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What do you think a Chiss would be afraid of?


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I am on an endless quest to de-mystify the Chiss, at least in my own mind. I came up with this question (what would a Chiss be afraid of?) and have somewhat stumped myself. This is what I've come up with:


1. Being alone for long periods of time - this would be because the Chiss are very blood-family, house-family oriented. I can imagine that an individual Chiss might suffer mentally/emotionally in long periods of isolation. I can even see this being a real fear some of them might have.


2. Being dominated or enslaved - lore wise we know that Chiss really, really don't like this type of thing. They'd probably rather die than be a slave or robbed of their free will. So anything that taps into those fears could, by proxy, be something they'd find scary.


3. Cybernetics - I feel like this one might be a leap, but a Chiss might find cybernetic enhancements extremely offensive and maybe a bit frightening, since it could lead (by their reasoning) to the above item (2). This could make something like the Ghosts of the Desert quest line on Tatooine especially frightening for a Chiss BH or IA (or Sith if that's how you like to roll).


But what else, based on what we do know about their culture lore-wise? I feel like this one is a toughie.

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Csilla is an icy world; it necessarily gets much less sunlight compared to a more temperate planet. Despite the blue skin, Chiss probably sunburn super easily (just like white people), because they've evolved in an environment without intense sunlight.

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Csilla is an icy world; it necessarily gets much less sunlight compared to a more temperate planet. Despite the blue skin, Chiss probably sunburn super easily (just like white people), because they've evolved in an environment without intense sunlight.

That's what I was thinking lol

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Chiss, at least ones native to Csilla, probably loathe warm/hot planets: Tatooine, Mustafar, Korriban, Rishi, Yavin.


I wouldn't so much say they fear it, but they may not like disorganization, or complete messes, or disobedience, if I am remembering what I read about the Ascendancy correctly.

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Chiss, at least ones native to Csilla, probably loathe warm/hot planets: Tatooine, Mustafar, Korriban, Rishi, Yavin.


I wouldn't so much say they fear it, but they may not like disorganization, or complete messes, or disobedience, if I am remembering what I read about the Ascendancy correctly.


From what I know lore-wise, Korriban is a chilly desert planet.

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I wonder if chiss would be uneasy about the force? Given how they, as a culture, seem to value logic and rational thinking and things that can be explained...something that defies all of that might come across as creepy or weird to them. It might explain why chiss force-sensitives are, apparently, shunned in the Ascendancy. Having to work with Sith on a regular basis is bad enough, but having one of their own people in control of those same powers...even worse.
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Not sure I would call what they feel "fear"

Lore wise, the Chiss are the Vulcans of Star Wars. I think they would be " concerned" about hot climates,


This is a popular misconception about the Chiss; they are not the 'Vulcans of SW.'


First, Chiss are an evolutionary divergence from the baseline human, having evolved a few characteristics as a result of adaptation to Csilla's glacial environment and low-light. For instance, we can reasonably speculate that Chiss cannot see red light at all or, if they do, very poorly; additionally, there has likely been a shift in the color spectrum they can perceive meaning they are able to register colors that baseline humans cannot. One clue to this may be their cultural preference for brighter colors which, simply, look different (e.g. more appealing) to them than the baseline humans.


Second, Chiss society discourages overt displays of emotion; it doesn't stamp emotions out. Whereas a Vulcan would never get offended by an insult (finding them illogical), a Chiss would get deeply offended but would not show it at the time. They'd step back and plot payback, and they may years to get that payback but that's fine by them. We see this in the information available about the political families and how they do spend a great deal of time plotting/undermining/blackmailing each other for political advantage.


In fact, it's not unreasonable to think that their cultural preference for hiding emotions and feelings is due to the political nature of their social system of highly specialized houses for exactly the reasons I stated. The less your (potential) political enemies know about your objectives, the better.


We can also reasonably speculate that, in private with blood family or close members of their house family, Chiss are much more relaxed and "human" in their behavior.


Third, as for force sensitives I think it's easy to make conclusions that Chiss aren't Force sensitive very often or they shun their Force sensitives, but I think the truth is more complex than that:


a) Force sensitivity doesn't typically manifest until the subject is a bit older, whereas because Chiss have accelerated growth and maturation rates, by the time it does show up in a Chiss they may already be settled socially/mentally into their roles.


b) This would mean that if a Chiss is, say, 12 by the time some Force abilities manifest, they're already an adult and have probably been aligned with a house for a year or two. Walking away from that obligation would be anathema to Chiss thinking; they made a commitment, they will honor it, end of story.


c) Chiss have a choice about whether to leave their families and pursue Force training. This is in their treaty with the Empire. Most Chiss probably choose to stay due to a variety of reasons, such as b) above.


d) A Force sensitive Chiss that is identified at a young enough age, and of sufficient strength, is more likely to be shunted to the Sith or Jedi but not because of cultural aversion so much as strategic opportunity. Basically, Chiss like to gather information on potential enemies, and a Force sensitive that met the above conditions - and wasn't bound by loyalty elsewhere - would be a great opportunity to plant someone behind Sith or Jedi ranks and send regular reports back to the Ascendancy and/or family. In this situation, I could easily see the Chiss in question being punted to CEDF and trained especially in anticipation of planting him or her into those organizations.


Now, such a Chiss may never be allowed (or even capable) of reintegrating with Chiss society at a later time, but then again if they're convinced that they are working to protect their homeworld and people they may not care.


Many of the ideas that folks have come up with have been helpful, especially the sunburns! I would have never thought of that.

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I still say "losing their minds" would be a big fear.

They live in a society where pretty much everything relies on their ability to think, to analyse, to understand.

To suddenly lose that capability would surely scare them even more than it does us.


Oh, and this topic is really interesting. Let's keep going.

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I still say "losing their minds" would be a big fear.

They live in a society where pretty much everything relies on their ability to think, to analyse, to understand.

To suddenly lose that capability would surely scare them even more than it does us.


Oh, and this topic is really interesting. Let's keep going.


I agree with you. That means that something like, say, the noetikon mind trap (JC chapter 1) or pretty much any Rakata make-you-my-bytch mind taker-over could potentially be really frightening for a Chiss because it would resonate on a personal and cultural level.

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I was gonna say "spiders" but y'all totally went beyond that.


My chiss agent: Target sighted. Estimated arrival time, two mi--[sees a spider] EEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAA AGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Vector: [cringing] Cipher. Even we cannot retreat into the comfort of the nest to avoid ear-shattering screeches such as that. Wait, what are you--

Agent: [blows up the building to destroy a spider the size of her fingernail]

Vector: We have given up trying to understand you.


Vector: We wonder how you did not react the same way to the nest on Alderaan.

Agent: Those were giant man-sized ants that assimilate people into a hivemind. Perfectly okay. Spiders, on the other hand? EVIL. DEMONS. FROM THE PIT OF HELL.

Vector: ...we are concerned.


*ahem* Sorry, I'll stop. Back on topic now? :D

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My chiss agent: Target sighted. Estimated arrival time, two mi--[sees a spider] EEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAA AGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Vector: [cringing] Cipher. Even we cannot retreat into the comfort of the nest to avoid ear-shattering screeches such as that. Wait, what are you--

Agent: [blows up the building to destroy a spider the size of her fingernail]

Vector: We have given up trying to understand you.


Vector: We wonder how you did not react the same way to the nest on Alderaan.

Agent: Those were giant man-sized ants that assimilate people into a hivemind. Perfectly okay. Spiders, on the other hand? EVIL. DEMONS. FROM THE PIT OF HELL.

Vector: ...we are concerned.


*ahem* Sorry, I'll stop. Back on topic now? :D


Best fanfiction ever. 10/10. :D

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my chiss agent: Target sighted. Estimated arrival time, two mi--[sees a spider] eeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaa aggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Vector: [cringing] cipher. Even we cannot retreat into the comfort of the nest to avoid ear-shattering screeches such as that. Wait, what are you--

agent: [blows up the building to destroy a spider the size of her fingernail]

vector: We have given up trying to understand you.

Agent: [hyperventilating] it was going to attack me. Did you see its evil little attack face.

vector: We wonder how you did not react the same way to the nest on alderaan.

Agent: Those were giant man-sized ants that assimilate people into a hivemind. Perfectly okay. Spiders, on the other hand? Evil. Demons. From the pit of hell.

Vector: ...we are concerned.


*ahem* sorry, i'll stop. Back on topic now? :D


Edited by Avashnea
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