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Best Heroics for solo farming?

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Is there a list/guide anywhere of heroics that can be farmed really fast while playing solo?


I do have a list for imp and rep, but i its in my google doc and dunno how to link it. Anyway just look at reddit you can find the topic there by several people. However, in general, even i stopped using that since a group of lvl 65s gains much more money in far less time if you do the heroics with them.


I was doing the fast ones solo back when i wanted the Alliance lvl 20 achievment, but since thats done, there is no point.

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why would you want to solo farm heroics? finding 3 more people for heroics, these days, takes less than a minute and quadruples your credit return while also making the heroics much faster.
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why would you want to solo farm heroics? finding 3 more people for heroics, these days, takes less than a minute and quadruples your credit return while also making the heroics much faster.


There are times when I've been unable to find a group. It's really hit or miss. Sometimes you get a group of 3 or 4 immediately, other times you get crickets in response to LFG posts to general. It isn't necessarily linked to peak server hours either, as there are times I've found full groups on off hours and times where during peak hours I end up running heroics solo, competing against other solo players for quest objectives. Like it or not, there are a lot players in the game who do not group at all.


I do think it is slightly easier to find a full group now than when 4.0 first released, probably because word of the increased rewards for grouping is starting to filter down to the more casual players as well. It's still not a guaranteed thing though.


It is good to know which heroics are fastest to run when you're solo, even though solo grinding isn't the best way to run them.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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There are times when I've been unable to find a group. It's really hit or miss. Sometimes you get a group of 3 or 4 immediately, other times you get crickets in response to LFG posts to general. It isn't necessarily linked to peak server hours either, as there are times I've found full groups on off hours and times where during peak hours I end up running heroics solo, competing against other solo players for quest objectives. Like it or not, there are a lot players in the game who do not group at all.


I do think it is slightly easier to find a full group now than when 4.0 first released, probably because word of the increased rewards for grouping is starting to filter down to the more casual players as well. It's still not a guaranteed thing though.


It is good to know which heroics are fastest to run when you're solo, even though solo grinding isn't the best way to run them.


wow, that seems bizarre to me. what server are you on? every time i have ever put into gen chat that i was looking for more for heroics i get 8 people in the first 20 seconds. i am on harbinger, and i think that is the most populated server nowadays.

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why would you want to solo farm heroics? finding 3 more people for heroics, these days, takes less than a minute and quadruples your credit return while also making the heroics much faster.


Sometimes someone just wants to play alone. *shrugs*


Is there a list/guide anywhere of heroics that can be farmed really fast while playing solo?

What class are you playing? There is a difference what can be (easily) solo'd with a stealther vs semi-stealthy (mara camo) vs brute force (seriously, I can hear a BH's explosions from half a zone away).

Edited by ButeoRegalis
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