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Treasure Hunting Lockboxes are causing massive inflation and a proposed solution.


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Right so because he posts a certain way it means he must be that person?


So way back when during the ravagers exploit where Max here would go out of his way to defend exploiters and the punishment people felt valid kept going on and on about along the lines of "just because I post a certain way doesn't make me one of them" yet here he is now basically doing the same thing and saying because this person posts a certain way he must be the same person.


Pot meet kettle.


Funnily enough the previous poster wanted TH nerfed, this posters doesn't ... yup they MUST be the same person. :rolleyes:


the guy that started the whole "lets kill TH crusade" claimed that because a bunch of characters moved locations within a few days that they were all controlled by the same person. he claimed that that was "proof".

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Mezarkan, posting from 2-27-2016 to 3-18-2016.



here is a collection of quotes i found on a hacker website, i won't name the website







"I am looking for profile(s) that let me gather and open these small credboxes on Yavin 4.

If someone already have some profiles around,it would be AWESOME to get ma´ Hands on it.


If not i am willing to kick out a lil´ Donation for a good Profile!!


Please let me know!"






"Also yavin 4 sees an increase, reports about 2,5mil per hour "





"from 4,1 slicing is a problem that is price crush with 15 bots is 100 milions per day if you dont sell 1 day next is 200 milions and so on"





"rofl the devs are so dumb in this game.... just keep raking in the credits from this exploit.... if the price keeps dropping just stock pile the credits.. we should start posting in that forum post about the slicing nodes and say how this is a great change in the game to delay the time until they fix it lol.... hell they may be dumb enough to never fix it. the com crystal exploit lasted more than a month "



"Still funny to see how the Bioware devs, are *********** it up in just a short timespan...

I think they dont care about mechanics anymore and story only.

Even the lead OPS dev has left."






looks like the hackers are having lots of fun with this





lots of evidence in the 26 threads of this forum post. also on reddit and other sites.

fortunately it is not my duty in life to read them for you.



if they banned buyers they would ban 40% or more of the players




you have really poor reasoning abilities. there is tons of evidence of what is going on.

for example why would they keep removing credits from chests and certain npc's and then increase credits from slicing nodes by a factor of 5? of course it's a huge mistake and not intended and the botters are exploiting the hell out of it.





Rozaran, posting from 4-24-2016 to 5-24-2016.



If the exploit is fixed then why is the price of credits dropping or staying the same?


the credit selling websites and their spammers are still selling unlimited amounts on any server for the same or lower prices. so either the exploit is not fixed or there are multiple exploits out there.


as long as the price is this low the developers should assume there is an exploit or multiple exploits going on.




a gold farmer would be copying the people exploiting the treasure hunting lockboxes. the fact that i am reporting it to be fixed proves that i'm not a gold farmer.




i told you i would call for that person to be fired


it gets tiresome to deal with people like you, it's pointless



people who exploit treasure hunting lockboxes 24 hours a day with a bot for profit and then spam your mailbox with credit sale advertisements. that's how they get their near infinite credits to sell.





Akostt, posting 6-5-2016 to today.



and treasure boxes do generate a lot of credits that the game needs. it means everyone can sell their items on the gtn for a lot more than they otherwise would. this is a big positive. if anything they should speed up the mission speed at maximum influence and add more direct credit generating crewskills.



those sites are safe but keep believing a bunch of old wives tales. whatever makes ya happy.




All three:

* apparently have a broken shift key

* go on relentlessly about this one general subject of credit farming and spamming

* make statements that are oddly positive about RMTs (they're safe, they're trustworthy, etc)

* relentlessly insult and attack anyone who questions their claims

* repeatedly ignore or evade directly-asked simple questions

* etcetera

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Directly selling credits for actual money by the studio would inject fresh new credits into the game without any actual game play effort on the part of the player... and hence would be the very thing people are complaining about.... credit inflation.


True enough but then who is complaining the most about inflation? People who want to get hypercrates ( paid currency ideally ) for "free" with their credits. That or the really rare gold stuff.


Otherwise actual game items that are generated by the community haven't really inflated i.e. crafted goods, materials etc. Of course neither has anything in the game you actually need.


So yes it might inflate the economy as it has now but I can't see it getting any worse than it already is since credits are being generated for free anyway for anyone who fancies running a macro ( reglardess of if they then sell the credits which I personally believe the majority using macros aren't doing but using the credits themselves or for friends/guildies ).


Personally I don't care if someone bought their credits or ran 20 hours worth of heroics ... they buy my goods all the same.


I personally do not have a big issue with in game inflation in MMOs. It's all relative.. and as long as newer players have easy access to credits and can build up characters and character wealth to be on par with veterans after a reasonable period of time.. I don't see the issue. Many veterans in this game are clearly wealthy enough to not have to care too much about choosing to splurge on some rare items.


Indeed and even if new players couldn't get anywhere near as wealthy they have an absolute HOARD of items available at really cheap prices ( looking at you bronze and silver armor sets ) ... oh WAIT people whinged so much the chance cubes will become much more rare thus pushing all those prices up ... oh well guess they'll get expensive too in time. ;)


Be that as it may it's still all "vanity" goods so to play and enjoy the game for any player right now is as simple as it's always been due to the above point on what hasn't really inflated.


At least if people could buy credits they wouldn't have to whinge about not getting what they want from the hypercrates and just buy enough credits to buy it direct from the GTN.


This would of course inflate these few items further no doubt due to less crates being bought ... still it would be interesting to see where the balance falls.


I do support the model used by some MMOs where they sell a 30 day sub token to players, who in turn can resell them in game to other players. Again.. a credit neutral action. I'm netural on whether such tokens should be "price fixed" inside the game. WoW price fixes, EVE Online does not. Both seem to work well.


Personally I wouldn't care if they introduced such items either way, as you say credit neutral so no skin off my back.



As for the original premise of this thread (massive inflation due to TH lockboxes) ... I think enough discussion from sane players in this thread have proven A) this is not the cause of massive inflation B) may be exploited (like just about anything else in game) with clever botting which is a banable offense. Given how much effort and investment is required to just prepare an accounts characters and companions for this particular source of credits... I find it dubious that there is much botting going on for TH. That said.. there are always players that will bot, and so the best defense is to report suspects so that they are on the studios radar and can be assessed and actioned as the studio determines is best.


I doubt it's as much work and effort as you think since the TH part isn't the only part you can easily automate and you could be using your first automated TH gain to be making others and automating how they get to where they need to be. I won't go into any great detail since that would be dubious in regards to the forum rules but suffice to say if you think about it from a neutral point of view or a "how would I go about doing this" you can quickly work out it's really not that difficult at all ... everyone skills in this area differing though so maybe not. :)


As to does TH inflate the economy? It's a factor, slicing is a factor ... what is a major factor? Botting in general regardless of what is being botted - which is why if it is deemed that all the extra credits being generated is an issue ( it's not affecting me personally and is probably making me game richer more than anything so if anything I should be for it but I'm trying to remain neutral here heh ) I am for a system that requires more human interaction to make it far more difficult to bot ( i.e. captcha system completely eliminates the simple marco software that a videos on youtube and someone foolishly posted here demonstrate ) as that's a far better direction to take than any sort of nerfing.

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the guy that started the whole "lets kill TH crusade" claimed that because a bunch of characters moved locations within a few days that they were all controlled by the same person. he claimed that that was "proof".


That's not the point I was getting at, more the hypocrisy demonstrated by Max, and I do agree that in my opinion he guy who wanted a TH nerf and the previous slicing nerf guy are most likely one and the same but for akostt to also be the same person seems unlikely since he is pro keeping or even buffing TH and not nerfing it.


I personally believe they are all RMTs ( convinced akostt is since he's actually using the same name of an RMT from an auction site ... but it could be coincidence of course, just my opinion ;) ) however the way they make credits differs.


I would think mez/roz probably both make credits via GTN activities and thus botting and slicing/TH drove the value of their inventory and credits right down hence why they were pro a nerf to try get this value back up where as the likes of akostt are probably far more into the botting aspect and thus don't want any nerf here as that would slow down their ability to generate credits.


It could be all an elaborate ruse but from the thread around the slicing nerf at someone elses post I had hunted out some forums around the software used to bot and they were indeed talking about coming on to make posts against nerfs to try keep their cash cow. *shrug*.


I know if the case of mez he was very anti any sort of measure that would impede his ability to send mass credits to other non legacy players which if you were really wanting to totally stop RMTs you would be in favour of.

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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PUT THE GUN DOWN MENACE! Theirs civilians in the area!


Maybe we should suspect him... he certainly fits the "ignore anything inconvenient" and "belligerence and disdain" parts. :rolleyes: There's a reason he's been in the "not worth the time" file for a long time now. And yet he keeps making comments about me when he knows I won't see 90% or more of them... and what I do see quoted is usually some half-true garbage.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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It's currently 10:39 PM Eastern time on 6/17/2016 and a firefight has now broken out between forum members, neither side seems to want a cease fire and continue putting out casualties refusing to back down. Neither side further realizes that this all pointless take pot shots at either. I advise all official forum fielders, and guests, to stay away from the vicinity of the area till a cease fire has happened!


EDIT- Tune in next time to PlankSkull news to find out more about the war on EA.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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It's currently 10:39 PM Eastern time on 6/17/2016 and a firefight has now broken out between forum members, neither side seems to want a cease fire and continue putting out casualties refusing to back down. Neither side further realizes that this all pointless take pot shots at either. I advise all official forum fielders, and guests, to stay away from the vicinity of the area till a cease fire has happened!


EDIT- Tune in next time to PlankSkull news to find out more about the war on EA.


It's more like him shooting straight up in the air every so often... he can't even be arsed to actually direct his spleen at what I've actually posted.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Maybe we should suspect him... he certainly fits the "ignore anything inconvenient" and "belligerence and disdain" parts. :rolleyes: There's a reason he's been in the "not worth the time" file for a long time now. And yet he keeps making comments about me when he knows I won't see 90% or more of them... and what I do see quoted is usually some half-true garbage.


Normally Max wouldn't bother replying to anything I've said ... seems I hit a nerve ;)


Truth hurts.


Anytime you want to support your "they are the same person" crap with ACTUAL facts then feel free to do so otherwise please never make another post asking other people for "facts" to support their posts again because you're becoming quite the outspoken hypocrite lately.

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It's more like him shooting straight up in the air every so often... he can't even be arsed to actually direct his spleen at what I've actually posted.


Post something relevant and factual and by all means I'll endeavor to do so.


Here is the kicker for anyone following along though ...


And yet he keeps making comments about me when he knows I won't see 90% or more of them... and what I do see quoted is usually some half-true garbage.


This implies you only see what is quoted because you can't see the rest because I'm on ignore right as you've mentioned numerous times before right? Yet ...


he can't even be arsed to actually direct his spleen at what I've actually posted.


Now seeing as between my last posts and now the only person to quote me was ole Planskull with:


Uh oh, ivanhedgehog comes close to fitting that part of the criteria ... we best had him to the watchlist


How could you possibly know I wasn't "he can't even be arsed to actually direct his spleen at what I've actually posted." unless ... shock horror ... you were reading it for yourself and not relying on the supposed quotations of others to see it? ;)


For all you could have known otherwise I may very well might have been complimenting on you your mature, non contradictory and never confrontational posting manner. ;)


Drop the act, it's fairly obvious now you can't but help read my posts and these 2 recent backlash posts by yourself are the best means you can come up with for a retort without blatantly admitting you read the posts ... oops you kind of already did that. ;)


Now there are some "direct questions" in there so based on your own attack on the other posters for avoiding "direct questions" one would expect you not to set double standards and set even more hypocrisy and endeavor to answer those yourself. ;)

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It's currently 10:39 PM Eastern time on 6/17/2016 and a firefight has now broken out between forum members, neither side seems to want a cease fire and continue putting out casualties refusing to back down. Neither side further realizes that this all pointless take pot shots at either. I advise all official forum fielders, and guests, to stay away from the vicinity of the area till a cease fire has happened!


EDIT- Tune in next time to PlankSkull news to find out more about the war on EA.


Shhh you might tip off Ivan ... I'm watching him closely now ... he may very well not use his shift key again!

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Normally Max wouldn't bother replying to anything I've said ... seems I hit a nerve ;)


Truth hurts.


Anytime you want to support your "they are the same person" crap with ACTUAL facts then feel free to do so otherwise please never make another post asking other people for "facts" to support their posts again because you're becoming quite the outspoken hypocrite lately.


Not going to straight out say it is the same person, but I think it is. Too many similarities.

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a good fix would be to give every crewskill treasure boxes. then all the skills would be equal and if someone doesn't take advantage of them then it's their fault.


Is that the official position for the credit bots and sellers? I mean it seems you are the spokesman for their business and all....

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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a good fix would be to give every crewskill treasure boxes. then all the skills would be equal and if someone doesn't take advantage of them then it's their fault.


And you could bot credits faster because you wouldn't be limited to just the 2 top mission types for top credits from TH.


Nice try though. ;)

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I love treasure hunting as it is. Do I make credits, OH yea sure do :)


As much as the OP is saying, sad to say no ware near that, might make around 100k to 300k on a level 65 with max 550 skill. Make more than that just questing, still 1-300k on top of questing is nothing to cry about. It also gives me a fair return on comp gifts from boxes so in a fact also gain from that. With so many comps in KotFE its OK. Yes could make more by selling items I get (apart from comp gifts) on GTN instead of to venders but now a days so little sells it no longer worth listing. Plus all I would be doing is spending all my valuable gaming time just standing at the GNT. Not fun.

Edited by Nevaeh-Heaven
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And you could bot credits faster because you wouldn't be limited to just the 2 top mission types for top credits from TH.


Nice try though. ;)


that would reward people with multiple skills and it would make it so that people can get credits from all skills. instead of nerfing treasure boxes, give them to everyone.

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