each respective clan would have to give their blessing due to the political ramifications of the marriage. With that said, your marriage with Torian is not legitimate until KOTFE, as your Mandalore is dead, and Torian is Mandalore in his clan, and there is no one to say you cannot, and no one to represent you in the marriage, unless Vizla merged your clan with her own, in which case Vizla would have to give her blessing.


*buzzer* Got 1 thing wrong. There is only 1 Mandalore. If you lead a clan, you're simply known as "Clan (insert clan here)" Like Torian. So a clan leader is NOT called Mandalore, unless he is actually Mandalore.

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Mandalore the Vindicated's clan is Clan Lok, by the way.


So if the Bounty Hunter is made Mandalorian, they are adopted into Clan Lok. If the Hunter is female and marries Torian, she also becomes part of Clan Cadera. Torian does note however that being in a relationship with the Hunter if she is part of Clan Lok could bring problems since Mandalore the Vindicated was not on very good terms with Torian's dad, who revolted against him.


Now that Mandalore the Vindicated is dead, his relationship with the Bounty Hunter is longer an issue, hence why he can directly proclaim "guess we're both alive" when Shae Vizla says "Clan Cadera survives another battle."

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Now that Mandalore the Vindicated is dead, his relationship with the Bounty Hunter is longer an issue, hence why he can directly proclaim "guess we're both alive" when Shae Vizla says "Clan Cadera survives another battle."


The problem with it is that Torian says it when you are male too. And when you are not a Hunter and thus not a Mandalorian at all.

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Only thing I wish the BH could do, challenge for the title "Mandalore".


Only reason our bounty hunter isn't Mandalore is because of "reasons". Our bounty hunter was not only part of the council of champions, but he/she beat Shae Vizla. In all rights, our bounty hunter has a stronger claim to the title than Shae.

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To answer the OP


The Bounty Hunter is part of Mandalore the Vindicated's clan, as during his reign as Mandalore, adopted you into his clan. In Mandalorian culture, both parties in a marriage become honorary members of their spouses clan. So, you remain part of your clan, but you are also part of clan Cedera. If both parties are heads of their respective clans, then the clans are merged.


it's also worth mentioning that a Mandalorian marrying another Mandalorian from another clan is a political thing, and the heads of each respective clan would have to give their blessing due to the political ramifications of the marriage. With that said, your marriage with Torian is not legitimate until KOTFE, as your Mandalore is dead, and Torian is Mandalore in his clan, and there is no one to say you cannot, and no one to represent you in the marriage, unless Vizla merged your clan with her own, in which case Vizla would have to give her blessing.


That's really good info! Mind if I ask where you read it?

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Only reason our bounty hunter isn't Mandalore is because of "reasons". Our bounty hunter was not only part of the council of champions, but he/she beat Shae Vizla. In all rights, our bounty hunter has a stronger claim to the title than Shae.

Yes, and was on a carbonite vacation while the clans got beaten into bloody pulp by the Eternal Empire.


Great champion of the Mandalorians indeed :rolleyes:

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it's also worth mentioning that a Mandalorian marrying another Mandalorian from another clan is a political thing, and the heads of each respective clan would have to give their blessing due to the political ramifications of the marriage. With that said, your marriage with Torian is not legitimate until KOTFE, as your Mandalore is dead, and Torian is Mandalore in his clan, and there is no one to say you cannot, and no one to represent you in the marriage, unless Vizla merged your clan with her own, in which case Vizla would have to give her blessing.


Um, I'm not quite sure of that. Mandalorian marriage is very simple and is completely legitimate if the two who are getting married say the words. There are no ceremonies necessary; they just say the marriage vows and then they're married by Mandalorian law. Clan leaders are not required to get involved, so far as I know; that has never been the case and has never been mentioned in any canon or Legends work that I've read.

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The elders may become involved just when the candidate for marriage does not want to spoil relations with his/her beloved family. For example, that was the case with Mirta Gev and her future husband. He asked her grandfather about permission.

And taking that her grandfather was Boba Fett... would you like to make him angry?

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I'm a female bh (well my character is) and she married Torian. So, I just assume her last name is now Cadera and is part of Clan Cadera. *shrug* I like it that way, especially since, via legacy tree, she's had a child with him.
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