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An opportunity wasted, 8 stories as one.


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what are you even talking about? I never stated anything about being locked out of any content....You're just making stuff up now...go figure.


All i've said is you have the option to use basically a copy of your alt as a companion much like the 30+ generic companions we already have...nowhere have I mentioned recording new lines...locking out content...or anything.


But I will give you props on one thing...I said I was done..and you drew me back in with the absurdity of this statement about being locked out of something...when I never even eluded to anything of the sort...



So essentially, you dont want to listen to any posible arguments why someone might not think your idea is good, because you have decided that there can be no posible downside to it. Alright I see, well then there isent really any reason to have a discussion about it in the first place.


For my part, sure you could just throw in a voiceless personalityless copy of your alts in as companions, but why? surly if you want the other class stories to be in as companions it is because you want them to be there as those characters, meaning that you would need to put time and effort in to make them appear as those characters, not of cause you could never meet every posible headcanon that people have made, but you could make a stock bounty hunter personality based on the story for instance, but it would take a lot of money to do this for every posible combination of characters.


Of cause you could do it so that the companion simply dosent react to which character you yourself is playing, which would make it cheeper, but then the point that started this out was to see the stories combined to one, would that really make sense with a stock character that dosent respond to what you say or do? I personally wouldent think so, but then again, as you have said you dont want to hear arguments aginst your idea, so I guess it dosent matter.

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Well I've made this opinion before but I feel it deserves it's own thread and someone made another post that was much like my idea, but I'm just gonna toss it out there.


Tthe 8 stories as one idea would of been great, but it's missing one thing. ALL 8 stories as one. My idea was this. If you got all your 8 companions up to lvl 65, you could choose to have your one main the "Outlander" then you could pick any or all in any combo as companions, but playable. Example, say you just wanted all 4 sith classes. You pick say SI as your Outlander. The other 3 show up as now companions in that story(you can still have them as solo characters on your account) but basically how they look, the game takes a snap shot and that's now how they first appear in your game.


First chapter starts out as normal, but lets say when you meet Marr, you see the other 3 conversing with him, and Marr explains he brought in the Wrath, the best intelligence operator and the best BH around. The attack on Marr's ship occurs as normal, he looks to you and you decide where the other 3 go to secure vital areas(and this choice will haunt you later on). You go on as normal, then during the ramming or saving part, two of the heros you sent off escape and the 3rd is captured.


Go to meet Valkorion, it happens as normal, but when the room is cleared by Vaylin, the other companion is taken away. The end of chapter 1 goes as normal and you move along into 2. During the rescue of the Outlander, Lana breaks you out, but you find out in a prison the 3rd companion awaits so she leads you to break that companion out then that companion follows you much like the last chapter where Gault or Vette was a non controllable companion who helps you fight.


Next chapters go as normal till you reach Asylium where lo and behold the other 2 companions wait for the Tombstone. Then one you get to chapter 9 the alliance and start doing missions after that from the base, lets say for the mission to meet havoc squad, your Outlander and 3 companions are all talking to Theron and he suggests someone go meet Havoc. At that point you can choose your Outlander to go, or you can send in one of your 3 playable companions to go instead.


This way for certain missions the story makes more sense and you can flip around inside that one story to each companion as you see fit.


IMHO it would made for a better story where you had one "Outlander" but you had other toons inside that story you could of chosen to do that specific mission, like the latest mission where I'd send my Mandalorian BH to go meet the BHs, or my trooper to go secure Havoc's help, or send the agent to rope in Kaliyo.


A thing EA could of done, and it's just my 2 credits, wouldn't of been that much more coding to do so.

I don't know about the rest of you, but this idea is the bomb!

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