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How Best To Augment A Guardian Tank For PVP


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Speaking strictly for regs, Guardian Tanks are so damn tough you dont really need any extra endurance, and certainly no defense/shield/absorb


Putting them in full crit/power gear is just insane right now. I see DPS tanks outperform actual DPS all the time because they have no downtime. No need to kite or line-of-sight, reflect back half that snipers rotation and when sorcs try to tunnel you with dots use warding call and the adrenal and /laugh because you are invinceable while you are crushing faces and guarding and taunting and healing.


Its kind of dumb really.

Edited by KevinQCowart
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Real men play defense tanks.


sure if they want to be as effective as a wet nudle compared to a dps tank, there is no point at all for a guardian or jugg tank to wear tank armor, if you manege your defensive cooldowns well enough and have just a semi decent healer on your team, then a dps geard tank is just as effective at tanking as a tank geard one, with the added benefit of being able to dish out some damege themselves.

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As a Juggernaut tank it's all about managing those reliable cooldowns that are gonna keep you from dying. Now from a solo perspective with not much incentive to play well with others I would suggest going Endurance/Power. I suggested because there are plenty of new comers to the tanking world and its a bit of a learning curve on how to utilize the maximum potential someone can accomplish as a tank. For a well experienced player it all depends on the flavor of play style. As an experienced player that performs on the high end in warzones I figured that I'm better off stacking as much power as I could making my augments Power/Endurance. The lack of moves a Jug tank are stuck with makes you reconsider the decision of any other stat in my opinion. My *Major damage dealer* crushing blow can hit at 17-18k on crit, without I'm reaching 8-9ks. I haven't completely switched out of all my mods so I'm still stuck with a few defense absorb and shield chance but I'm sure once they are replaced, that 17-18k might look more like 25k. Why I didn't choose mastery well because I need that assured damage from power to cause harm, without stacking enough power in my opinion is bottlenecking your dps because we aren't a burst class but a sustained damage dealer. If we had burst as a tank then I would rock crit till I die.
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As a Juggernaut tank it's all about managing those reliable cooldowns that are gonna keep you from dying. Now from a solo perspective with not much incentive to play well with others I would suggest going Endurance/Power. I suggested because there are plenty of new comers to the tanking world and its a bit of a learning curve on how to utilize the maximum potential someone can accomplish as a tank. For a well experienced player it all depends on the flavor of play style. As an experienced player that performs on the high end in warzones I figured that I'm better off stacking as much power as I could making my augments Power/Endurance. The lack of moves a Jug tank are stuck with makes you reconsider the decision of any other stat in my opinion. My *Major damage dealer* crushing blow can hit at 17-18k on crit, without I'm reaching 8-9ks. I haven't completely switched out of all my mods so I'm still stuck with a few defense absorb and shield chance but I'm sure once they are replaced, that 17-18k might look more like 25k. Why I didn't choose mastery well because I need that assured damage from power to cause harm, without stacking enough power in my opinion is bottlenecking your dps because we aren't a burst class but a sustained damage dealer. If we had burst as a tank then I would rock crit till I die.


Thanks. Helpful comment. Appreciate it.

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