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Opinion on Sith Inquisitor Storyline


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I have seen a lot of hate for the Inquisitor storyline but I happened to love it. I enjoyed plotting against Darth Thanaton and I liked dealing with the ghosts as well in Chapter 2. I also that it was pretty cool that we got our own cult on Nar Shadaa (sorry if i spelled that wrong). Not only that, but I think the group of companions you recieve as an inquisitor is far more interesting than the other groups. I found that I cant pick a favorite SI companion because I enjoy them all. The deception throughout the story was great and I really loved how the entire story wasnt about the Empire or the war, but that it was entirely based on your own characters agenda and rise to power. So how do you guys feel about the story? Feel free to compare with other stories if you like :D.
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Like a lot of the stories, I felt like Inquisitor chapter 1 was fine and that the writers kind of checked out for 2 and 3.



Thanaton has no charisma. He is a boring villain. Like too many other characters, his appearances are very limited and the game implies that he his actual involvement is way more than it is.


When you get to his phantom on Voss, he's all like "I love you as if you were my own child." WHAT?! What possible previous interaction with him justifies that? LOL


I also hate how you get no saying on what happens to your inquisitor at the end. Agents gets 3 endings, but inquisitors are forced to join the dark council. Even if your character is full light side, you still have to join the injustice league.


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Like a lot of the stories, I felt like Inquisitor chapter 1 was fine and that the writers kind of checked out for 2 and 3.



Thanaton has no charisma. He is a boring villain. Like too many other characters, his appearances are very limited and the game implies that he his actual involvement is way more than it is.


When you get to his phantom on Voss, he's all like "I love you as if you were my own child." WHAT?! What possible previous interaction with him justifies that? LOL


I also hate how you get no saying on what happens to your inquisitor at the end. Agents gets 3 endings, but inquisitors are forced to join the dark council. Even if your character is full light side, you still have to join the injustice league.


Even though I loved the story, I have to agree with you. One thing that bothered me as well were that at the end after you have defeated Thanaton, you dont even get kill him. With the warrior story, you get an epic duel with Baras in which you must defeat him multiple times. Then after truly defeating him you decide what to do with him. That bothered me, because I was looking forward to killing him. Also, am I the only one who loves the prologues? I feel that they were well written and did a good job of setting up the rest of the story.

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I found myself enjoying the entire Sith Inquisitor story line. However I do agree that up until the final battle, Chapter 3 was the weakest. Taking a character that started as the lowest of low, and then step by step moving up the ranks to become one of the most powerful in the galaxy was really satisfying. For me there was an added bonus when I included some of the available "slave scars" in the character creation. Made the story that all more immersive. I played through with a female character and decided to do the Andronikos romance. It was actually surprising that even though most of the posts I'd read had this being one of the duller side quests, I found that this was my favorite of the romance options.


I'd say this is both my favorite story Imp side and overall.

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I like the Inquisitor as a character/personality more than I like the storyline. It starts out very good, the early levels (especially on Korriban) do a great job in setting you up for a mindset of an evil maniac (unrelated, but for the life of me I can't imagine a LS Inquisitor... Warrior - maybe, they work better as characters when they're not full DS, but the Inquisitor is an unrepentant villain in my eyes). The overall idea of you climbing from the very bottom to the top of the Empire is actually pretty sweet, and there are certain moments that are quite memorable.


The execution is lacking, though. Thanaton is such a mediocre antagonist - even though, again, the idea of a die-hard traditionalist opposing the "new blood" is not bad at all, it's just done in a very underwhelming manner. Zash was somewhat better, and is very memorable, but after a certain point she's more or less irrelevant except as a plot device to give you info. I also found the ghostbusters stuff to be rather silly, to be honest.


The companions are ok, better than the Smuggler's or the Bounty Hunter's, but nothing really special. Khem Val and Xalek are cool, Talos is alright, but Andronikos is a boring badas* wannabe and Ashara pales in comparison to the Warrior's Jaesa.


Overall it's not a terrible story, I didn't hate it, but unfortunately it's a great idea with merely an "ok" execution.

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I found myself enjoying the entire Sith Inquisitor story line. However I do agree that up until the final battle, Chapter 3 was the weakest. Taking a character that started as the lowest of low, and then step by step moving up the ranks to become one of the most powerful in the galaxy was really satisfying. For me there was an added bonus when I included some of the available "slave scars" in the character creation. Made the story that all more immersive. I played through with a female character and decided to do the Andronikos romance. It was actually surprising that even though most of the posts I'd read had this being one of the duller side quests, I found that this was my favorite of the romance options.


I'd say this is both my favorite story Imp side and overall.


One of the things I hated was getting my personal apprentice so LATE in the game, same with the JC. I mean good god really?!


Also ashara drives me nuts!

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As a sith tale i feel like the history is pretty nice climbing over the ranks with sheer willpower and the dark side at your disposal,while i liked Thanaton i think Bioware should have alluded to the fact that he HIMSELF is a hypocrite because he is

1.Apprentice of a traitor.

2.a former slave

maybe this is why he says the you're my child thing,he sees himself in you and when somebody sees their past self in somebody reaction might not be great,so IMO Thanaton didn't hated you,he hated himself and wanted to kill you so he woudn't be reminded of it,also the moments of "yes i am a dark lord"feel pretty great,specially the part where you correct thanaton about the sith code.

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As a sith tale i feel like the history is pretty nice climbing over the ranks with sheer willpower and the dark side at your disposal,while i liked Thanaton i think Bioware should have alluded to the fact that he HIMSELF is a hypocrite because he is

1.Apprentice of a traitor.

2.a former slave

maybe this is why he says the you're my child thing,he sees himself in you and when somebody sees their past self in somebody reaction might not be great,so IMO Thanaton didn't hated you,he hated himself and wanted to kill you so he woudn't be reminded of it,also the moments of "yes i am a dark lord"feel pretty great,specially the part where you correct thanaton about the sith code.


They... kind of did. When TOR first released there were also a bunch of stories and comics that gave TONS of backstory on characters and in-game events (rather similar to what Blizzard has been doing with Overwatch, if you're familiar with that). But at some point that all got removed from the website.

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One of the things I hated was getting my personal apprentice so LATE in the game, same with the JC. I mean good god really?!


Also ashara drives me nuts!


I agree with you about Ashara. It seems hypocritical of her to join a Sith and then constantly complain about them. There's also the fact that she has this mind set that changing the Empire is going to happen overnight. It ain't gonna happen.

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I(unrelated, but for the life of me I can't imagine a LS Inquisitor... Warrior - maybe, they work better as characters when they're not full DS, but the Inquisitor is an unrepentant villain in my eyes).


The Inquisitor story is set up as well for a Light Side or Grey Jedi type of character as it does Dark Side. I think that's one of the reasons the SI is one of my favorite stories, it really does play out correctly for any of the three main character choices: Light, Dark, Grey( MIddle of the road/Revanite/However you want to call it) in both the player character, the story, and the NPCs to an extent. The main thing is the SI allows you to play smart and pragmatic instead of foaming at the mouth crazy like a lot of Sith are shown in the game, which tends to rack up more LS points than DS. My first SI I played like this ended up Light I (was neutral until later expansions basically said you pick light side or be Chaotic Stupid) even though he was packing thousands of DS points. Probably my favorite character run in the game to boot.


As an aside, what choices did Bioware stick in the Inquisitor Level 60 Token character? Replying to this just made me wonder what they considered their 'canon' version of the SI. Probably Darth Occlus, Khem in control, no romance with Ashara but working with her to change the direction of the Empire. Not sure what else.

Edited by Mykra
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I wish they put more content based around your cult. You grow through the trouble of stealing the cult for the artifact, which I get, but I still wish they allowed you to do more with the cult instead of that Drestis guy running the show. I also thought it would be cool if your cult could leave Nar Shadaa and come support you on other planets. For example, it would have been cool if they followed me to the Dark council to fight Thanaton. Thanaton has a strong group of followers and they even apppear at the Dark council door to keep you out. If your cult couldve done that, it would have been a strong show of power against Thanaton. At least you get to side with Moff Pyron.

Still, I thoroughly enjoyed the Sith Inquisitor storyline and I just flt it was refreshing. It was very enjoyable being a darkside inquisitor as I felt that inquisitors are really the deceptive, scheming, evil characters in Star Wars, I would compare them to the Emperor from the movies. So thats really how I feel. Keep the comments rolling:D I enjoy reading them.

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Is my favourite story, by far.


I typically play as pragmatic Sith who feels reforming the Empire is a worthy goal, so I'm one of the few people who isn't bothered at all by Ashara.


Though I really hope KOTFE gives us the ability to turn Ashara properly to the dark side. Not crazy dark, more like Lana dark, where the ends justify the means. She already has a bit of that if you proceed through her conversations, but not enough.

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ho feels reforming the Empire is a worthy goal, so I'm one of the few people who isn't bothered at all by Ashara.



I like Ashara fine as a character, her voice just drives me crazy. I'm from SoCal, so having an alien suddenly blast out this Northy accent just makes me cringe.

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The main thing is the SI allows you to play smart and pragmatic instead of foaming at the mouth crazy like a lot of Sith are shown in the game, which tends to rack up more LS points than DS. My first SI I played like this ended up Light I (was neutral until later expansions basically said you pick light side or be Chaotic Stupid) even though he was packing thousands of DS points.

You literally described, almost word for word, my experience and opinion about playing a Warrior :D


I think that this is one of those things where everyone is equally right, because, in large part, the stories and the dialogues are written in such a way that almost everybody can find a niche they like. My rationalization for playing a DS Inquisitor was that I imagined her evilness as a result of lashing out due to being a former slave that suddenly finds herself on a power trip, as well as a continuously deteriorating state of mind thanks to the various Dark Side rituals the Inquisitor performs. Well, that, and also it's funny zapping mouthy NPCs with lightning. But if my experience playing a relatively neutral Sith Warrior has taught me anything, it's that sometimes it's fun to do things a little differently... so kudos to you and everyone who can play a LS Inquisitor. I can't, but s'all cool :)

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I like Ashara fine as a character, her voice just drives me crazy. I'm from SoCal, so having an alien suddenly blast out this Northy accent just makes me cringe.


meh, I get more bothered by blatant pronunciation issues of American VA trying to do British accents.


Mainly the inability to decide how to pronounce Lieutenant


But then I'm Canadian, so I'm constantly exposed to accents that are similar but not quite the same as what I'm used to.

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You literally described, almost word for word, my experience and opinion about playing a Warrior :D


Yeah, they did the Warrior story rather well too. What's it Lord Praven says? 'I am true Sith. My only passions are integrity and honor.'

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It's a story about an individual who starts out as a slave in the Empire, but quickly rises up to be one of the most powerful political figures in the Empire....whats not to like? I think the story becomes abit hard to believe if your character is crazy. None of the dark council members or powerful Sith in the empire got where they are by being lunatics. Edited by cool-dude
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The Inquisitor is one of my favorite class stories. I've played full ls and ds but the best was my Inquisitor who ended up with the neutral title. Smart, snarky and only a little crazy and loyal only to herself.

The weakness in the story I felt was there being too many rescues from certain death by underlings. After the third time this happened I no longer felt the inquisitor was powerful at all, just fortunate to have devoted servants and a relative.

I would have prefered the option to refuse the appointment at the end of the story and have one of the surviving dark council members become her patron instead. Then it would not have felt so out of place in the later expansions having the SI running about like a hired mercenary.

The first hand experience of the backstabbing sith hierarchy and building a powerbase was entertaining. As was the process of selecting an apprentice. Xalek has grown on me and now he's my preferred apprentice from all the class stories, mostly because he's got no special abilities and he's a Sith.

I think it was Makeb that Darh Marr accused my Inquisitor of paranoia. I wish she had been able to lecture him with all her near death experiences from her fellow Sith's treachery starting all the way from her time at Korriban. He would be wishing he'd never said anything.

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Overall, I enjoyed the Inquisitor story just fine, but I do think it was flawed in a couple of notable ways.


While the Prologue and Chapter I were solid, Chapters II and III lose a significant amount of steam for two reasons, IMO: (1) Thanaton isn't compelling enough as a villain, and (2) the Forcewalking plot-line takes up too much of the story.


Thanaton is just bland and forgettable - he definitely didn't have enough character or menace to carry the plotline for two Chapters including the 'epic final showdown'. If they had given him more personality it really would have helped the story overall.


The Forcewalking plot was fine for a Chapter, but having it dominate two Chapters was a bit much. I wish they had limited it to one, where you become personally powerful enough to face Thanaton, and then devoted the other to expanding the plotline where you build up a power-base to rival his. The subplot of having 'inherited' Zash's apprentices only for Thanton to take them out, and the subplot of forming an Alliance with Pyron to build a super-weapon could have been combined and fleshed out into a full Chapter. If that had been Chapter II and then you moved on to collecting Force Ghosts in Chapter III so that you could ultimately take Thanaton on personally (dropping the whole plot of needing a 'cure' for the Force Spirits), I honestly think it would have felt like a more well-rounded story of a Sith Lord's rise to power.


Not saying these qualms spoiled it for me, I did enjoy it on balance, just that there was some noticeable room for improvement.

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