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What was Zash's crime?


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Yeah, Thanaton did nothing to earn Marr's respect. But its still not as bad as Thanaton having the sheer *********** gall to say 'I wish it hadn't had to end this way' on Corellia if you choose the dialogue option to finish the sith code when he chants it at you. You have had the power to call it off at anytime, *******. It is nobodies fault but your own that all this **** happened and you couldn't pull out without looking like a loser who couldn't kill a lowly Sith Lord despite being on the Dark Council.


I think that reply is aimed at someone who choose a LS Sorc playtrough lol . But yeah , I know that feeling :D

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Darth Marr is a traditionalist himself who "cannot bend even if his life depended on it". He also rates Thanaton high for what he (Thanaton) unearthed from ancient wisdom - which is precisely YOUR task on the Dark Council now and, amazingly, you are still doing exactly that til present day. Think on it...


Yeah but Marr isn't a hypocrite ....wich Thanathon was .


I think Thanathon must have been a good Liar , wich fit what the Inquisitor is supposed to be . Valk does mention that you cant manipulate him . So that must be the Sorc strenght . But the problem is that Thanathon didn't have the power to back up his lies .


Make me wonder if he lied to Marr to get that ''respect'' ...

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He saw the Sorc as a potentiel threath and unworthy to advance to the Top . Probably same with Zash (that and he probably wanted to hoard her stuff for himself , thinking he is more worthy of relics and text of the Sith ) . He is a traditionalist that act like a wall to anyone he doesn't approve of .


Bingo, Thanaton is the ultimate gatekeeper. He thinks he should be the arbiter of who is "worthy" to advance, and someone seizing power (almost) completely on their own like the Inquisitor is an affront to him.

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