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KoTFE Companion Customization


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So, this probably isn't the first thread for this, but seriously. After all the awesome changes to companions. Making Armor totally cosmetic was a nice move, and I'm loving how companions work now.




Not being able to customize the armor appearences of the KoTFE companions? Lana? Senya? Theron?


If there is a plan to allow this later, it'd be nice to know. Becuase if there isn't there really needs to be. it makes it hard to relate to the companions outside of the story scenes when they look like the thousands of other Lanas and Therons out there. The fix would be simple to add the armor slots to them to allow cutomization that you find in every one of the original core companions.


This goes for the additional companions you gain by doing the missions for the various Aliiance leaders too.


Please add this feature soon, whether it be a quality of life patch, or as a feature in later chapters. A little news one way or the other would help alleviate the ire over not being able to dress them up. They are organic characters, not droids or larger non-humanoids.

Edited by DarthVampirous
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At the very least they could have released some customizations that were completely different or altered outfits, or slight variations to the head models, or both, that you just drop into the customization slot.


I understand all the reasons they locked in the KOTFE people into a one-size-fits-all appearance, but I'd love to have some options for variety!

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I understand all the reasons they locked in the KOTFE people into a one-size-fits-all appearance, but I'd love to have some options for variety!

I don't. They original devs didn't do that when they released the game. You wanna make your blue Vette green, and make her wear a bikini set? Sure, go ahead. You wanna make your Skadge a sumo fighter? Godspeed, buddy. You want your Aric to get an Elvis Presley haircut and run around showing his furry abs? No problem.


P.S. The returning class companions are still customizable btw.

Edited by starwarsfansix
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I don't.


To be clear, I understand what they were doing, I didn't say I liked it :p


To be short, this is the same decision they used in Dragon Age 2. Ugh, excuse me for a moment I need to go forget I remembered that "game". They said they wanted characters with a 'defined appearance' to help them be more 'iconic', which they also repeated in the ME series. I had thought they realized this wasn't what we wanted with how strongly they backed off it in DA3, and made a note of how they were doing away with it. They also locked the NPC characters appearances in for the cutscenes. I'm not sure why this was done to be honest as it makes little sense to give the option to customize weaponry knowing full well you won't allow it to be visually represented in half of the game.


There's other stuff, but knowing that, there were some compromises they could have made to give the players the variety they wanted while keeping the vision of their NPCs still in house.


If I had my way I'd say make them like every other NPC, but I'm willing to take some options over no options. How's that for lowered expectations? ;)

Edited by Mykra
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I would just like them to say why they did this and if they have any plans to improve on the situation since it bothers so many people. The silence has been deafening :mad:


I hope their eventual solution isn't to toss out a few customizations since 9/10 customizations they have created for old companions are awful.

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I would just like them to say why they did this and if they have any plans to improve on the situation since it bothers so many people. The silence has been deafening :mad:


I hope their eventual solution isn't to toss out a few customizations since 9/10 customizations they have created for old companions are awful.


That would be an awesome idea too.

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  • 4 weeks later...
This subject is getting to the point of being a deal breaker for me... I look forward to being able to customize the look and armor on my companions and the idea of running around with a cookie cutter companion is not appealing what so ever. There have been many threads on this subject since the release of KotFE, each on asking for some feedback from BioWare/devs wanting an explanation of why they did it and if it will ever be changed. Each request has been ignored (I would guess intentionally). This is BIG deal for some of us and I consider it an insult that we have not received any kind of response to this issue. :mad:
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  • 2 weeks later...
This subject is getting to the point of being a deal breaker for me... I look forward to being able to customize the look and armor on my companions and the idea of running around with a cookie cutter companion is not appealing what so ever. There have been many threads on this subject since the release of KotFE, each on asking for some feedback from BioWare/devs wanting an explanation of why they did it and if it will ever be changed. Each request has been ignored (I would guess intentionally). This is BIG deal for some of us and I consider it an insult that we have not received any kind of response to this issue. :mad:

Yeah I mean who wants the awful look Lana is sporting at the moment?

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I think they should at the very least make some variation customization's for these new companions. For example, noticeably different alternative clothing colors or patterns, hairstyles, and even skin tones. That way there would be SOME degree of variety between all the Theron/Lana/Koth/Etc's of the world.
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