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Cam someone please help with a co-op question.


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Hey guys im really loving this game right now. Quick question for you.


How does Co-op work in this game exactly. My sister and friend want to play and i already have a mid level character how would that work could i join their story or game? I was thinking that i would start another character when we group and we would all probably want to be on the same starting planet but does anyone know how that would work or how we would be able to play the stories missions?


appreciate the help

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Hey guys im really loving this game right now. Quick question for you.


How does Co-op work in this game exactly. My sister and friend want to play and i already have a mid level character how would that work could i join their story or game? I was thinking that i would start another character when we group and we would all probably want to be on the same starting planet but does anyone know how that would work or how we would be able to play the stories missions?


appreciate the help


Make a new character as you said, and group up :)

When you three are in a group, you cooperate to finish your missions. You can even join their class quests, and in the group quests one of you lead the dialogue. You'll have a lot of fun together ^^

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Sure, you could roll an alt and group up while leveling. In fact, it will get you extra social points.


Story quests, and especially story areas can also be done in a group. However, you need to enable this in your options (I forgot what it's called exactly) so your friends are able to follow you into story areas.


Two things about sharing story areas though:

- Only the owner of the sotry area can make dialog choices and do interactions with story objects. During dialog and cutscenes, everybody else can only observe what is happening and cannot make choices.

- The story will only advance for the owner of the story area. So, say you have two troopers and you need to do a story area. In that case, trooper 1 goes in and trooper 2 follows, and trooper 1 does what is required to do in the area. Both troopers exit, but thne trooper 2 must go back inside for the same thing (but trooper 1 can follow to look and help out).

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The reason for that is that your decisions in story quests affect future story quests.


For example, say you're doing story quest where a character shows up, but only if you didn't kill him earlier. You chose to kill him, but your ally chose to spare him. Will he show up in the story quest that you're doing together? What if he lets you make a choice that affects future quests. Will your friend be deprived of the chance to make that choice just because you killed the guy in your quest? Will you get to make that choice because your friend spared the guy in his quest (effectively bringing the guy back from the dead for your story)?


It's far simpler to keep people from having a joint class quest (even if another member of your class tags along), and keep your plot entirely distinct from your friend's plot.


If it helps, think of your class story as separate from your friend's class story. You're not both doing, say, Trooper quests: you're doing the Kaylila's Trooper story, and your friend is doing the, say, Bill's Trooper story. The stories may be painstakingly similar at times (identical, if you both make the same decisions and are of the same gender), but they are distinct enough that they can't be done together.

Edited by JakeLightbearer
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The fact that you have to do story quests twice in a party... for an MMO, is IDIOTIC. I was really hoping that wasn't the case after finding that out today.




Story is king in Bioware games, even a Bioware MMO. I don't want some other player messing with my character's storyline. It's one thing when it's planetary quests, but story should not be left up to a RNG. It's quite brilliant actually, and anything else would have been a horrible idea.

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The fact that you have to do story quests twice in a party... for an MMO, is IDIOTIC. I was really hoping that wasn't the case after finding that out today.




If you end up in that situation: both of you of the same class and at exactly the same point in a quest and about to enter your personal story area, then rather than see the story twice you can just leave the group and both enter as individuals. Then you regroup once you've both had your own story. There are a lot of areas that are group stories, so you'll only need to do this for those personal story quests.

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Hey guys im really loving this game right now. Quick question for you.


How does Co-op work in this game exactly. My sister and friend want to play and i already have a mid level character how would that work could i join their story or game? I was thinking that i would start another character when we group and we would all probably want to be on the same starting planet but does anyone know how that would work or how we would be able to play the stories missions?


appreciate the help


One thing nobody has mentioned is that Troopers and Smugglers start on a different planet to the Jedi classes. So depending on your choices the first 10 or so levels you may find yourselves split up, but you can get through those early missions quite quickly.

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