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How old is Theron Shan?


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Theron Shan was apparently born 3666 BBY...the time of KotFE is 3632 BBY, so that would make Theron 34 years old at the time of the current expansion. Hope that helps. :D


Below are notes from Wikia....


↑ According to the novel The Old Republic: Annihilation, the Treaty of Coruscant collapsed in 3642 BBY, and Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire states that Choza Raabat disappeared two years before that, or 3644 BBY. The game also establishes that Raabat's disappearance occurred twelve years before the events of Fallen Empire, so Fallen Empire must take place in 3632 BBY, and Chapter I—which takes place five years prior to the rest of the expansion—in 3637 BBY.

Edited by Lunafox
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