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Treasure Hunting Lockboxes are causing massive inflation and a proposed solution.


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I noted this earlier, but in the current state of the game, Credits are only (mostly) good for unlocking strongholds and for entering and keeping track of your score in the GTN minigame. There are repair bills, but even when I got badly handled in TEC, they weren't anything I couldn't replace with a heroic or two. There are essentially no "mandatory" credit sinks in the game (the few places you must spend credits on, mainly interplanetary travel, the costs are trivial).


At the same time, the devs massively opened the flow rate on many credit fountains. What I'd like to know is how much the right hand and left hand talked it out, first.

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I noted this earlier, but in the current state of the game, Credits are only (mostly) good for unlocking strongholds and for entering and keeping track of your score in the GTN minigame. There are repair bills, but even when I got badly handled in TEC, they weren't anything I couldn't replace with a heroic or two. There are essentially no "mandatory" credit sinks in the game (the few places you must spend credits on, mainly interplanetary travel, the costs are trivial).


At the same time, the devs massively opened the flow rate on many credit fountains. What I'd like to know is how much the right hand and left hand talked it out, first.


Also great for vanity dress up which is all the CM is really.

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Also great for vanity dress up which is all the CM is really.


That was implied, yes. As long as the CM/packs are merely cosmetic or F2P unlocks, I have the world's smallest darn to give about it. It's just shiny pixel arrangements, whose actual game mechanical effects can be duplicated by very nearly freely available gear purchased from NPCs or PCs for a handful of credits or crystals

Edited by IanArgent
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It's his third account this year, just in terms of posting to the forums.


The first two used to attack non-RMT sources of player income non-stop, now this one is being used to spread the idea that buying from RMTs isn't such a bad thing.


All three have constantly beat the drum that RMTs are trustworthy sources of information and behave like legitimate business-people, and that there's no reason to avoid going to RMT websites.



Let's think about this for a moment.


Love all the proof you have that it's all one and the same account.

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It is just as much proof as the OP showed that all 200 accounts were controlled by the same person.


Yup indeed it was but I distinctly recall Max was one of the "THAT IS NOT PROOOF!!!!" crowd yet here is making the same mistake ... hypocrite much?

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if you buy from them or not i don't care. almost everyone on the forum acts like a good little care bear and pretends the sellers are all totally evil and that no one buys from them and that every time you go to their sites you're hacked, lol....... the main thing is i hate the call for nerfs, this is a great and fun way to get credits and we need more credits not less. i don't even have to bother with slicing nodes anymore i can just run the lockboxes on my accounts. Edited by Akostt
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if you buy from them or not i don't care. almost everyone on the forum acts like a good little care bear and pretends the sellers are all totally evil and that no one buys from them and that every time you go to their sites you're hacked, lol....... the main thing is i hate the call for nerfs, this is a great and fun way to get credits and we need more credits not less. i don't even have to bother with slicing nodes anymore i can just run the lockboxes on my accounts.


Well, there's a difference, anyway. Not calling for a nerf.

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Well, there's a difference, anyway. Not calling for a nerf.


I still like the odds that it's the same guy who's been ranting about this general topic for months now. He's still utterly lost when it comes to the shift key, still insults anyone who won't agree with him, still tries to tell us how upright and trustworthy the RMTs are, etc...

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I still like the odds that it's the same guy who's been ranting about this general topic for months now. He's still utterly lost when it comes to the shift key, still insults anyone who won't agree with him, still tries to tell us how upright and trustworthy the RMTs are, etc...


It's the (lack of) posting history and the curious focus of their extant posting that makes me go O.o


If it's not the same person, I like the odds that they're either a buyer or broker or botter myself.


And I'll say this, despite my previous (and continuing) opposition to the Slicing nerf; treasure hunting boxes should not be a naive credit fountain. If you want to be net positive on them, you should have to GTN the resultant gear, missions, and schematics. Why do they even give credits at all? Isn't that what slicing boxes are for? I'm not asking for a nerf for nerf's sake; but a clarification on game design. I'd like to see all of the "advanced" gathering skills have a non-shared purpose beyond the mats they provide - Slicing for cash, TH for gear, Dip for alignment are already implemented. What about Investigation and UT?

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It's the (lack of) posting history and the curious focus of their extant posting that makes me go O.o


If it's not the same person, I like the odds that they're either a buyer or broker or botter myself.


And I'll say this, despite my previous (and continuing) opposition to the Slicing nerf; treasure hunting boxes should not be a naive credit fountain. If you want to be net positive on them, you should have to GTN the resultant gear, missions, and schematics. Why do they even give credits at all? Isn't that what slicing boxes are for? I'm not asking for a nerf for nerf's sake; but a clarification on game design. I'd like to see all of the "advanced" gathering skills have a non-shared purpose beyond the mats they provide - Slicing for cash, TH for gear, Dip for alignment are already implemented. What about Investigation and UT?


i don't want to have to go through all the trouble to post all that stuff on the gtn. to balance it out just add more credits to the other crewskills and make all crewskills faster. why should i have to wait 3 minutes for a reward. 50 influence takes a lot of work and should have a higher reward and should be faster than that.

Edited by Akostt
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i don't want to have to go through all the trouble to post all that stuff on the gtn. to balance it out just add more credits to the other crewskills and make all crewskills faster. why should i have to wait 3 minutes for a reward. 50 influence takes a lot of work and should have a higher reward and should be faster than that.


Whatever floats your goat - but I personally prefer a game design whose credit fountains require interacting with the world, not the skill interface. There's quite a bit of ways to earn Cr these days, and less places to spend them but the GTN.

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that would basically be the same thing as saying they don't care about their game and they don't care that hundreds of accounts are exploiting a poorly designed system which is costing them thousands of dollars in lost cartel coin sales per day as many people buy from the credit sellers instead. which would be the same as saying they don't care about the company that employs them.


I have TH on my sorc. I had never leveled it up yet, but after seeing this post I thought I would see what you were going on about. It is now at half way to 550 and I can say this... I started with 2,000,000 credits and after all that leveling of it I was down to 1,964.000 credits (so a loss of 36,000) at that point, and that was with NPCing everything to my ship droid that I could and it took me about 5 hours.


I then went and done my heroics from Korriban to Alderaan (still have Spring Thaw and The Lanar Question yet to do on Alderaan) and I am now at 3,550,681 credits and that was with doing them solo. So I went up by 1,586,681 credits and it took me less time and also leveled my toon from 58 to 63 and 3/4ths (ofc I also used a Major Experience Boost to help me level).


Imagine how much more credits I could have went up by if I had been in a 4-man Heroics group for each Heroic I did. :eek:


*** Line Removed by me


I also would like to note just so all the facts are here: I already had 8 TH missions saved up (4) Level 3 missions and (4) level 4 missions. I used those also while leveling up my TH to were it is now, which is at level 332. I was forced a few times to send 1 of the 5 companions off to do a next level Gemstone mission because it was all that was available to do for the next level. Those Gemstones ofc were sent off to my Artificer.


The rest of the missions were for Lockboxes to test out your theory. I sent my 5 companions on nothing but TH missions, my companions ranged from 15 to 12 in Influence ( and let me note here that on my level 65 toon it took me 1.5 millon just to level up 2 of my 6 companions to level 20 and the rest to 10). Can just imagine how much it would cost to level all 6 of them to 50 Influence to really test your theory, and to that I say NO, Just NO. lol


And here is the proof:


*** Pictures removed by me



***All these lines removed by me



you’d buy 6088 level 1 green gifts and 5294 level 2 green gifts. The cost for all that would be 4,394,000 credits, and at a rate of 2.9 seconds per gift assuming you could never miss a fraction of a second jumping from one gift to another it would take about 9 hours and 17 minutes."


So in order to do what you are proposing someone or many someones would have to invest alot of time to build up all those companions to level 50 Influence. Just to bot TH on? Nah, I can't see anyone doing that, not even on the 1 free level 60 toon subs get. Not when there is soooo many others ways to get more money/credits easier on a level 60-65 toon.


Just go away dude, I am not buying into it :cool: *insert arms crossed stance here*

Edited by TiaNicole
removing pictures
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I still like the odds that it's the same guy who's been ranting about this general topic for months now. He's still utterly lost when it comes to the shift key, still insults anyone who won't agree with him, still tries to tell us how upright and trustworthy the RMTs are, etc...


BUT where is your proof! There is still no proof! Lol playing Max_Killjoy is easy.

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So in order to do what you are proposing someone or many someones would have to invest alot of time to build up all those companions to level 50 Influence. Just to bot TH on? Nah, I can't see anyone doing that, not even on the 1 free level 60 toon subs get. Not when there is soooo many others ways to get more money/credits easier on a level 60-65 toon.


Just go away dude, I am not buying into it :cool: *insert arms crossed stance here*


Take a few minutes, travel to Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, Corellia. etc.


Find an NPC vendor with a Sith character standing on it, no guild tag, only showing first name and legacy last name.


Inspect him.


Looks at his recent achievements.

Take note of which he has, specifically which tradeskills have been maxed, and how many (1) companions have been maxed.


Go to another, rinse, repeat until you can count more of these zombies in the world than you have fingers and toes.


Go back in a week, and see them all still standing there.


I'm not selling anything here for you to buy or not, it's being given away for free.


Comparing how much you can make at your keyboard in heroics in a few hours to what they are doing 24/7 while not even in the same room is like comparing apples and hand grenades.

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BUT where is your proof! There is still no proof! Lol playing Max_Killjoy is easy.


Quit reminding me why I put you on my blocklist for about a week. It doesn't matter, particularly, if it's the saem guy or another person who is involved in the trade, particularly. He's still got a very bizarre posting history and some strange tastes in activities to ... promote.

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It's the (lack of) posting history and the curious focus of their extant posting that makes me go O.o


If it's not the same person, I like the odds that they're either a buyer or broker or botter myself.


And I'll say this, despite my previous (and continuing) opposition to the Slicing nerf; treasure hunting boxes should not be a naive credit fountain. If you want to be net positive on them, you should have to GTN the resultant gear, missions, and schematics. Why do they even give credits at all? Isn't that what slicing boxes are for? I'm not asking for a nerf for nerf's sake; but a clarification on game design. I'd like to see all of the "advanced" gathering skills have a non-shared purpose beyond the mats they provide - Slicing for cash, TH for gear, Dip for alignment are already implemented. What about Investigation and UT?


I just think one simple anti botting measure and problem solved.


"Please type these characters to claim your reward".


Meaning you couldn't queue up mission after mission - it would sit there waiting for real human interaction which means you can't really automate it except to automate the few sending of comps off on missions each time which would save you all of 10 seconds.

You would still have to login and be a real player to claim the reward - do this for all crew skills to be fair.


Is it a slight inconvenience? Yup but still a solution that doesn't remove credits from honest players and more or less solves your bot problem.


That of course leaves some heroic farming but I doubt that's anywhere near as much of an issue as this sort of botting.

It's a lot harder to map a heroic farm than it is this sort of thing so you'll have far fewer people doing it and far less impact upon the economy.

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I have TH on my sorc. I had never leveled it up yet, but after seeing this post I thought I would see what you were going on about. It is now at half way to 550 and I can say this... I started with 2,000,000 credits and after all that leveling of it I was down to 1,964.000 credits (so a loss of 36,000) at that point, and that was with NPCing everything to my ship droid that I could and it took me about 5 hours.


I then went and done my heroics from Korriban to Alderaan (still have Spring Thaw and The Lanar Question yet to do on Alderaan) and I am now at 3,550,681 credits and that was with doing them solo. So I went up by 1,586,681 credits and it took me less time and also leveled my toon from 58 to 63 and 3/4ths (ofc I also used a Major Experience Boost to help me level).


Imagine how much more credits I could have went up by if I had been in a 4-man Heroics group for each Heroic I did. :eek:


So I can honestly say the problem is not with TH at all, but rather with the Heroic system as it currently is. Which I am definitely not gonna complain about because for once I am finally able to afford some of those high priced items I have been wanting for so long :D


I also would like to note just so all the facts are here: I already had 8 TH missions saved up (4) Level 3 missions and (4) level 4 missions. I used those also while leveling up my TH to were it is now, which is at level 332. I was forced a few times to send 1 of the 5 companions off to do a next level Gemstone mission because it was all that was available to do for the next level. Those Gemstones ofc were sent off to my Artificer.


The rest of the missions were for Lockboxes to test out your theory. I sent my 5 companions on nothing but TH missions, my companions ranged from 15 to 12 in Influence ( and let me note here that on my level 65 toon it took me 1.5 millon just to level up 2 of my 6 companions to level 20 and the rest to 10). Can just imagine how much it would cost to level all 6 of them to 50 Influence to really test your theory, and to that I say NO, Just NO. lol


And here is the proof:





And from this http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=845398 I found this:


And this :


And from this thread http://dulfy.net/2015/10/21/swtor-fallen-empire-companion-influences-guide/ I found this:

Sally Bowls

“long-term????” Sigh. I regret to inform you that you need to turn in your nerd min-max card and leave the building. :-)



(see below for other scenarios)


you’d buy 6088 level 1 green gifts and 5294 level 2 green gifts. The cost for all that would be 4,394,000 credits, and at a rate of 2.9 seconds per gift assuming you could never miss a fraction of a second jumping from one gift to another it would take about 9 hours and 17 minutes."


So in order to do what you are proposing someone or many someones would have to invest alot of time to build up all those companions to level 50 Influence. Just to bot TH on? Nah, I can't see anyone doing that, not even on the 1 free level 60 toon subs get. Not when there is soooo many others ways to get more money/credits easier on a level 60-65 toon.


Just go away dude, I am not buying into it :cool: *insert arms crossed stance here*


Your whole experiment is flawed from the outset ... as soon as I read "halfway to 550" I knew the rest of your conclusions were going to be false.


Read up a bit more on the issue and see how what you've done and your current position isn't relative to the issue at all. You didn't recreate the issue - you just attempted it in a manner that isn't the way the "problem at hand" is being executed in.


Also just because YOU don't think people will level up comps to do this doesn't mean it doesn't happen ... especially if they can bot that too. ;)

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I just think one simple anti botting measure and problem solved.


"Please type these characters to claim your reward".


Meaning you couldn't queue up mission after mission - it would sit there waiting for real human interaction which means you can't really automate it except to automate the few sending of comps off on missions each time which would save you all of 10 seconds.

You would still have to login and be a real player to claim the reward - do this for all crew skills to be fair.


Is it a slight inconvenience? Yup but still a solution that doesn't remove credits from honest players and more or less solves your bot problem.


That of course leaves some heroic farming but I doubt that's anywhere near as much of an issue as this sort of botting.

It's a lot harder to map a heroic farm than it is this sort of thing so you'll have far fewer people doing it and far less impact upon the economy.


CAPTCHAs have been beaten already. OCR is getting really quite good - which is why the most recent turing tests basically guess if you're a bot by how you move your mouse.


BW did a "good enough" solution and stopped using credits in game mechanics, and massively increased the credit fountains that are human-advantaged. Like I said, I don't know why TH boxes give credits alongside their gear contents; but it's not a big deal one way or another that they do any more.

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Quit reminding me why I put you on my blocklist for about a week. It doesn't matter, particularly, if it's the saem guy or another person who is involved in the trade, particularly. He's still got a very bizarre posting history and some strange tastes in activities to ... promote.


1. He is posting an almost completely opposing request to the other poster.

2. Max loved to attack that other poster numerous times for a lack of proof around proving people were the same guy etc. etc. and borderline attacked that poster over it and went on and on about it yet here is now making almost the same accusation with a similar lack of proof.

3. Block away for how I choose to post towards other people if you must - I couldn't care less - it's not going to change how I personally post.

4. What does his motivations etc. etc. have to do with what he is posting? If people have such an issue with what he is posting then attack the content of the posts - not the poster himself assuming he is this, that or the other - it's irrelevant who he is - what counts is what he posts.

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CAPTCHAs have been beaten already. OCR is getting really quite good - which is why the most recent turing tests basically guess if you're a bot by how you move your mouse.


BW did a "good enough" solution and stopped using credits in game mechanics, and massively increased the credit fountains that are human-advantaged. Like I said, I don't know why TH boxes give credits alongside their gear contents; but it's not a big deal one way or another that they do any more.


Beaten sure but that tends to be done by much more sophisticated software and it's generally tied to the browser itself - I've personally not seen a similar system used in an MMO environment and yes if it was it would get beaten but there would be very few people out there capable of doing so compared to now where the software and methods to bot this are blatantly being advertised on youtube and anyone with half a brain can do it.


I guess a positive is though that the more people "botting" credits for their own use means less money going towards RMTs ... does this mean more money for Bioware though? Possibly ... someone needs to buy the hypercrates to get the credits from those that bot else the credits have no use. The loser in all of that though is the honest player getting credits the honest way who ideally has no way of competing to buy these items against botters.


I view that as quite unfair myself and think something needs to be done to address the whole concept of botting as a whole as it's my belief more credits are probably used in game by botters than what are sold by RMTs who gain them from botting but either way ... it doesn't help honest players in any way at all.

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I have TH on my sorc. I had never leveled it up yet, but after seeing this post I thought I would see what you were going on about. It is now at half way to 550 and I can say this... I started with 2,000,000 credits and after all that leveling of it I was down to 1,964.000 credits (so a loss of 36,000) at that point, and that was with NPCing everything to my ship droid that I could and it took me about 5 hours.


I then went and done my heroics from Korriban to Alderaan (still have Spring Thaw and The Lanar Question yet to do on Alderaan) and I am now at 3,550,681 credits and that was with doing them solo. So I went up by 1,586,681 credits and it took me less time and also leveled my toon from 58 to 63 and 3/4ths (ofc I also used a Major Experience Boost to help me level).


Imagine how much more credits I could have went up by if I had been in a 4-man Heroics group for each Heroic I did. :eek:


So I can honestly say the problem is not with TH at all, but rather with the Heroic system as it currently is. Which I am definitely not gonna complain about because for once I am finally able to afford some of those high priced items I have been wanting for so long :D


I also would like to note just so all the facts are here: I already had 8 TH missions saved up (4) Level 3 missions and (4) level 4 missions. I used those also while leveling up my TH to were it is now, which is at level 332. I was forced a few times to send 1 of the 5 companions off to do a next level Gemstone mission because it was all that was available to do for the next level. Those Gemstones ofc were sent off to my Artificer.


The rest of the missions were for Lockboxes to test out your theory. I sent my 5 companions on nothing but TH missions, my companions ranged from 15 to 12 in Influence ( and let me note here that on my level 65 toon it took me 1.5 millon just to level up 2 of my 6 companions to level 20 and the rest to 10). Can just imagine how much it would cost to level all 6 of them to 50 Influence to really test your theory, and to that I say NO, Just NO. lol


And here is the proof:





And from this http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=845398 I found this:


And this :


And from this thread http://dulfy.net/2015/10/21/swtor-fallen-empire-companion-influences-guide/ I found this:

Sally Bowls

“long-term????” Sigh. I regret to inform you that you need to turn in your nerd min-max card and leave the building. :-)



(see below for other scenarios)


you’d buy 6088 level 1 green gifts and 5294 level 2 green gifts. The cost for all that would be 4,394,000 credits, and at a rate of 2.9 seconds per gift assuming you could never miss a fraction of a second jumping from one gift to another it would take about 9 hours and 17 minutes."


So in order to do what you are proposing someone or many someones would have to invest alot of time to build up all those companions to level 50 Influence. Just to bot TH on? Nah, I can't see anyone doing that, not even on the 1 free level 60 toon subs get. Not when there is soooo many others ways to get more money/credits easier on a level 60-65 toon.


Just go away dude, I am not buying into it :cool: *insert arms crossed stance here*


You seemed to miss the part where almost anyone can easily macro this and gain a lot of credits while doing nothing.


Take a few minutes, travel to Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, Corellia. etc.


Find an NPC vendor with a Sith character standing on it, no guild tag, only showing first name and legacy last name.


Inspect him.


Looks at his recent achievements.

Take note of which he has, specifically which tradeskills have been maxed, and how many (1) companions have been maxed.


Go to another, rinse, repeat until you can count more of these zombies in the world than you have fingers and toes.


Go back in a week, and see them all still standing there.


I'm not selling anything here for you to buy or not, it's being given away for free.


Comparing how much you can make at your keyboard in heroics in a few hours to what they are doing 24/7 while not even in the same room is like comparing apples and hand grenades.


Those ones standing at random vendors like idiots around the world are most likely credit sellers and don't care about the account. Everyone else taking advantage of this is staying out of sight in places like ship and strongholds.

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Those ones standing at random vendors like idiots around the world are most likely credit sellers and don't care about the account. Everyone else taking advantage of this is staying out of sight in places like ship and strongholds.


Oh, I know that, but he apparently can't see anyone EVER taking the time to do it.


Not sure if he was really being sarcastic, obtuse, or just wants to keep his head in the sand.

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I just think one simple anti botting measure and problem solved.


"Please type these characters to claim your reward".


Meaning you couldn't queue up mission after mission - it would sit there waiting for real human interaction which means you can't really automate it except to automate the few sending of comps off on missions each time which would save you all of 10 seconds.

You would still have to login and be a real player to claim the reward - do this for all crew skills to be fair.


Is it a slight inconvenience? Yup but still a solution that doesn't remove credits from honest players and more or less solves your bot problem.


That of course leaves some heroic farming but I doubt that's anywhere near as much of an issue as this sort of botting.

It's a lot harder to map a heroic farm than it is this sort of thing so you'll have far fewer people doing it and far less impact upon the economy.


a simple anti bot measure is an inconvenience I would gladly undergo in order to avoid another nerf that further destroys crafting

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People pretend like this is the only possible part of the game that a player could illegally bot. Clearly it's not.


Now.. what will happen here is the studio might listen to the hyperbole about how this is killing the economy and then nerf the crap out of TH to stop them on this particular aspect of botting.. and then the botters will move on to the next thing to bot, and the next, and the next, and the next....


In other words, the nerf hammer on TH rewards will do nothing to stop botting... only stop botting for TH.


As long as their are players.. there will be botting in an MMO. Any MMO, not just this one. Some people just enjoy breaking rules and botting for meaningless credits. Credits used to have meaning... and there was an actual RMT business in them. But since 4.0 and the many many new pathways to credits just from normal play.... more players in game are legally much more wealthy then before.. and new players are able to become wealthy in a matter of months.... all legally. And the result is RMTs are crashing as their prices approach pennies per million. Brilliant on the part of the studio IMO as to how they chose to make RMT lives difficult. Will it destroy RMT completely? Nope.


I don't care if they nerf TH or not.... but I do think that nerfing gathering skills in the past has generally had a negative effect on crafting overall... and hence I tend to think it is not the right path. Sure.. some will bot a gathering skill... heck some will bot heroics, etc, etc, etc. So what... it's small potatoes compared to the billions of credits being added to the economy every day by players just playing 4.x content. I'm sure the studio has hooks in their analytics so they can track these people and even follow their credits around and at some point will pull the handle on the ban hammer and sweep up a bunch at a time. It's like gil-netting fish or crab-potting crabs... you drop let them "soak" for a period of time and then pull up the net and harvest.

Edited by Andryah
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