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Story will have a definitive split in a coming season.


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So I just wanted to point out that in a coming season, my guess being the next one but who knows, the story will have to spit back into two directions. They may join back up after everything but there will likely be a place where the Republic players and Theron have to deal with Saresh and what she has made of the government organization while Empire players and Lana go and figure out how to unite what is most likely a fractured Sith Empire.


The reason for this is that I don't think the plot armor could handle such vast differences if we didn't let both sides handle their issue separately. For instance even though the majority of the player base would probably like to see Saresh fed to a Rancor the Republic players would most likely want to make an effort to restore the republic while Empire players would want it to burn to ashes. Similarly if the Empire has with the loss of the dark council and the eventual loss of Eternal Empire oversight the usual infighting of the groups would make groups like what the novels saw with the loss of the Emperor where multiple "empires" sprung up from the ashes and all of them said that they were the "True Empire". Imperial players in this situation would want to unite the groups back under one banner while Republic players would let them destroy each other.


This means that when we reach a plot point where there is a lull in the fighting we will see our alliance turn and try to shore up their faction defenses by dealing with internal problems. Where Lana and Empire players return to Dromand Kass to deal with the Empire while Theron and Republic characters Go to Corsucant.


The other benefit to this is that it allows us to get back to characters that would have no reason to want to deal with the opposing faction players but are major elements to our individual factions. Kira, Nadia, Iresso, and in my opinion Elara wouldn't want to have anything to do with the empire and would say no to any contact with Sith players or Agents. Similarly I doubt Quinn, Dark Jasea or Temple would really have any motivation to deal with the Republic. (Vector normally wouldn't either but he's a special case for another time). Also in the the case of Jaesa it would make dealing with her whole is she dark or light to non-warrior players a lot easier.


How does this work when the stories come together again? most likely it will just be that the faction you aren't part of managed to work things out somehow without getting into to much detail. Saresh would be out of power and either dead or on the run and Darth Acina would be either dead or in one of the back seats of a new council that had both sith and major military figures in command.

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So I just wanted to point out that in a coming season, my guess being the next one but who knows, the story will have to spit back into two directions. They may join back up after everything but there will likely be a place where the Republic players and Theron have to deal with Saresh and what she has made of the government organization while Empire players and Lana go and figure out how to unite what is most likely a fractured Sith Empire.


The reason for this is that I don't think the plot armor could handle such vast differences if we didn't let both sides handle their issue separately. For instance even though the majority of the player base would probably like to see Saresh fed to a Rancor the Republic players would most likely want to make an effort to restore the republic while Empire players would want it to burn to ashes. Similarly if the Empire has with the loss of the dark council and the eventual loss of Eternal Empire oversight the usual infighting of the groups would make groups like what the novels saw with the loss of the Emperor where multiple "empires" sprung up from the ashes and all of them said that they were the "True Empire". Imperial players in this situation would want to unite the groups back under one banner while Republic players would let them destroy each other.


This means that when we reach a plot point where there is a lull in the fighting we will see our alliance turn and try to shore up their faction defenses by dealing with internal problems. Where Lana and Empire players return to Dromand Kass to deal with the Empire while Theron and Republic characters Go to Corsucant.


The other benefit to this is that it allows us to get back to characters that would have no reason to want to deal with the opposing faction players but are major elements to our individual factions. Kira, Nadia, Iresso, and in my opinion Elara wouldn't want to have anything to do with the empire and would say no to any contact with Sith players or Agents. Similarly I doubt Quinn, Dark Jasea or Temple would really have any motivation to deal with the Republic. (Vector normally wouldn't either but he's a special case for another time). Also in the the case of Jaesa it would make dealing with her whole is she dark or light to non-warrior players a lot easier.


How does this work when the stories come together again? most likely it will just be that the faction you aren't part of managed to work things out somehow without getting into to much detail. Saresh would be out of power and either dead or on the run and Darth Acina would be either dead or in one of the back seats of a new council that had both sith and major military figures in command.


Agreed, I feel a "Civil war" with faction based expansions make the most sense. I am not sure they will do it.


KotFE looks like a giant cost-cutting expansion. They have streamlined everything and fallen back on KOTOR dialog to reduce voice acting costs. Some things bother me and others don't. The story has becomes too streamlined and some chapters are just not logical for certain factions and certain classes. They need to branch out again and make it relevant for the characters we created.

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This is what I am hoping for as well. After arcaans defeat, the alliance falls and you and your companions find them selves choosing sides.


Would be pretty fun, in fact that is how i play already. My main is a sith warrior and he is already turning the alliance into the new empire.


With Marr out of the way, My sith warrior could be the next sith emperor and both factions have a pretender to the leadership role already, characters that nobody cares much for either. I am sure nobody will mind seeing l sareesh and darth acina replaced with their PC


If Odesson stays your new hub, then essentially...your character could lead a new republic or a new empire despite which class they are, now that would be crazy

Edited by kirorx
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I'm guessing that, at the end of this season, you end up on the Eternal Throne whether you want to or not. Then the Eternal Fleet will be destroyed by an unavoidable plot device, the Republic and Empire kick off in a vast multiple front civil war between different factions in each organisation and each other and you'll have to lead the Alliance to unify the galaxy and bring an end to it, whether you want to or not.


I would be hugely surprised if they had separate storylines, as I've just played through a chapter where the Empire's Wrath gets smack talked by an alien in a box until Gault saves the day with threats of wookie choristers, instead of just wrenching the durasteel and cortosis door off it's hinges with the force and following through on his promise.

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I don't think they will split the story lines, it is easier for them to just have a single one for all classes. I doubt they will go back from this to again empire/republic story arcs like they did with Makeb.
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According to the dialogue you have with Maar and Shan in the last chapter he actually tells you if you don't take the throne the galaxy (not just one section) falls into chaos so it sort of looks you will be taking the throne, whether that is actually in your plans.
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According to the dialogue you have with Maar and Shan in the last chapter he actually tells you if you don't take the throne the galaxy (not just one section) falls into chaos so it sort of looks you will be taking the throne, whether that is actually in your plans.


Blah. My girls don't care for Thrones or power. Just family and getting paid for jobs to support family. *sigh* Ah well. I shall direct them to bring chocolate, can't go wrong with that unless you're diabetic. :p

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Blah. My girls don't care for Thrones or power. Just family and getting paid for jobs to support family. *sigh* Ah well. I shall direct them to bring chocolate, can't go wrong with that unless you're diabetic. :p


or allergic to chocolate (which I am), which makes my boyfriend have to get creative at Valentine's day)

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This is what I am hoping for as well. After arcaans defeat, the alliance falls and you and your companions find them selves choosing sides.


I don't think the alliance will lose any ground though. Even after Arcann is removed, I think there will still be some major threats out there. I can already think of at least one that comes to mind since chapter 12. But with a lull in the battles it would make sense that the alliance would shift gears and look to solve the issues inside their two most powerful backers (they still get other support from smugglers and if things go well in chapter 14 it looks like the mandalorians will be backing them as well).


Regardless of if we take the throne or not ( I don't think it would be a beat Arcann and win sort of deal) A jedi setting foot on Dromand Kass or a Sith on Corsucant would be a major breach of protocol and wouldn't make sense in the story. The main goal of a split in story would be to show that the players are still a major force inside their faction. Solving those issues would set both sides up for a better war once the big threat is out of the way.


Worst case scenario is that after that is done we have a point where we sit down with both factions and negotiate a new treaty putting us back where we were before the game started but I don't think that the full battle to the death will begin for a long while. At least I'm sure the Republic will be looking for a reprieve once we get Saresh's claws out of the puppet senate. And from what I understand of the Empire they would need one as well.


Even if there were no factions that went rouge after Acina took control (which all things considered the chances that everyone stayed faithful is thinner than the hair on a rattataki's head) the Empire should be in rebuilding mode. They lost most of the fleet with the betrayal of Malgus. They were solving that issue when the Eternal Empire attacked the first time and we can be sure that if most of the dark council was killed that their fleets probably went down with them. Truth is that the Empire is probably down to only a few battle capable ships at this point. They may have plenty of transports but large cruisers take a while to build.

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I don't think they will split the story lines, it is easier for them to just have a single one for all classes. I doubt they will go back from this to again empire/republic story arcs like they did with Makeb.


I agree.


They will find a way to make it so that even a staunch opponent will find it in their best interests to help the opposing faction...most likely a "better the devil you know" plot point.


for examples:


in the case of an imperial taking out Saresh's "Cabal": Saresh has had enough of working through a puppet, she wants to reclaim the "supreme chancellor seat" and demolish the Empire once and for all. A Loyal imperial will see her as a serious threat and want to get rid of her; better to help the Republic regain its Parliamentary government than to have their nominal dictator unleash destruction on the Empire.


On the flip side, and amazingly similarly, a powerful sith has ascended through the ranks and to prove his worth to take control of the Empire he wants to finish off the Republic. Again any supporter of the Republic would see this as a significant threat and want to stop him/her; better to help Empress whatshername retain her throne and/or reinstall a council than have a new threat unleash destruction on the Republic.

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I agree.


They will find a way to make it so that even a staunch opponent will find it in their best interests to help the opposing faction...most likely a "better the devil you know" plot point.


for examples:


in the case of an imperial taking out Saresh's "Cabal": Saresh has had enough of working through a puppet, she wants to reclaim the "supreme chancellor seat" and demolish the Empire once and for all. A Loyal imperial will see her as a serious threat and want to get rid of her; better to help the Republic regain its Parliamentary government than to have their nominal dictator unleash destruction on the Empire.


On the flip side, and amazingly similarly, a powerful sith has ascended through the ranks and to prove his worth to take control of the Empire he wants to finish off the Republic. Again any supporter of the Republic would see this as a significant threat and want to stop him/her; better to help Empress whatshername retain her throne and/or reinstall a council than have a new threat unleash destruction on the Republic.


While logical, you make me sad

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I agree.


They will find a way to make it so that even a staunch opponent will find it in their best interests to help the opposing faction...most likely a "better the devil you know" plot point.


for examples:


in the case of an imperial taking out Saresh's "Cabal": Saresh has had enough of working through a puppet, she wants to reclaim the "supreme chancellor seat" and demolish the Empire once and for all. A Loyal imperial will see her as a serious threat and want to get rid of her; better to help the Republic regain its Parliamentary government than to have their nominal dictator unleash destruction on the Empire.


On the flip side, and amazingly similarly, a powerful sith has ascended through the ranks and to prove his worth to take control of the Empire he wants to finish off the Republic. Again any supporter of the Republic would see this as a significant threat and want to stop him/her; better to help Empress whatshername retain her throne and/or reinstall a council than have a new threat unleash destruction on the Republic.


The problem that arises with that is the characters. There isn't really a feasible way to get characters like Kira, Nadia, and Iresso who have extreme disgust for the Empire. (and for good reason with all of them abused as a child for Kira, they killed her parents for Nadia, and almost tortured to death for Iresso) to get them to say "oh let bygones be bygones, sure I'll help the character that represents everything I hate". The Imperial characters have some as well though to a lesser degree.


In regards to them moving away from a split story like Makeb, I'm not saying that a whole season would be devoted to this. The more likely scenario would be that it covers 2 or 3 chapters in the early part of the season when part of the story is release as a bulk issue. The chapters would be on the faction specific planets (probably Tython, Coruscant, and Balmorra for Republic and Korriban, Dromand Kass, and Taris for Empire) and would manipulate the larger issues like killing or imprisoning Saresh back into the larger part of the story line.


I think the increased cost of development could be argued for since players have been asking for a bit more of an identity with their faction and this is a solution that offers that without altering the flow of the current arc in any drastic way. It also avoids the problems that would come with trying to shoehorn a plot that you are suggesting into place which would mean creating instanced replications of all the faction only planets so that opposing sides could land on them which is a whole new level of problems.

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I think they are going to keep the same story for all classes. Having each faction have their own story is doubtful given how we seen a linear approach with KOTFE.


We will see Arcann defeated but that will leave Zakuul to clean up, the Eternal Fleet, and we still have Valkorion hanging around in our minds (possibly).


The next season will focus on dealing with the eternal fleet or rebuilding the galaxy. I don't see a season 3 for this game seeing that people will want to play a game that is canon / in the new timeline.

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I recall someone teasing something somewhere that Season 2's Big Bad is someone from the Alliance.


I think it would have to be


SCORPIO, who seems to be flying under the radar but also still pursuing her own agenda (trying to get full control of the Gravestone, still focused on her mission of self-improvement)



Unless someone else is a true wolf in sheep's clothing or there's a major twist coming - which is very possible - then that's my guess.

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The problem that arises with that is the characters. There isn't really a feasible way to get characters like Kira, Nadia, and Iresso who have extreme disgust for the Empire. (and for good reason with all of them abused as a child for Kira, they killed her parents for Nadia, and almost tortured to death for Iresso) to get them to say "oh let bygones be bygones, sure I'll help the character that represents everything I hate". The Imperial characters have some as well though to a lesser degree.


In regards to them moving away from a split story like Makeb, I'm not saying that a whole season would be devoted to this. The more likely scenario would be that it covers 2 or 3 chapters in the early part of the season when part of the story is release as a bulk issue. The chapters would be on the faction specific planets (probably Tython, Coruscant, and Balmorra for Republic and Korriban, Dromand Kass, and Taris for Empire) and would manipulate the larger issues like killing or imprisoning Saresh back into the larger part of the story line.


I think the increased cost of development could be argued for since players have been asking for a bit more of an identity with their faction and this is a solution that offers that without altering the flow of the current arc in any drastic way. It also avoids the problems that would come with trying to shoehorn a plot that you are suggesting into place which would mean creating instanced replications of all the faction only planets so that opposing sides could land on them which is a whole new level of problems.


Don't forget that we have Aric joining the Alliance - and he was always a die hard imperial hater. He is surely not more imperial friendly than Nadia, Kira or Iresso. All with the explanation that Arcann is worse than the empire and only together you can beat him. So they don't need a split for Kira or Nadia - they will join like Jorgan did.

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Don't forget that we have Aric joining the Alliance - and he was always a die hard imperial hater. He is surely not more imperial friendly than Nadia, Kira or Iresso. All with the explanation that Arcann is worse than the empire and only together you can beat him. So they don't need a split for Kira or Nadia - they will join like Jorgan did.


There is a difference between Aric and the others though. Aric is in many respects a pragmatist. While he may not agree with or like the people he deals with, he will go with the flow as long as it gets him to an objective. To point is the fact that he hates the direction the Republic is heading right now but will still be part of it as long as they keep his unit outfitted. He joined with the alliance because they offered him a better deal (a way to go up against arcann and supplies to do it.) His hatred for the empire exists for little reason other than they were seen as the enemy. It's not a personal reason.


Nadia, Kira and Iresso all have a personal conflict with the Empire. That personal experience would make them very hard to turn to a neutral stance. Working directly with Republic characters would be fine for them, teaming up with the empire would go against already established character background.


In the end though I think the decision to have a brief split in the story would be for a more technical reason. It would be easier and cheaper to instance a small area on the faction specific planets than to instance the planet as a whole and since there would be serious issues sending players of the opposing faction to the home planets of the other team it just makes more sense to split the story for a few chapters then merge them back together.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Agreed, I feel a "Civil war" with faction based expansions make the most sense. I am not sure they will do it.


KotFE looks like a giant cost-cutting expansion. They have streamlined everything and fallen back on KOTOR dialog to reduce voice acting costs. Some things bother me and others don't. The story has becomes too streamlined and some chapters are just not logical for certain factions and certain classes. They need to branch out again and make it relevant for the characters we created.


But they probably don't have the funds to do that.

Thanks EA...

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We won't see a split in the story for one simple reason that overrides all plot points and deficulties, which is that it is just so much more cost effective to go for the one story fits all model that we have seen since makeb. When it gets right down to it the bottom line is what's important, and making two stories instead of one dosent make sense in that regard unfortunately
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Nadia, Kira and Iresso all have a personal conflict with the Empire. That personal experience would make them very hard to turn to a neutral stance. Working directly with Republic characters would be fine for them, teaming up with the empire would go against already established character background.


Well now you have me thinking - specifically about Kira...


How would she feel about ANYONE with Valkorian/Vitiate in their head, pub or imp?


That being said, it's been five years. Something WILL happen that will make these three and others more pragmatic and want to be part of the alliance regardless of who is leading it.


In fact, something already has happened that might mellow Kira out at least. Think about this for a second, Kira is the prominent companion at the start of KotFE for the JK. If she was SOOOOOOO dead set against the Empire do you think she would even be there?

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Well now you have me thinking - specifically about Kira...


How would she feel about ANYONE with Valkorian/Vitiate in their head, pub or imp?


That being said, it's been five years. Something WILL happen that will make these three and others more pragmatic and want to be part of the alliance regardless of who is leading it.


In fact, something already has happened that might mellow Kira out at least. Think about this for a second, Kira is the prominent companion at the start of KotFE for the JK. If she was SOOOOOOO dead set against the Empire do you think she would even be there?



If I recall correctly on the lady consular Iresso was there as well so it seems Kira and Iresso have seem to mellow or at least will tolerate for now.

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My imperial characters could care less about the empire. My agent is actually an agent for the republic, my bh killed the sith at the end of chapter 3 and has sympathy for the republic, my sith are closer to Jedi than they are Sith. I would also like to have to ability to choose light Jaesa and have no desire to team with dark Jeasa on any character Republic or Sith. I hope both sides get stablized and unite together to defeat the Eternal Empire. To me Khem would be the wild card is it Khem or the Sith lady. Ones light or dark could decide which Jaesa you get. Dark and neutral players could get dark and light could get light. As for Quinn and Skadge I would rather throw them in the sarlacc pit than have them join me on any of my characters including my warrior and bounty hunter. Quinn is roasting in fire in my strongholds or his holo is.
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