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Why can we not have non human races again?


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Well not human like races like wookies and well and that lizard Trandoshan and a jawa and a well the thing with horn for the BH and the other huge thing that the BH has as the companion. But mostly why can we not have Wookies and Trandoshans?
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Top right corner of the page is a box that says "Search" its very helpful to answer questions you might have, especially ones that have been asked -multiple- times already.


Also, its wookiee


Two Es.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I am confused now.


All species "weareable" by the player uses the same "generic" voice actor/actress.


You can play the inquisitor as a Togruta, or as a human, or as a Twi'Lek. The voice will still be the same. To make you happy, they would have to spend extra money to re-voice act the entire game for species that do not speak english.


A Jawa speaking english would not work. But on the other hand, a fat body type 4 Jawa Sith Lord would be a best-seller.

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Long ago they said that they won't do player characters that don't speak Basic because playing the game like that would really suck.

They're right.


Sure, a few people might see the novelty in it but it doesn't make sense for them to do all the work required for something like that just to benefit a couple of people that want it when the vast majority of players would be pulling out their hair from listening to gibberish dialogue through the entire game.

Edited by Rankyn
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Long ago they said that they won't do player characters that don't speak Basic because playing the game like that would really suck.

They're right.


Sure, a few people might see the novelty in it but it doesn't make sense for them to do all the work required for something like that just to benefit a couple of people that want it when the vast majority of players would be pulling out their hair from listening to gibberish dialogue through the entire game.


Well I disagree here but well the staff decided and well what can you do. So then we can still have Hutts, Devorians Houks and well Besalisks so there are still a few awesome basic speaking species we can have.

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Well I disagree here but well the staff decided and well what can you do. So then we can still have Hutts, Devorians Houks and well Besalisks so there are still a few awesome basic speaking species we can have.


I'm sorry, but Hutts? By the stars, think of all the extra work/costs that would be needed to alter all everything for Hutts to be a playable race.

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I'm sorry, but Hutts? By the stars, think of all the extra work/costs that would be needed to alter all everything for Hutts to be a playable race.


Just to make a Hutt into a mobile player specie would be a ton of work.



Devaronians (Red/Orange/Yellow people with the devil horns like Gault Rennow) have a very different appearence for both genders, namely the females are hairier and I believe lacking in horns according to the lore.


We were just given Togruta, and before them the Cathar. There are specie models that could work as playable species in-game, but if you look closely enough, those models aren't varied enough by what's already in-game. I mean, look at the Houks in-game. They're all the same face, just different colors, no real variation.


And we already having clipping issues like for Twi'lek and Togruta, but that is the consequence for choosing those specie for heavily armored classes.


Playing as a Wookiee would result in me punching my thousand dollar laptop I got for my schooling and artwork. Wookiees, Gaand, Trandoshans, already have armor pieces they cannot wear, or don't wear armor pieces at all.


I could see an argument for adding Nautolans and Kaleesh. The Nautolans are already in-game, but the designers would need to make several new faces, patterns, tattoos, lekku (tentacle) arrangements or ways of keeping them out of the way. Kaleesh, while I did some quick searching and haven't found any art for what a female Kaleesh looks like, Have different mask styles that could be marked or something.


But Jawa, Ugnaughts, Hutts? Nope. Very unlikely. Near-humans are our most likely bet for next specie made available in-game.

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They stated before and been discussed multiple times in other threads. Any new playable species must:


1. Speak basic

2. Support existing armor pieces

3. Work with existing cut scenes

4. Be romancable and romance make sense.


Yeah I really doubt they stated all that the staff does not really talks to us that much. Some of the requirements are not said by staff are they?

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Yeah I really doubt they stated all that the staff does not really talks to us that much. Some of the requirements are not said by staff are they?


It was discussed on the beta forums and several times after release (when yellow text was a more common site), these are the factors the devs gave, whether you believe it or not is your prerogative, but you wont be playing as a Wookiee/Ewok/Hutt regardless.

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Yeah I really doubt they stated all that the staff does not really talks to us that much. Some of the requirements are not said by staff are they?


They were in fact said by the staff some time back, before the Togruta were added into the game, and (from my understanding, since I joined a few months after the Cathar were released) before Cathar were added into the game.


It's not really "all that" much in terms of a requirements list. There is a gold post somewhere, or a link to a Q&A with staff somewhere that I'm trying to find at the moment.

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Yeah I really doubt they stated all that the staff does not really talks to us that much. Some of the requirements are not said by staff are they?


They've said it multiple times. You can do a search and see for yourself. It was a few years back but they did in fact say all that.

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Top right corner of the page is a box that says "Search" its very helpful to answer questions you might have, especially ones that have been asked -multiple- times already.


If he posts in one of those he'll be criticized for necro bumping. Creating new threads is fine.

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Why? It would save them $$$ because it's easy to do the voice acting for them.


You serious? :confused:

Can you imagine going through your class story?


"Oh noes, sith attacks us, help us Master Jedi!"



"So, are you in the smuggling business for a long time?"

*hissing sounds*

"Uhm...ok...*backs away slowly*"

Edited by Asheris
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If he'd used the search function, he'd have had his answer and not needed to make a post at all.


I chose the easy way sue me.I am not gonna go trough hundreds if not thousands of threads about races to find what I need.

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