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The game has been dumbed down TOO far - The thoughts of a returning founder..


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I just love the ridiculous, self serving rubbish you post...and I suppose it would be too much to ask that you provide links to backup your theories? Or is this from your extended experience as a arm chair developer?


Just like certain people from all over the diverse conglomeration of MMO players, he feels he speaks for all players everywhere, and that anyone who doesn't agree can stuff it.

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Just like certain people from all over the diverse conglomeration of MMO players, he feels he speaks for all players everywhere, and that anyone who doesn't agree can stuff it.


Impossible! I speak for all MMO players, as the reigning Demigoddess Flounder I say:





There, all MMO players have spoken!

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I'm a recently (as of the expansion) returned Closed Beta Tester / Founder as well; all games evolve over time so I knew not to have any expectations on it's current state. And so far playing through on a few new characters I'm enjoying the new/changed content.


Devs don't just randomly change things for no reason, that wouldn't be cost-effective to their budget; it's generally a mixture of in-house testing and sampling the community requests. So the only thing you can do it hop (back) on for the ride, or stay off.

Edited by Trihalo
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Who said I was demanding changes? I am just saying it's been dumbed down too far. What is the point of calling a mission a `Heroic 2+` or a `Heroic 4+` when they are able to be finished solo with no discernible effort?


Heroic 2s could always be soloed by anyone with reasonable gear on themselves and their companion. OR, they could put the companion away and run it with another player.


Heroic 4s, less so.. unless you were 3-4 levels above the Mission. But these also were rarely run by players.. and so they basically reworked and retuned some of them in 4.0 to be H2s. Now they actually get played in their retuned format.


The above is not dumbing down the game, rather it is changing the difficulty level of H2 content, as well as rewards, to make them more appealing to newer players (not veterans). And the big carrot in those H2s now days is that they scale the rewards for the players native level (not the synced level), and so people have more reason to run them for XP, credits, and rewards.... all of which put a serious dent in the RMTs swarming the game as people were more self-reliant running H2s as they level or as they build alliance influence.


I get it.. you left for a long time and are somehow depressed that the game changed while you were gone. Get over it, and adapt.. or play something else. MMOs change over time, and often to make it easier for newer players to get up the ramp and get on even footing with veterans in a reasonable time and with reasonable effort and expense.


Personally, I prefer they lower the ramp we all had to deal with at launch so that new players are not forever locked out of easy access to end game and playing with other players while leveling if that is what they want, or solo if that is what they want.


Your "dumbing down" .... was really a quality of life change on the front end of the game for the benefit of newer players. Stop being so selfish, IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Topics like this make me laugh because when level sync was announced everyone thought it was going to make the game too difficult.


I just wish when they released new content ( e.g. KotFE unless it's improved since chapter 9 since I refuse to do the filler crap they are putting out now until it's all released ) they did it without it being as stupidly easy as the combat has become.


It is what it is though and this is the direction they are taking and that's one reason why I can't be assed doing the monthly chapters ... the first 9 just weren't fun to PLAY at all, guessing the rest since is the same.

I figure leave it until there is 10-16 and at least I can run through as a hopefully enjoyable interactive movie.


EC was a small glimmer of hope but it's really one time content from my perspective ... luckily I'm addicted to making credits and buying packs etc. so I keep subbing as a result. ;)

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Topics like this make me laugh because when level sync was announced everyone thought it was going to make the game too difficult.


I just wish when they released new content ( e.g. KotFE unless it's improved since chapter 9 since I refuse to do the filler crap they are putting out now until it's all released ) they did it without it being as stupidly easy as the combat has become.


It is what it is though and this is the direction they are taking and that's one reason why I can't be assed doing the monthly chapters ... the first 9 just weren't fun to PLAY at all, guessing the rest since is the same.

I figure leave it until there is 10-16 and at least I can run through as a hopefully enjoyable interactive movie.


EC was a small glimmer of hope but it's really one time content from my perspective ... luckily I'm addicted to making credits and buying packs etc. so I keep subbing as a result. ;)

Good thing you stopped at 9, because the gameplay in 10 was by far one of the worst levels I have ever seen in creation of video games. You're a frequent forum visitor so I suppose you remember all the complaints about the CC.

Chapter 11 and 12 still go to the traditional route of 1-9 having no challenge or depth in ways to approach a situation differently, so you aren't missing much gameplay wise.

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Regarding levelsync.


1) Tedious and difficult are not the same thing and aren't the same scale of intent in video game design.

2) The levelsync we got was not the levelsync that many expected.


Interesting since Bioware seem to lately focus more on tedium and less on difficulty as is t he case of KoTFE.


However in regards to KoTFE I guess you can't really speak from experience seeing as you refuse to do the content.


In regards to level sync though I believe we got exactly what was advertised it just wasn't as challenging as people thought it would become "oh noes I can't do this, that and the other thing solo/with my 1 friend anymore! Oh wait I've now tried it and I can! Carry on".

There were some who came from a position of tedium in that they thought it would take them longer to do things ( and no doubt it does so they either left or have learned to live with it ) but from what I recall the majority seemed to think they outright would no longer be able to do it as they had done before.


I wonder if in now giving it a go and realising it is still solo or in a duo capable - that the extra challenge isn't actually tedium but instead they've found it more fun ... one can only assume though because that's how I've found it and the complaints quickly dried up after launch.


World Bosses are a great example of level sync working imo ... very rarely ever hear a peep of a complaint about not being able to solo them anymore but almost always see groups forming for them on the planets I frequent ( SH planets ).

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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Well that's not true, strictly speaking. My guild short mans HM content all the time, usually clearing KP/EV HM with 4 people and DF/DP with 5 or 6.


Um not sure how you can get away with 5 people on DF Brontes, where you have 6 fingers. 2 tanks on Hands so that makes 3 people on 6 fingers, hmm?

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Topics like this make me laugh because when level sync was announced everyone thought it was going to make the game too difficult.


I just wish when they released new content ( e.g. KotFE unless it's improved since chapter 9 since I refuse to do the filler crap they are putting out now until it's all released ) they did it without it being as stupidly easy as the combat has become.


It is what it is though and this is the direction they are taking and that's one reason why I can't be assed doing the monthly chapters ... the first 9 just weren't fun to PLAY at all, guessing the rest since is the same.

I figure leave it until there is 10-16 and at least I can run through as a hopefully enjoyable interactive movie.


EC was a small glimmer of hope but it's really one time content from my perspective ... luckily I'm addicted to making credits and buying packs etc. so I keep subbing as a result. ;)


I am just doing the chapters on one character and only craft and gtn the rest of the month. Like you playing the gtn is the only reason I stay subbed.

Running the same ops and heroics over and over again has no appeal to me.

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