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Vette wont have conversations anymore.


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I was just getting ready to do Kotfe so I was finishing up companion conversations at lvl 59 on my ship. During finishing convs on my ship with comp i grabbed the Kotfe mission because i hit 60. Vette until just moments ago had a greyed out triangle because i just told her no to the shock collar. Now i cant talk to her at all.


I was skipping SoR because there is just to much xp in this game and no way to disable it. I did part of SoR because someone said her conversation needs a new trigger. now im over-leveled for KOtfe which angers me.


vettes level is 15 so that should unlock all conversations according to dulfy.


I suspect if i could abandon the kotfe quest this may resolve. I accepted because i know there is a prompt about all the bad stuff when you "play" the mission.


Its broke im thinking, please fix or give me a work around so i can play my character that i have so much time and money invested in.

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Don't like 2 warning windows pop up warning you specifically about that?


No actually it doesnt because I have done Kotfe before and the warning is when you "play" the mission which is why i accepted it into my log book.


I have other toons that have the Kotfe quest available and the is zero warning that accepting this quest messes you up.


I just confirmed with another pre Kotfe charcter that simply accepting the Kotfe quest in your log does not lock out companion conversations.

Edited by grovernors
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No actually it doesnt because I have done Kotfe before and the warning is when you "play" the mission ...


I'm sorry, but this is incorrect. You get the warnings, both in a row, the moment you attempt to accept the mssion from the terminal.


The reasoning is:



You still have you're companions after you've accepted it, which is completely logical, as you still have them when the KotfE Storyline starts, you even speak to your first comp when you board Marr's ship, e.g. Vette as a SW and you "lose" them during Chapter 1.


Basically, as soon as you have the mission in your log, whether you've already hit the "play" button or not, you are actively on KotfE, which in turn means that all possible conversations with your companions prior to that moment have become obsolete. A fact that you were warned about, twice in a row.


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Did you get/see/click past without reading the following dialogue when you took the quest?



'Warning! You are about to progress beyond a critical story point and begin Knights of the Fallen Empire. Any class content or companion stories you have not completed will become unavailable to you. It also means your crew of available companions will dramatically change.


Are you ready to continue?'

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