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Treasure Hunting Lockboxes are causing massive inflation and a proposed solution.


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Well said, totally agree. This guy's ongoing campaign to get TH nerfed is really annoying.


Yes, macros are bad. Yes, bots are bad. So squash the macros and the bots, don't nerf the game for the legit players. Because bringing out the splintery nerf bat and ramming it up our chuff seems to be BW's favored solution to EVERYTHING.


Hense look at what they tried to do with heroics! lol

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Nah, just a pathetic crusade trying to get treasure hunting nerfed to the ground like slicing was.


Yeah, macros and bots are bad, we got that 45 pages ago and all the countless topics on similar issues. But it's not really fair to punish legit players with an uber nerf just because there are people cheating.


This whole thread is a joke, treasure hunting is not causing massive inflation, botters and macroers are. Ban them and be done with it. But don't nerf a crew skill when it's working as intended. Slicing was bugged? Maybe. But that didn't justify the excessive nerf it received.


^^ This sums the drama up nicely, IMO. :)

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Yes, macros are bad. Yes, bots are bad. So squash the macros and the bots, don't nerf


and we all know how amazing they are at stopping bots right?


got to fix the system.

Edited by Akostt
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there are hundreds of accounts running treasure boxes non stop


Yet still to prove that or in-fact offer any evidence at all!

Sorry but the world or in this case the game does not revolve around what you believe to be fact. Or the OP. Assuming the OP is not you using another name/account.

Edited by Nevaeh-Heaven
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Yet still to prove that or in-fact offer any evidence at all!

Sorry but the world or in this case the game does not revolve around what you believe to be fact. Or the OP. Assuming the OP is not you using another name/account.


I strongly endorse the above statement.

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a better solution is to restore the time to how the system was designed to operate. it was supposed to be time limited. not free loot and items every 3 minutes. the original system took 30 to 50 minutes as i recall.
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Yet still to prove that or in-fact offer any evidence at all!



Just curious as to what you would accept as "facts" here?


Want to jump on my server and team up for an hour Imp side and go for a ride across about a dozen or so Worlds and see the same thing when we inspect every player camped out at every NPC we come across?

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and we all know how amazing they are at stopping bots right?


got to fix the system.


sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. this is one of those cases. yet you seem to have no other interest than destroying crew skills. I am curious as to why.

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sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. this is one of those cases. yet you seem to have no other interest than destroying crew skills. I am curious as to why.


Sent you a PM as to the why imo. I would like to think Bioware watching these threads would take an interest into some of the motivations of posters and run some ip matches to characters in game and see what sort of activity they get up to.


Doubtful though.

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a better solution is to restore the time to how the system was designed to operate. it was supposed to be time limited. not free loot and items every 3 minutes. the original system took 30 to 50 minutes as i recall.


Awww what's wrong? Competition finally hitting your profits? :(


i said the low prices are good. many people buy from credit sellers because it's cheaper than cartel coins now. i want treasure boxes kept the same because its a good easy source of credits and keeps prices low. learn to read killboy.


A month ago you didn't want treasure hunting touched and now you want it nerfed. Looking at the pricing it looks like you're being priced out of the market ... diddums. :p

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it's called trolling bro.



but believe me, the people doing it are making a fortune at the expense of the game.


OR it's called your price has dropped so far you can't handle it anymore ... after all you do share the name of a known RMT but that's just coincidence right? ;)

Also coincidence you want changes put in place that would effectively put the price of RMT credits back up ... sheesh so many coincidences. ;)


They aren't making anything at the expense of the game. It could be argued without them the people buying from them wouldn't bother playing the game at all because the CM doesn't interest them.

Thus this way they can make credits AND pay BW for their subscriptions.


The cheaper the better I say, more credits for all. ;)

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Sent you a PM as to the why imo. I would like to think Bioware watching these threads would take an interest into some of the motivations of posters and run some ip matches to characters in game and see what sort of activity they get up to.


Doubtful though.


I feel you are 100% on target on this one. he is just too passionate and staying on the talking points of destroying peoples ability to make credits.

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The cheaper the better I say, more credits for all. ;)


inflation is a tax on the savers. but the worst of all in a game like this it means that people turn to the exploiters to buy credits because they are tempted by the very cheap prices. every credit sale is costing the game revenue and cartel coin sales.

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inflation is a tax on the savers. but the worst of all in a game like this it means that people turn to the exploiters to buy credits because they are tempted by the very cheap prices. every credit sale is costing the game revenue and cartel coin sales.


Cool story bro.

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inflation is a tax on the savers. but the worst of all in a game like this it means that people turn to the exploiters to buy credits because they are tempted by the very cheap prices. every credit sale is costing the game revenue and cartel coin sales.


it doesnt cost the game a penny. every single hypercrate was bought from bw. every one. they have the sole monopoly on the creation of hypercrates

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it doesnt cost the game a penny. every single hypercrate was bought from bw. every one. they have the sole monopoly on the creation of hypercrates


Yup and the only inflated items are cartel market items that come from ... packs and hypercrates!


Thus if people weren't buying packs and hypercrates to sell on the GTN ( or the items ) then people wouldn't be buying credits as there would be nothing to buy with said credits as nothing else is overly inflated or difficult afford just by playing the game.

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This guy could possibly be an RMTer. If he is he is probably some small fish that is too dumb to macro treasure hunting. I also highly doubt he is using the same name from an RMT site. He probably picked some name to use from someone who he thinks is running macro bots lol.


Still though whether he is an RMTer or just a really annoying player, macroing crew skills is a legitimate issue. If BW wants to leave it as is then that is fine. Then start policing and banning in a timely manner people who are doing this. Of course it is just easier doing something so that they can't be macroed or not worth it instead of policing it for possibly until the game closes. They probably won't though and instead will do nothing. I'm sure 6 months to a year down the road when a lot more people are doing it and it is the go to method for farming credits they will do something then.


Crew missions definitively aren't the greatest design at the moment. It can be off set though with banning people who do it. I doubt it will happen though because based on my past few years playing the game, cheaters get to do whatever they want. Same bots in game for months/years, tickets get generic replies with nothing ever done. Fun fact, some of those obvious credit seller bots macroing at vendors all over he galaxy were grinding mobs in various places prior to macroing crew skills becoming a great option. A lot of them are a 1 year plus old.

Edited by kcwin
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you do share the name of a known RMT but that's just coincidence right? ;)



i got this name to troll as that exploiters name and bump threads about this exploit to try and get it fixed. he always has infinite amounts to sell due to this exploit.

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i got this name to troll as that exploiters name and bump threads about this exploit to try and get it fixed. he always has infinite amounts to sell due to this exploit.


Sure ya did. :rolleyes:


Easier solution then since you aren't an RMT and it wouldn't punish legitimate players ( though it would require actual regular work to be done by Bioware but Eric and his "team" don't seem to do a lot so maybe he could do it ).


Have something setup to flag anyone who sends more than 100 mill a week to non legacy characters.

From there check the behaviour of the account - how much they send, what they are trading, if it's guildies and if the guildy was in the guild for longer than 2 minutes to do the trade, where they got the credits from to begin with etc. etc.


You would quickly see the person sending for example 500 million a week to players they have no association with

them for no trade or maybe a few cheap crafted medpacs or what have you ( i.e. nothing worth 500 million credits ).

From there ban the account and every IP associated with it, hell take out the buyers too.


That manual analysis work would quickly remove many RMTs from the game and their credit hordes. Yes you would get false positives but people can report this upon being banned with a defense to which further analysis could be done to determine if their activity was legit or not.


No need to nerf anything, in fact it's far too late. Whether you are the person you claim to be trolling or not it's suffice to say the boat has already sailed and a nerf will do nothing now. These players would ideally have enough credits stashed over multiple accounts etc. to be set for life ( not to mention all the CM items they would have bought and horded to keep selling and making credits off those ).


All your nerf concept achieves is reducing competition for existing RMTs and pushing the price up, it doesn't help the game in the slightest.

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Take a peek some time on Ord Mantell and the hill over looking the beacon mission count the number of smugglers killing at the same time then recover at the same time 9/10 I come across them on shadow lands and Jc some time Eh and one in that group is the guy spamming my in box to go to there site and give them cash for in game funds. last time a post like this hit here it cost a lot of use to drop a crew skill cause guys like you think its whats driving the cost of your GTn stuff up run 30 toons on a sever and see not all of us are using . Take a look out in the RL there is sites that selling the in game funds. Another game that has the same thing is Wow and they try to crack down on the farming and it hurts more then just the guys trying to sell there stuff. Players buy and there friends pay with there accounts cause they feel they do not need as Sk. And I say the slicing took a big hit cause of a post like this so be ware not alot of slackers around here. Most of mine got spent on trying to buy the sever slots. Its called supply and demand if the supply is low the cost is high. Or those that think players well drop the big bucks for the new shines. I'll I been trying to do is buy my sh unlocks but with the amount of money making been nerf in the last few months it sucks cause 100+ would be great in conquest.
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I feel you are 100% on target on this one. he is just too passionate and staying on the talking points of destroying peoples ability to make credits.



you guys are really "passionate" about keeping this exploit in place

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