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Please nerf Ops and Scoundrels


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Listen i have nothing against Ops/Scoundrels my problem is that in my game play experience i have run into Operatives that can solo every class in the game, these players know there class completely they know what to use. why is it fair that they have no weakness whatsoever i see these guys solo 3 people at once and win in a warzone how is that fun/fair to the people getting destroyed i play AP PT and have hated anyone that has played a sorc my entire life on this game, but then comes along certain concealment ops and i remember they were not overpowered back in the day they got shat on. but no nowadays they are amazing in a 1v1. on the server i play on we run monthly tourneys and one tourney is all classes except OP, then a separate operative/scoundrel tourney because they beat everyone, how do they want to Nerf a bunch of classes to balance them and make them worse but leave certain classes that are too good in the right hands the same. (i mean no offense to any OPERATIVES/SCOUNDRELS but you guys shouldn't be able to take on every class in the game. I just feel this game would be better if classes countered different classes instead of balancing every class) Edited by SketchyBluntWrap
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There always is a problem, when some class can turn "invisible" at will (well, almost). The problem surely shows in PVP. The strange thing is: Even in PVE those two classes are extremely strong, certainly stronger even than the assassins/shadow walkers, who should be the prime shadow killers; what with the force backing them and all - but that's not the case!


I fear, however, a "nerf" would not help, really. Being able to go invisible simply gives you a huge advantage over everyone who cannot. That's kind of the point of it...

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There always is a problem, when some class can turn "invisible" at will (well, almost). The problem surely shows in PVP. The strange thing is: Even in PVE those two classes are extremely strong, certainly stronger even than the assassins/shadow walkers, who should be the prime shadow killers; what with the force backing them and all - but that's not the case!
Made me log in to reply; yeah, we can turn "invisible" at will, then get popped out of stealth immediately by one of the thousand AoEs.


And yeah, Sins and Shadows should be "the prime shadow killers", afterall, they use the Force and we, stupid Ops and Scoundrels, use our 30m range rifles and pistols for decoration and get into knife/fist fights against a class that's literally called "Immortal Sith Juggernaut".

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hmm Not seeing a lot of Ops on the leaderboard....


Dont usually see them top the scoreboards very often either....


Should they really be nerfed for being the best 1v1 class in a game where the only organized PvP is team based?

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Listen i have nothing against Ops/Scoundrels my problem is that in my gameplay experience i have run into Operatives that can solo every class in the game these players know there class completely they know what to use. why is it fair that they have no weakness whatsoever i see these guys solo 3 people at once and win in a warzone how is that fun/fair to the people getting **** on i play AP PT and have hated anyone that has played a sorc my entire life on this game but then comes along certain concealment ops and i remember they were not overpowered back in the day they got shat on but no nowadays they are the **** its unfair completely on the server i play on we run monthly tourneys and one tourney is all classes except OP, then a seperate operative/scoundrel tourney because they beat everyone how do they want to nerf a bunch of classes except operatives and scoundrels literally starting to think the devs are retarded. (i mean no offense to any OPERATIVES/SCOUNDRELS but you guys shouldnt be able to take on everyclass in the game)


Eloquently written! You really drive home the point of why operatives need nerfed. :rolleyes:

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i have run into Operatives that can solo every class in the game


Ha ha ha, oh, that's rich. I can't help but laugh at that. Ops can take on mercs, marauders, sniper, maybe a juggernaught past that, you're out of luck. Operatives are mid tier, and don't stand a chance against classes like PT or Sins

Edited by Purpleone
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Ha ha ha, oh, that's rich. I can't help but laugh at that. Ops can take on mercs, marauders, sniper, maybe a juggernaught past that, you're out of luck. Operatives are mid tier, and don't stand a chance against classes like PT or Sins


Not true.


The best ops can control a fight in a 1v1 and win every one of them. They have overwhelming ability to survive and stretch a fight out to the point they eventually win. That doesn't mean they need nerfed.


That being said, they have underwhelming burst and typically are not going to top the damage charts. They make great node guards/stealers, and are the best 1v1 class in the game atm. That's it though.

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The thing is its not the ability to go invisible. Assassins have that too. The diffrence is Assassins are Dps/tank with invis and Opritives are Dps/heals with invis. This lets the opritive take atvantage of his cc's and invis more so then a assassin, I don't think op's to need a nerf. They are hard to play aginst and by far one of the best 1v1 class's, but they def arn't a big majority being played like sorc, and they def can't put up the numbers other healers (sorcs) or other dps can. Don't get me wrong they can do good dps and healing, but their playstyle makes them better for guarding nodes and singling one opponent out.


When I first was moving over to harb I moved my opritive. And here is why. I figured I could keep playing all my other class's with my friends on pot5, but when queue's dry up their I will be stuck solo on harb, so the one class I brought over was my Op . Its the only class that if my team is doing garbage and I can tell we are going to lose the warzone that I can just say fck it ill go try to solo grass, or I will guard this node and still have fun.


Overall I don't think they need a nerf, I just think their roll and holotraverse are a bit buggy and don't always work right, such as you will roll and on the enemys screen it looks like your practicly teleporting, or you can holotravers out of the spawn on novare coast for example and go flying and smack in to the side of the south node.

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I usually play a power tech. When I run into operatives, if it is 1v1 most of the time I lose. They cc you and get to start the fight. That or while you are cc'ed they take the objective. However most of the time, if you are in a WZ it is not going to be 1v1, especially since I am a tank and usually have a healer nearby. In those fights the operative/scoundrel almost always ends up a corpse. So I don't think they need to be nerfed. They have strengths and weaknesses, but if you know what you're doing, they are vital to a win.
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No, all what they want last time is to be better than sins. They had like young brothers syndrome. Why u took away our knockback and sins have - here u go sins don't, why sins have low slash and we don't - here u go LS analogy, why sins have force speed - here u go exfiltrate and so on. BW makes what actually a tones of players want. Edited by helpmewin
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Why u took away our knockback and sins have - here u go sins don't, why sins have low slash and we don't - here u go LS analogy, why sins have force speed - here u go exfiltrate and so on. BW makes what actually a tones of players want.


Operatives got exfiltrate, not because they needed somthing similar to sins but because they needed a gap closer.

Also operatives never had a knockback so i'm guessing that you mean the knockdown? If so, then sins got theirs repalced by a stun and operatives got theirs taken away completely.


Not because of operatives complaining, but because other people were complaining about how long it took to get up from a knockdown.

Edited by Hiro_Wildfire
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Any META in this game cr8ed by whiners and always had like that. Devs don't play and don't understand this game, coz who cr8ed all this don't work in austin a long time, when they decided to give class representatives to adress the main issues and discuss about it - it was much better than we have now.

About operatives - they always look back on sins and tho old players always will do that, coz there was a lot of time when sin was better as a node guarder, but who cares about this now when RWZ do not exist anymore? In times when deception was da best dueling spec, actually the best was oper healer.

Edited by helpmewin
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Any META in this game cr8ed by whiners and always had like that. Devs don't play and don't understand this game, coz who cr8ed all this don't work in austin a long time, when they decided to give class representatives to adress the main issues and discuss about it - it was much better than we have now.

About operatives - they always look back on sins and tho old players always will do that, coz there was a lot of time when sin was better as a node guarder, but who cares about this now when RWZ do not exist anymore? In times when deception was da best dueling spec, actually the best was oper healer.


Don't know what game your playing were players opinions are a factor in changes, but it is not this one and never has been.

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I'm often astonished at how much good OP plyers brag about how good their class is as a duelling class - mostly not actually saying whhich spec they actually use for that - but still there are other players demanding a buff or better defensives for that class ... regarding different specs, I suppose.


All these posts taken together often leave in me the impression of OP players = being like a spoiled brat.

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Actually, a Merc if they played their cards correctly could beat an Operative in a 1v1.


Give me a break. I love when extreme examples are mentioned to prove a point. Sure, any class can beat any class but it is highly dependant on the skill levels of the players involved.


If you take a highly skilled player on a merc and place them against a highly skilled player on an operative I am going to place my bet on the operative every time.


Still doesn't mean operatives need a nerf. They simply need some overall adjustments to make them more balanced and fun imo.

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I main a Sage on the Harbinger server, Republic side and I almost always guard a node or pylon because Pubs utterly refuse to guard and have 100 reasons why their class should not be guarding. It is rare to see a Shadow or Scoundrel guard a node and I agree, they excel at it. Worse still, when I am guarding and we have a Shadow or Scoundrel on our team, I think, they are now free to ninja the enemy's node. Sadly, they don't even try. Yet, when I go to the enemy's node, I am often met by a Sin or Op. The concept of Sap Capping is lost on most Republic players who main a Scoundrel or Shadow. Force the enemy to blow his cc breakers to get the node or, at least get them blown so that in the next round. if the same guy is guarding, he will have no breakers to counter your stuns and you can take the node. But no.
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I main a Sage on the Harbinger server, Republic side and I almost always guard a node or pylon because Pubs utterly refuse to guard and have 100 reasons why their class should not be guarding. It is rare to see a Shadow or Scoundrel guard a node and I agree, they excel at it. Worse still, when I am guarding and we have a Shadow or Scoundrel on our team, I think, they are now free to ninja the enemy's node. Sadly, they don't even try. Yet, when I go to the enemy's node, I am often met by a Sin or Op. The concept of Sap Capping is lost on most Republic players who main a Scoundrel or Shadow. Force the enemy to blow his cc breakers to get the node or, at least get them blown so that in the next round. if the same guy is guarding, he will have no breakers to counter your stuns and you can take the node. But no.



There has been times where I have played my Op or Scoundrel specifically due to no one wanting to guard. It's just a much easier job with one of them than my slinger or sniper.

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