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EC just killed this game for me lol...

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9th boss, guardian tank. After repeated attempts and huge repair bills, I realize i can't do this boss with my crappy gear & comp as a guardian tank (208/216 gear; level 29 comp). I have been following the mechanics of the fight but once the boss is at 25%, I get bombarded with droid attacks with non-stop yellow circles, I can just barely kill the 4 charging droids. I love it when the combat log says I got hit with 11k damage but still get insta-killed with full health. Anyway, I give up on this crap (anyone who says its easy is running around in top end gear, sorry).


I miss the days when we worked towards raiding by doing dailies and killing world bosses. This abomination that Bioware has come up with is kind of sad considering what potential this game once had. At this point, I could care less about the remaining chapters. I finish the new ones in 30 minutes after waiting months for them to be released. If EC is an attempt to stall for time, the devs really failed. Most people who can actually do EC are saying its replay value is next to zero. So what are we suppose to do...go back to pissing around with 5 year old OPS/FP content while we wait for something new? That is really dumb considering this is a subscription based game. We pay to play, we should be getting better content than this.


Anyway, I really don't care if the alliance defeats Arcaan anymore. If I have to put up with nonsense like EC until the end of November, I think I would rather go play The Sims. I am glad my sub is done in July =)

Edited by bryan_starwars
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I hear ya. I don't think I'll be succeeding in this EC myself. Of course, that isn't a huge issue for me. I know my limits. I'm going to try my best with my characters but it's beyond my old hands/reflexes, I think.


Won't be quitting over it though. There's other content that I just am not interested in or not able to do and I just carry on doing what I can.

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I made it to Batman and Robin on my smuggler (average gear rating 214.21 with comp inf 23). I'm pretty weak with that class. I could probably beat the dynamic duo eventually, but it'd be lots of wipes as I'm finally forced to refine a technique on that toon :o


I have a pretty good feeling about my Vigilance Guardian, though (average gear rating 216.80, but I just need to craft some upgrades for lightsaber and implant to bring that over 218). I'm much stronger with the class, and do a lot of things a lot more easily with her than with my smug.


I went into TEC actually hoping that I would not be able to complete on my smuggler (with whom I also can't seem to solo the Star Fortresses), but would feel like I'd have a shot with a stronger class. If I can manage to beat TEC on my Guardian, even after a few deaths in the later rounds, I'll feel like TEC has a pretty perfect difficulty level for Ops-tier SP content.

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9th boss, guardian tank. After repeated attempts and huge repair bills, I realize i can't do this boss with my crappy gear & comp as a guardian tank (208/216 gear; level 29 comp).


1a.Are you using Heroic Moment?

1b. Are you using Unify? And if you're using Sacrifice.... why?


2.Try getting your comp up to Influence Rating 30, it's only an extra 2 thousand influence.


3. Make sure you're using the new stims, they're pretty good. And make sure you're using the new medpacs/adrenals

192 is the new rating for the best biochem stuff.


4. Try augmenting your 216 gear and consider replacing at least 1 piece of 208 with 216.


5. Save the Kolto stations for the last 2 fights.


I'm sure there's more but I'm super drunk and fairly tired.

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1a.Are you using Heroic Moment?

1b. Are you using Unify? And if you're using Sacrifice.... why?


2.Try getting your comp up to Influence Rating 30, it's only an extra 2 thousand influence.


3. Make sure you're using the new stims, they're pretty good. And make sure you're using the new medpacs/adrenals

192 is the new rating for the best biochem stuff.


4. Try augmenting your 216 gear and consider replacing at least 1 piece of 208 with 216.


5. Save the Kolto stations for the last 2 fights.


I'm sure there's more but I'm super drunk and fairly tired.


Good post, Thank you.

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Just beat it on a guardian tank in worse gear than you (190 greens and the starter PvP relics from Introduction to Warzones), and you're right it was very difficult. Here are some tricks that helped me get through it (eventually!)


A high influence ranged companion in heal stance saved my bacon. I used a L50 T7. Melee companions walk up to try to hit the boss when you're at full health and eat the laser/missiles.


Jump when you leave the red beam of death. That forces a server update and you won't get hit because of something like lag.


Here's a big one: the yellow circles persist a second or so AFTER they deal their damage. Once you see the missile explosion, it is safe to walk into the yellow. Because of this, you only need to move to 2 different positions during this phase, and can melee the boss the entire time. Stand on boss's left, drop the circle then move to the boss's right until you see the first yellow circle explode. Walk back into the first yellow circle and repeat.


The charge up phase can be difficult. Use Heroic Moment if absolutely necessary, but you may also find success by switching to Shii-Cho stance and DPSing them down thanks to that stance's superior focus generation and damage. If you do, switch back when the last charging droid dies, as the boss is still invincible for 2GCDs or so.


The most difficult part of the fight is probably the adds that get summoned. My advice is to ignore the assault droids and deal with the explodey droids. Assuming you do the strategy I outlined where you only stand in 2 spots, the droids are usually nonissues because they walk to where you're dropping the yellow circles, stop, then explode. By the time they do, you're already in the next area. Sometimes they slow you. This happens rarely, and seems to happen only if you take too long to leave their AoE. There are 2 solutions to this! 1) Blade Blitz out of the circle. 2) Guardian Leap to your ranged companion. If you're quick on your feet, you shouldn't have to do either.


This fight took me about 7 attempts before I got it down. I was then able to do it on my Sith Juggernaut with even less gear on the 1st attempt, so this strategy is repeatable.


Good luck, Mysterious Stranger!

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I did it yesterday on an alt in 178/190 gear (the freebies they gave me from the Rise of the Emperor quests) and a companion in the 20s influence (28 IIRC). Focus Guardian, but was running in the tank blade style, with guard on my companion (who was set to heals for every fight), and taunt slotted to my bar.


Doom Droid wasn't tough as long as I kept it facing me, so it wouldn't explode Kira. I started off by the standard LS throw/leap, then ran through it and taunted to make sure it was facing me and kept Kira behind it. Standard DPS rotation, sidestepping to avoid the beam, then moving back in front of it after the beam quickly and attacking so it didn't go onto Kira, and rolling out to the sides during the missile salvos (making sure I didn't place them onto Kira).


Assault Droid spawns were all about the little exploding R2s. When they spawned I'd immediately make a run towards the nearest exploder, leap onto them, then immediately use blade blitz to get me out of it's explosive AOE, and the droids missiles which seemed to always rain down on me while trying to kill them. When they came out in spawns of two, I would leap to the first and run out - no blitz unless I thought the missile was going to get me, which would lead to insta-death - and the second one I would run in to trigger the explosion then blitz out of the radius, leap back to the boss and make sure it was facing me with Kira behind, and get back to it.


The 4 robot Pulse Charge thing seemed to go easily, had the combo pretty smoothly. Leap to first, slash, move to second, use focused burst from previous leap, slice/slash (I pretty much never use slash, but I did once for these simply because I needed focus points sometimes from ANYTHING/whatever as it usually had next to no hp left, hit third with blade dance, fourth would go down to Z-leap/slash, or Z-leap/f.burst. Saber Throw in there if my focus was jacked from them spawning at a bad part in my boss rotation.


I used pretty much every defensive cooldown I had during all the fights, whenever I thought the damage was getting a bit too much. The one that gave me hp back when I was attacked literally kept me in some fights.


I'm sure you can get it once you get the three patterns down for the three different parts of the fight. This way just a rough recollection from memory, but I'm pretty sure you'll get it no problem, Good luck!

Edited by Mykra
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I did it yesterday on an alt in 178/190 gear (the freebies they gave me from the Rise of the Emperor quests) and a companion in the 20s influence (28 IIRC). Focus Guardian, but was running in the tank blade style, with guard on my companion (who was set to heals for every fight), and taunt slotted to my bar.


Doom Droid wasn't tough


The 4 robot Pulse Charge thing seemed to go easily, had the combo pretty smoothly. Leap to first, slash, move to second, use focused burst from previous leap, slice/slash (I pretty much never use slash, but I did once for these simply because I needed focus points sometimes from ANYTHING/whatever as it usually had next to no hp left, hit third with blade dance, fourth would go down to Z-leap/slash, or Z-leap/f.burst. Saber Throw in there if my focus was jacked from them spawning at a bad part in my boss rotation.


Good luck!


I call BS on this. I consistently failed on this with my guardian and one of the areas I failed often was killing the 4 robot pulse charge things. You said you did this with 178/190 gear. I did it in Auged 208 DPS gear and a 216 main hand and there is no way those combinations would take down the droids.


"Leap to first, slash, move to second, " Nope not even close will require a third attack from me."


"use focused burst from previous leap, slice/slash" nope although this is closer will still need a third attack again.


"hit third with blade dance" this generally worked for me but sometimes they were left with a tiny bit of health.


"fourth would go down to Z-leap/slash, or Z-leap/f.burst" Well Burst is on Cd and I am out of focus by now so really reaching for some effective attack. By the time I had done this 20 times of so I had a rotation down that worked 80% of the time.


And the time. Mostly by the time I was killed between 10 and 20 minutes had gone by and I had to do this part several times. When I have better gear than you and you can use the same skills as me to take down an enemy with two hits and it takes me three it makes me wonder how people can be so good at pressing buttons.

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9th boss, guardian tank. After repeated attempts and huge repair bills, I realize i can't do this boss with my crappy gear & comp as a guardian tank (208/216 gear; level 29 comp). I have been following the mechanics of the fight but once the boss is at 25%, I get bombarded with droid attacks with non-stop yellow circles, I can just barely kill the 4 charging droids. I love it when the combat log says I got hit with 11k damage but still get insta-killed with full health. Anyway, I give up on this crap (anyone who says its easy is running around in top end gear, sorry).


I miss the days when we worked towards raiding by doing dailies and killing world bosses. This abomination that Bioware has come up with is kind of sad considering what potential this game once had. At this point, I could care less about the remaining chapters. I finish the new ones in 30 minutes after waiting months for them to be released. If EC is an attempt to stall for time, the devs really failed. Most people who can actually do EC are saying its replay value is next to zero. So what are we suppose to do...go back to pissing around with 5 year old OPS/FP content while we wait for something new? That is really dumb considering this is a subscription based game. We pay to play, we should be getting better content than this.


Anyway, I really don't care if the alliance defeats Arcaan anymore. If I have to put up with nonsense like EC until the end of November, I think I would rather go play The Sims. I am glad my sub is done in July =)


maybe it's time to level up and learn to play your class? (and all of its specs)

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Did it with a guardian tank in 208 gear and lvl 15 companion. The problem is you, not your gear.


Managed to get to #10 (didn't get to beat him) on my Operative, but I was in half 190, half 208 gear, and only noticed after my first death with 10, that my bracers didn't even have any mods in them.


The mechanics are more important than the gear.

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I must say that I enjoyed the Eternal Championship. I have completed all the sm operations and all the hm flashpoints. But, I am by no means a top end raider.


Anyways, I have completed the EC in all three specs:


Sage Healer, avg 212 gear, 29 dps Companion (got the Deathless Champion Title)

Shadow Tank, avg 211 gear, 50 healer Companion

Serenity DPS, avg 216 gear, 50 healer Companion


It was quickest with the Serenity Shadow, but I got careless :(. I think it definitely favors a dps stance. Although if I get HK-51 up to 50 influence on Sage, we will rock it.


As far as replaying, well I can see me doing it once a week maybe. I would do it more, but it requires completing Chapters 1-9 for each class. I don't see me doing that!

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Having read a couple of these threads about Eternal Championship, I suspect that it will fall into the category of "This would be a lot more fun if I could see what I'm doing".

Haven't tried it yet, but given how lag-prone my connection is, I don't like my chances.

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Gear and spec has absolutely everything to do with this. Have you tried EC yet? There's no bolster.



Is reading comprehension not your thing? If you read the OP you would know that my gear is slightly worse than what the OP has. At the same time I was using a lower level companion and I was able to do it. Others have been able to manage with even worse gear than that. The problem for the OP is not their gear.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Is reading comprehension not your thing? If you read the OP you would know that is gear that is slightly worse than what the OP has, while playing as the same spec and with a lower level companion and I was able to do it. Others have been able to manage with even worse gear than that. The problem for the OP is not their gear.


A lot of this fight is also geared toward how advanced your legacy is as well.... having all 8 abilities is much more resourceful than having simply two, not to mention a presence bonus as well by I think like 300. While I like to think of myself as a slightly above average player all the guides I seen of the speed run have a maxed legacy and while I was able to do it pretty fast... I was able to do it in 15-16 mins and decided to throw in the towel after getting so close. Decided to jump back onto battlefield and play locker a bit with my AEK shortly after.....

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Is reading comprehension not your thing? If you read the OP you would know that my gear is slightly worse than what the OP has. At the same time I was using a lower level companion and I was able to do it. Others have been able to manage with even worse gear than that. The problem for the OP is not their gear.


For the OP, I think it's more the spec part that is catching them up. It sounds like they are running Tank+Heals, and running short on damage.


In general though, I agree with them. Gear, spec AND companion influence matter just as much as the mechanics. ( It is tuned though so if you do well with mechanics, you can clear with bad gear. ) Really though, the mechanics are quite weak. With the melee fight, I have used ranged a number of times and came out just fine. I've also let the 2 get close and rage a number of times, and lived fine. I've pushed Noc into rage when I wasn't ready, and lived. I've had both me and companion caught in droids laser, and lived. I let the rancor get buffed and lived. etc.


Also, don't forget with gear, that the number doesn't mean much. There were people that got strength gear for their sorc after all. The actual stats of the gear is what matters. Oh, and do they have a set bonus or not. Are they com gear, or raid gear.


All of this stuff is why some people can do a full clear in under 13 mins, and others take 30 mins in the same spec, and knowing the mechanics. That stuff makes an enormous difference.

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EC is classic single player content. Its designed to do over and over and over again until you perfect it - and you don't need anyone but yourself. If you fail, you get stronger and try again. Improve your gear, invest into your companion influence rank, looks for ways to get the edge and go back and try again. It's not like grouped content where if you suck you get scolded, kicked and thrown on ignore.


EC will always be there and theres no rush to down it all the week it comes out. Be patient with yourself and the game and get better and it becomes fun again.

Edited by DenariusJay
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For the OP, I think it's more the spec part that is catching them up. It sounds like they are running Tank+Heals, and running short on damage.


In general though, I agree with them. Gear, spec AND companion influence matter just as much as the mechanics. ( It is tuned though so if you do well with mechanics, you can clear with bad gear. ) Really though, the mechanics are quite weak. With the melee fight, I have used ranged a number of times and came out just fine. I've also let the 2 get close and rage a number of times, and lived fine. I've pushed Noc into rage when I wasn't ready, and lived. I've had both me and companion caught in droids laser, and lived. I let the rancor get buffed and lived. etc.


Also, don't forget with gear, that the number doesn't mean much. There were people that got strength gear for their sorc after all. The actual stats of the gear is what matters. Oh, and do they have a set bonus or not. Are they com gear, or raid gear.


All of this stuff is why some people can do a full clear in under 13 mins, and others take 30 mins in the same spec, and knowing the mechanics. That stuff makes an enormous difference.


I ran tank and heals and got the Deathless title that way. No set bonuses in my gear, just the basic 208 tank gear you get when you hit 65 plus pvp relics. Didn't even think about using heroic moment. I tend to forget its there most of the time. Granted with tank and heal companion it takes a while but it is pretty easy if you pay attention.

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I ran tank and heals and got the Deathless title that way. No set bonuses in my gear, just the basic 208 tank gear you get when you hit 65 plus pvp relics. Didn't even think about using heroic moment. I tend to forget its there most of the time. Granted with tank and heal companion it takes a while but it is pretty easy if you pay attention.


Agree. I found it significantly easier on a tank / w heals. My comp was level 23 though, so perhaps a bit higher.


I did not have Kolto's left for the beam though (didn't realize they did not respawn and I was pretty cavalier with them during the first couple phases) but cooldowns medpac were enough. If you save all 3 koltos for the beam you're fine.


My dps was so slow that I got two phase 2's on the last fight. There are no dps checks at all except the 4 probes and those should not present a problem for someone in 188 gear.


FWIW I totally forgot you could even use heroic moment + those abilities, so with them, it is certainly doable.


A good idea might be to download starparse and hit a dummy for a couple minutes to try to figure out your best sequence of attacks. Figure you have 3 GCD's per probe to do about 7k damage. It's doable.

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I already did it on 1 of my warriors my sent my operative my sin and working into space baring the 9 chapters so I can do it on my merc right now. I used 208 pvp gear and ranged healing companions. Its not my cup of tea but its an ok content imo. Not really dificult at all. But I wish you the best of luck on your future endevors. :o I really hope they add some group content soon thoe. The game was supposed to be a MMO after all not a subscription base single player game and it sure feels that way most of the time. :mad:


Edit P.S.: Its an excellent way to learn new classes, specs, roles and try to improve one self for pve group content and a clever way to try to solve what people were complaining about random people not knowing how to play in PUGs FPs and OPs.

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Agree. I found it significantly easier on a tank / w heals. My comp was level 23 though, so perhaps a bit higher.


I did not have Kolto's left for the beam though (didn't realize they did not respawn and I was pretty cavalier with them during the first couple phases) but cooldowns medpac were enough. If you save all 3 koltos for the beam you're fine.


My dps was so slow that I got two phase 2's on the last fight. There are no dps checks at all except the 4 probes and those should not present a problem for someone in 188 gear.


FWIW I totally forgot you could even use heroic moment + those abilities, so with them, it is certainly doable.


A good idea might be to download starparse and hit a dummy for a couple minutes to try to figure out your best sequence of attacks. Figure you have 3 GCD's per probe to do about 7k damage. It's doable.


Hehe, I just couldn't do the Doom Droid on my Vang Tank; pathetic dps output on the charging probes. I had to regear/ respec for that one. Bad rotation, I know...

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