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Why are players leaving games - pugs


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1) Multiple people on your team have absolutely **** gear and you know it'll be global city.

Thats about the only reason I'll leave. At a certain point, you cant carry the bads anymore. Its just not worth it.

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Perhaps its the others that cant stand alone that have the problem with fortitude? :)


You know what happens to stand aloners, right? You ever see "Into the Wild"?



They end up starving, eating poisoned plants and berries, reminiscing about how they should not have left their friends and family before finally dying in a broken down van in the middle of a vast forest all alone.



When you reject society there's only one place for you to go... That's on a direct path to crazy town. Just ask Ted Kaczynsky!

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You know what happens to stand aloners, right? You ever see "Into the Wild"?



They end up starving, eating poisoned plants and berries, reminiscing about how they should not have left their friends and family before finally dying in a broken down van in the middle of a vast forest all alone.



When you reject society there's only one place for you to go... That's on a direct path to crazy town. Just ask Ted Kaczynsky!


there are quite a few examples where it wasnt quite that bleak literature wise.

Not really the point though, it isnt about being a loner or a grouper, leader or follower... Its whether or not you need the backup to be compettive.

I dont

A lot do seemingly based on the fact they never play without it.

Nuff said :)

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doesnt change a thing to add a deserter debuff. I'll just log another alt. I leave wow games all the time too, if your being gyard farmed and they are holding your flag while they camp you why spend 12 more mins in the BG? leave and go do dailies until the ten min debuff falls off and queue again.


I'll leave games which aren't fun for me. Note that doesnt mean losing. It does mean hutballs where my sage is being farmed by 2 operatives and they killed me 7 times already, where I called inc on a base im defending and my team ignored it then abused me in chat, games where theres a good trinity premade on each team and Im the frustrated pug, being farmed for kills and can't get a kill or anything actually past the enemy heals and taunts. My healers ofc focusing on "their" pros not some random puggy so Its a game where I will a) die alot b) achieve not alot c) not recieve any mvp votes even if I solo a base hero style and win the match cos the premades all vote for their friends.


There reachs a point where you have to ask what am I trying to achieve here? If you can't achieve it /leave and try again in a different match.


bottom line: If I'm not having fun I'm not playing and you can't make me.


You really think locking ppl out of warzones for 10 minutes just because they end up on a bad team and, don't wanna waste time on a doomed warzone is going to fix the problem? You're comparing two games with two totally different levels of population. WoW clearly has more ppl so on their servers that might be a good idea but, this is SWTOR and the population here is way less. If you start making ppl wait 10 minutes for a warzone that means less ppl re-queing and even more lopsided warzones.


If you really care about pvp that much then transfer over to the pvp server.


I stick all my games out no matter the score. The one thing the other team can't take from me is the credits and warzone comms at the end of the match.

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there are quite a few examples where it wasnt quite that bleak literature wise.

Not really the point though, it isnt about being a loner or a grouper, leader or follower... Its whether or not you need the backup to be compettive.

I dont

A lot do seemingly based on the fact they never play without it.

Nuff said :)


Everyone that can't pop stealth and run away when the fight gets too tough deserves back up imo :^)

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there are quite a few examples where it wasnt quite that bleak literature wise.

Not really the point though, it isnt about being a loner or a grouper, leader or follower... Its whether or not you need the backup to be compettive.

I dont

A lot do seemingly based on the fact they never play without it.

Nuff said :)


I guess. I can solo queue but I also know that grouping is always beneficial. I won't dog people because they group up either.


It's frustrating solo queuing and getting a crappy team. It's even worse being on a crappy team and facing 1-2 premade groups.


The only way to avoid this situation though is to group up.


I don't necessarily think it's the most efficient system to create competitive fights but it's the system they developed for the game.

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I guess. I can solo queue but I also know that grouping is always beneficial. I won't dog people because they group up either.


It's frustrating solo queuing and getting a crappy team. It's even worse being on a crappy team and facing 1-2 premade groups.


The only way to avoid this situation though is to group up.


I don't necessarily think it's the most efficient system to create competitive fights but it's the system they developed for the game.


all true... my only complaint with any of them is confusing stacking the odds with skill.

If you group up and get pugs you better win, and maybe do it without the little rekt comments as if you did anything special. Thats what i cant abide.

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1) AHG starts.

2) 5 people run to our pylon.

3) 1 goes to theirs.

4) We are 2 going mid. The other team has 5-7 at mid.

5) I quickly back out to not be killed and wait for my team mates.

6) The other team gets all the orbs before my team mates comes back.

7) Of the 5 that went to cap our pylon, no one remained behind to guard.

8) I cry internally and quit.


Exactly this. You can put in a penalty for leaving when you also put in a penalty for the 5 people in the example above for being stupid.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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You really think locking ppl out of warzones for 10 minutes just because they end up on a bad team and, don't wanna waste time on a doomed warzone is going to fix the problem? You're comparing two games with two totally different levels of population. WoW clearly has more ppl so on their servers that might be a good idea but, this is SWTOR and the population here is way less. If you start making ppl wait 10 minutes for a warzone that means less ppl re-queing and even more lopsided warzones.


If you really care about pvp that much then transfer over to the pvp server.


I stick all my games out no matter the score. The one thing the other team can't take from me is the credits and warzone comms at the end of the match.


Confused you quoted my reply to the guy who things deserter debuffs are a good idea. Just to be clear I agree with you, they are a really bad idea. Just to clarify I'm saying they don't deter people from leaving at all, people still quit, it just stops them requeueing for x amount of time and in swtor that lengthens queue times. I don't even think they are a good idea in wow either cos as I said it doesn't deter anything, it just stops people from having fun arbitarily so they just go do a dailey or log an alt while they wait.

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1) AHG starts.

2) 5 people run to our pylon.

3) 1 goes to theirs.

4) We are 2 going mid. The other team has 5-7 at mid.

5) I quickly back out to not be killed and wait for my team mates.

6) The other team gets all the orbs before my team mates comes back.

7) Of the 5 that went to cap our pylon, no one remained behind to guard.

8) I cry internally and quit.


I regret to admit I just quitted a match minute ago when this exact thing happened. Plus, three teammates thought it would be appropriate to come stand by me and watch me grab an orb while others were fighting just at the doorway /facepalm

Pylon guard then proceeded to type in chat "help" and 2 sec after it was captured. Yeaah no.



Another quit was an amazing arena of 2 sorc heals & dps vs a tank and 3dps. Guess how the first round went.

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I quit for a few reasons.


First, I'm a volunteer first responder, so I take off unexpectedly.


Secondly, every now and again, my husband won't STOP TALKING to me during a match.


Thirdly, my cat is mugging my computer in an attempt to get love.


Fourthly, my team is doing something so boneheaded I can't even....


Fifthly, my internet's being stubborn and I'm playing in stop-motion instead of contributing.


Lastly, someone's starting drama in group chat and blaming everyone but themselves.


It's not a great loss, since I'm usually a pretty derpy mediocre player. I like PvP and I like having fun, and if something's making it a miserable or guilt-inducing, I'm going to take off and do something else.

Edited by AKHadeed
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I'll leave games which aren't fun for me. Note that doesnt mean losing.


It does mean hutballs where my sage is being farmed by 2 operatives and they killed me 7 times already, where I called inc on a base im defending and my team ignored it then abused me in chat, games where theres a good trinity premade on each team and Im the frustrated pug, being farmed for kills and can't get a kill or anything actually past the enemy heals and taunts. My healers ofc focusing on "their" pros not some random puggy so Its a game where I will a) die alot b) achieve not alot c) not recieve any mvp votes even if I solo a base hero style and win the match cos the premades all vote for their friends.


There reachs a point where you have to ask what am I trying to achieve here? If you can't achieve it /leave and try again in a different match.


bottom line: If I'm not having fun I'm not playing and you can't make me.


+1. SW:TOR is just one of those MMO's with a poorly executed pvp model, imho. At least the pve features great story-telling...:)

Edited by MoB_DeadMeat
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+1. SW:TOR is just one of those MMO's with a poorly executed pvp model, imho. At least the pve features great story-telling...:)

Yeah. Too bad PVP is the only way to pass time currently if you're done with the story and you're tired of doing the operations millionth time over... And then the pvp just makes you depressed because it is what it is. sigh

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all true... my only complaint with any of them is confusing stacking the odds with skill.

If you group up and get pugs you better win, and maybe do it without the little rekt comments as if you did anything special. Thats what i cant abide.


I agree. Those little rekt comments and pretty much any trolling by people is unnecessary. But if you have an out eight advantage, saying things like rekt when you have an out right advantage is just shows you're a poor winner.

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I quit for a few reasons.


First, I'm a volunteer first responder, so I take off unexpectedly.


Secondly, every now and again, my husband won't STOP TALKING to me during a match.


Thirdly, my cat is mugging my computer in an attempt to get love.


Fourthly, my team is doing something so boneheaded I can't even....


Fifthly, my internet's being stubborn and I'm playing in stop-motion instead of contributing.


Lastly, someone's starting drama in group chat and blaming everyone but themselves.


It's not a great loss, since I'm usually a pretty derpy mediocre player. I like PvP and I like having fun, and if something's making it a miserable or guilt-inducing, I'm going to take off and do something else.


Well put 💋

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1) AHG starts.

2) 5 people run to our pylon.

3) 1 goes to theirs.

4) We are 2 going mid. The other team has 5-7 at mid.

5) I quickly back out to not be killed and wait for my team mates.

6) The other team gets all the orbs before my team mates comes back.

7) Of the 5 that went to cap our pylon, no one remained behind to guard.

8) I cry internally and quit.


Same. (Jk)

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  • 1 year later...

Yes please add a deserter debuff, it would make a huge difference.


We consistently have matches where we play with less than 8 because one or two people rage quit the first minute then constantly reque and requit into the same match over and over again. So while they are requeing and quitting, they are taking up the slot and we arent able to get a real replacement for them.


I think a 15 or 30 minute deserter debuff would improve the quality of life for the non-raging pvp community dramatically.

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Yes please add a deserter debuff, it would make a huge difference.


We consistently have matches where we play with less than 8 because one or two people rage quit the first minute then constantly reque and requit into the same match over and over again. So while they are requeing and quitting, they are taking up the slot and we arent able to get a real replacement for them.


I think a 15 or 30 minute deserter debuff would improve the quality of life for the non-raging pvp community dramatically.


Don't necro.


But to your point, those ones you refer to are the people Q syncing who didn't get the side they wanted. Premades are bad enough, but this behavior just makes them that much worse.


If they grew a pair they could Q group ranked which even pays more.

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