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May Producer Live Stream


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Hey folks!


Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for our May Producer live stream with Ben Irving, Charles Boyd, and myself. We will talk about all of the great things coming in May and tease what is coming next month. Here are the details:


Time - 2PM Pacific

Place - http://www.twitch.tv/swtor


See you there!



Edited by EricMusco
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Hey folks!


Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for our May Producer livestream with Ben Irving, Charles Boyd, and myself. We will talk about all of the great things coming in May and tease what is coming next month. Here are the details:


Time - 2PM Pacific

Place - http://www.twitch.tv/swtor


See you there!




Do you plan on addressing the problem preventing many players from downloading the most recent patch?

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Normally I'd be interested in this, but considering I can't even start the patching progress, I can't find it within myself to get hyped up about any allegedly 'great' things coming up this month. I don't care about new things, I just want the game I am paying for to work!
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Hey folks!


Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for our May Producer live stream with Ben Irving, Charles Boyd, and myself. We will talk about all of the great things coming in May and tease what is coming next month. Here are the details:


Time - 2PM Pacific

Place - http://www.twitch.tv/swtor


See you there!




Will this be where updates on the 308 login problem are finally addressed? Been trying since noon today to patch with nothing but frustration. Thought forums was a prime place for information... I was wrong.. Thought Twitter but yet no tweet was made until after a tweet about the live stream.

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I look forward to seeing Ben address that mess of a letter be posted up. No doubt he'll just pretend it doesn't exist or repeat it verbatim though.


But hey I would love to be wrong if it means something substantial ( or even of mild interest ) gets announced tomorrow. :)

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question I hope will be answered:



is dual companions a feature being considered fully or was that only meant for that part?


Considering you only had control over the one? Probably just treated it like an escort NPC. With a weapon. :D Nothing really new..

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question I hope will be answered:



is dual companions a feature being considered fully or was that only meant for that part?



That feature would make the game very, very easy. I actually hope they will not allow it any time soon.


It is a story thing for the chapter and it has happened before in the game, it is cool to see.



It would be cool if you could give a answer if the courting gifts will be fixed.

Edited by Icestar
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That feature would make the game very, very easy. I actually hope they will not allow it any time soon.


It is a story thing for the chapter and it has happened before in the game, it is cool to see.



It would be cool if you could give a answer if the courting gifts will be fixed.



not if they cut the stats of companions by half


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Why even bother watching? They'll just ignore any questions the viewers will raise during the Livestream like they did last time. My only wish. Just give us Nautolans as a playable race, complete KOTFE without the livestreams. They really don't do much other than serve to completely torque off viewers.
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Completely ignore any issues with game and say how great everything is. Tells us how you read all our feedback the good and bad but ignore any negative comment. I can't wait for it.


5 mins on food/eric's shirt/the room they are in/ducks


5 mins reading most recent patch notes really, really slowly


15 seconds on how they know there were some patching issues. They will blame one of their unnamed business partners and somehow take credit for fixing it ridiculously fast.


10 mins on EC working without major bugs. Hints of future nerfing of it. Possible "See? We care about group content" moment when discussing how you can do a group EC weekly


5 mins on chapter <whatever chapter we are on>


5 mins on chapter <whatever next chapter is>


15 seconds promising they want questions they have zero intention of answering.


0 seconds where the word "operation" is spoke, even though it will be seen in chat more than 300x.


.... In all seriousness, I'm probably not that far off but I certainly hope I'm very very wrong.


Today would be the absolute perfect time for Ben to spend just 5 minutes having a candid conversation about the future state of Operations in this game.


Give it 5 minutes Ben. It's May 4th for crying out loud.


5 minutes on it. I know you're reading this. Show me that my agenda up there isn't accurate. Make me eat those words.


Please! For the ducks! Think of the ducks!

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For work related reasons I couldn't tune in to the live stream but one question I've really wanted to ask recently is: is there any possibility of the companion limit for strongholds being increased? My secret Yavin base can't hold everyone.
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Chapter 13 is nice to play and i liked the funny parts in it.



Next Chapter, sound nice, but why another Fur Comp, after we get the Wookie? For me it is really painfull to recrute 2 Comp. that i not wanna have, on all my Chars.


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