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The game has been dumbed down TOO far - The thoughts of a returning founder..


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The reason that companions can now select all roles is because people wanted to play with their favourite companions more, not so much because of the difficulty of the game. If you play a marauder and want to level with Jaesa, you'll be dual dps'ing which is not ideal.

Since when is dual dps not ideal? It's the fastest way to kill enemies and very few solo fights actually require a healer.

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Since when is dual dps not ideal? It's the fastest way to kill enemies and very few solo fights actually require a healer.


I can pretty much guarantee you that the average player in the game gets in trouble with a dual dps, especially marauders who have no cc or off heals will die a lot on the planets from groups of mobs that contain silvers and golds in them.


This is not about you or me, this is about the majority of players who don't have much of a clue about what's going on. Please don't tell me you're one of those players who thinks they're so bad at gaming that everybody else can also do what you can do...

Edited by Tsillah
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I have played this game since launch day on and off and have recently resubbed as I wanted to see the new KoTFE content. I figured it would be as close as I was ever going to get to KOTOR 3 and have been back 3 weeks after roughly 18 months away.


I realize that there have been a lot of quality of life changes such as being able to hand in missions without having to go to a terminal, multi role companions etc. However having given it some thought the game only appears to be the one I loved and knew on the surface. Sure multi role companions are all fine and dandy. But now I keep thinking to myself that they are all just walking, talking clones of each other. They spit out the same phrases pretty much when healing ("You'll be alright !!!" shouts Kira/Doc/Scourge in a desperate voice when I have the teeniest flesh wound).


Thinking back however I managed perfectly fine for nigh on 5 yrs with the companions I was supplied with for each class. Has there been some mass wave of players all dying every 15 seconds that prompted the developers to say `Gosh we must make all the companions multi role before the player base utterly deserts the game`? I truly don`t understand the need to do this. The only answer I have is that they are pandering to the lowest common denominator which is a trend I deplore in gaming.


I feel that the *cough* `Tactical` *cough* Flashpoints are a horrendous mistake. Once upon a time these were level gated and gradually introduced different boss patterns, fight mechanics and required better and better teamwork between the trinity (Tank,DPS, Healer). Once you started to hit mid 30's you had been given plenty of practice in your given class and could carry on learning about it as you got to even tougher content and they were good training grounds for what is required in Operations.


Now though sub 65 you can pretty much spank and tank from start to finish and if you are required to think its content is `Where is the nearest Kolto Station?` Press button... insta group heal, repeat to fade. Now you too can `rolfstomp` every Flashpoint all the way up to level 65 regardless of class, gear, specs or indeed much thought. Presenting the worst idea in an MMO ever Level 65 Bolster ! The great leveller.. hooray??


Now that's all fine and dandy, now everyone regardless of skill can all kill the nasty 'ol monsters together. Yay for not being killjoys and making you well, you know practice or anything. Then we hit Level 65... wups no more Kolto stations, suddenly you have to actually (shh) know how to play your class.


Joins first HM 65 False Emperor. Commando is listed as `healer`. Not one heal, nada, zip, not even sure they healed themselves. We get to miniboss... not even a bandaid. Everyone shockingly dies. Healer ragequits for being told to heal, tank follows, then the DPS leaving me all alone. Whee !


Chalks it up to the gods of PUGs....


Joins second HM FP. I say to the `Tank` after you Mr Tank. He quits. Then the DPS quits. We relist for replacements. Ok another `Tank` and a DPS. I CC the big droid so we can leave him until last. Three Guesses who the Tank goes for..


I say four times `please don't wake up anything that is CCd, look I will even put a huge great flame marker on anything I am going to put out of the fight temporarily` Thankfully the Tank listens on the fifth time. SO the DPS runs near it and spams loads of AOE attacks. Whee !


Last, but by no means least we get to a mini boss. Pop Quiz for you. When the healer says `don't stand in the red circles or the indicators when hes charging up a blast attack` do they A. Listen B. Hear `blah, blah, wibbet, squeeble,`?


Tactical Flashpoints.. training a whole generation of clueless characters. Go Progress !


Welcome to the new version of SWTOR that the Developers keep telling us is wildly more successful than any phase of the game before hand. I'm a founder who has NEVER taken a break and watched all of this unfold. Unfortunately, even though many of us have tried to let the Developers know here on the forums about missteps they are taking with the direction of the game, it has come to this.


Enjoy or unsub again. Those are pretty much the options.

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I disagree. I do think everything should be faceroll. When I play a videogame, the very last thing I want to find is "challenge" ... my life has enough of those. I've started pretty much every day, for the past thirty-five years, with a brimming cup of piping hot challenge and competition. It's why I don't run OPs and don't PvP. It's why I selectively RP (because, sometimes, my day serves up a fresh-baked scone of drama, and I can only stomach so much of that). So, yes, please, give me faceroll content so I can decompress with my friends.


I share your bewilderment at people who take pride in imaginary achievements. I don't consider skill at a videogame an imaginary achievement. It's a skill ... like any other. The more challenging the task, the greater pride one may legitimately take in overcoming the attendant obstacles. If I push my golf handicap down a point through weeks of good play, I'm proud to have done so (just how proud, I will share once I manage to do so). I garner somewhat less esteem from conquering a Putt-Putt course. Even less rewarding is tossing a balled up piece of paper into my office trash can that sits about a foot from my chair.


That a videogame player takes pride in overcoming challenging content is not weird or flawed to me. I'm just not one of those players. No, we're not really saving the galaxy, but it's not as if playing SWTOR is as passive an activity as, say, watching a movie. Honestly, given the state of my ancient and weathered hands, anyone who has completed the Datacron Master achievement has my respect ... and my envy (I want your youthful hands!). It's not curing cancer, but it ain't nothing neither.


I couldn't have said it any better than this. ^

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I love how the title features the term 'founder' as a qualifier of this opinion.


I'm a founder myself, but I'm going to go one better, since that seems to be what we do.


As someone that can do handstands and the splits, I feel that this game is too easy because we don't even have to move let alone get our heart rate up for even a measly 20 minutes.


As someone that can make lightsaber noises with her mouth, I also feel that this game has been dumbed down too much by forcing sound effects upon us. Once upon a time, when I would play starwars fighting with my cousin, we had to make our own sound effects, as well as our own lightsaber likenesses (protip: wrapping paper tubes are too flimsy. Go for wooden dowels!).


Now, everyone's spoiled so much that they don't even have to move or anything, and long gone are the days when you'd get whapped on the knuckles or arms of your weren't good enough.


Obligatory sarcastic WHEE here for no particularly good reason at all!


So, yeah. Weak sauce. Everything is just so weaksauce anymore. I wish devs would make games that were challenging again and made people gradually progress over years and years and years of dedicated, loyal determination.


People shouldn't even be able to log into this game without submitting their top level raiding and pvp history with at least 3 notarized affidavits of confirmation from established veterans recognized positively in gaming.

Edited by Uruare
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I think it's ok to have challenge, but at least let me, me alone to do it rather than force me to get a bunch of people to form a group to do it.


Aye, this too. It's grand that s'ware houses have finally figured out that not everyone wants to do things in a herd. For awhile there that was the trend, indeed. I am not opposed at all to group activities (OPs, PvP etc.) but a game that also provides for the solo/duo folk is necessary for me.


Especially "end-game" content. Especially that.

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I love how the title features the term 'founder' as a qualifier of this opinion.


I'm a founder myself, but I'm going to go one better, since that seems to be what we do.


As someone that can do handstands and the splits, I feel that this game is too easy because we don't even have to move let alone get our heart rate up for even a measly 20 minutes.


As someone that can make lightsaber noises with her mouth, I also feel that this game has been dumbed down too much by forcing sound effects upon us. Once upon a time, when I would play starwars fighting with my cousin, we had to make our own sound effects, as well as our own lightsaber likenesses (protip: wrapping paper tubes are too flimsy. Go for wooden dowels!).


Now, everyone's spoiled so much that they don't even have to move or anything, and long gone are the days when you'd get whapped on the knuckles or arms of your weren't good enough.


Obligatory sarcastic WHEE here for no particularly good reason at all!


So, yeah. Weak sauce. Everything is just so weaksauce anymore. I wish devs would make games that were challenging again and made people gradually progress over years and years and years of dedicated, loyal determination.


People shouldn't even be able to log into this game without submitting their top level raiding and pvp history with at least 3 notarized affidavits of confirmation from established veterans recognized positively in gaming.


You, I like.

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Aye, this too. It's grand that s'ware houses have finally figured out that not everyone wants to do things in a herd. For awhile there that was the trend, indeed. I am not opposed at all to group activities (OPs, PvP etc.) but a game that also provides for the solo/duo folk is necessary for me.


Especially "end-game" content. Especially that.


I concur.


The thing is, this game does have challenging content, majority of the players , like myself, have probably never set foot in a NiM raid, or even completed one. The issue is, once you complete the challenging content, then what? That's where the cry comes from. Suppose a guild focused on raiding has all the NiM content down to a science and has it on farm - then one becomes bored with it because the most challenging content in the game is no longer really a challenge, so they cry on the forums about how the game is dumbed down now.


It's like a guy who climbs the tallest mountain in the world then complains that's there's no other taller mountains to be found, then *****es at the earth for not creating mountains fast enough.


My suggestion to everyone who gets bored or finds the game lame is quite simple: find another game. It's obvious you beat this game and it cannot provide what you are looking for anymore, that's why the MMO market is just saturated with so many games, so many "mountains" to conquer out there, if you beat this one then move on to another. Or you could Rank PvP and see how long you tolerate the attitude there, that in itself is a monster achievement :D


I have become personally of the ilk of gamers that wants most of the content to be fairly relaxing, with challenging content that I can choose to do, and not forced upon me. I think SWTOR does a good job doing that, hence the reason I currently play.

Edited by DenariusJay
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I concur.


The thing is, this game does have challenging content, majority of the players , like myself, have probably never set foot in a NiM raid, or even completed one. The issue is, once you complete the challenging content, then what? That's where the cry comes from. Suppose a guild focused on raiding has all the NiM content down to a science and has it on farm - then one becomes bored with it because the most challenging content in the game is no longer really a challenge, so they cry on the forums about how the game is dumbed down now.


It's like a guy who climbs the tallest mountain in the world then complains that's there's no other taller mountains to be found, then *****es at the earth for not creating mountains fast enough.


My suggestion to everyone who gets bored or finds the game lame is quite simple: find another game. It's obvious you beat this game and it cannot provide what you are looking for anymore, that's why the MMO market is just saturated with so many games, so many "mountains" to conquer out there, if you beat this one then move on to another. Or you could Rank PvP and see how long you tolerate the attitude there, that in itself is a monster achievement :D


I have become personally of the ilk of gamers that wants most of the content to be fairly relaxing, with challenging content that I can choose to do, and not forced upon me. I think SWTOR does a good job doing that, hence the reason I currently play.

This is the problem, those "utter hard content" doesn't even let most of the players have chance to spend effort to try because of no group. This is the problem of raid as well.

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I love how the title features the term 'founder' as a qualifier of this opinion.


I'm a founder myself, but I'm going to go one better, since that seems to be what we do.


As someone that can do handstands and the splits, I feel that this game is too easy because we don't even have to move let alone get our heart rate up for even a measly 20 minutes.


As someone that can make lightsaber noises with her mouth, I also feel that this game has been dumbed down too much by forcing sound effects upon us. Once upon a time, when I would play starwars fighting with my cousin, we had to make our own sound effects, as well as our own lightsaber likenesses (protip: wrapping paper tubes are too flimsy. Go for wooden dowels!).


Now, everyone's spoiled so much that they don't even have to move or anything, and long gone are the days when you'd get whapped on the knuckles or arms of your weren't good enough.


Obligatory sarcastic WHEE here for no particularly good reason at all!


So, yeah. Weak sauce. Everything is just so weaksauce anymore. I wish devs would make games that were challenging again and made people gradually progress over years and years and years of dedicated, loyal determination.


People shouldn't even be able to log into this game without submitting their top level raiding and pvp history with at least 3 notarized affidavits of confirmation from established veterans recognized positively in gaming.


I'm not saying that everything should be raised to NIM content and only the best of the best should be able to complete the game as its a esports competition, but their should be a slight learning curve throughout the game so that the worst of the worst isn't able to complete the game. Their should be a gradual learning curve in some form so when these people step into a flashpoint or some group content, their not left with no way to play their class.

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I'm not saying that everything should be raised to NIM content and only the best of the best should be able to complete the game as its a esports competition, but their should be a slight learning curve throughout the game so that the worst of the worst isn't able to complete the game. Their should be a gradual learning curve in some form so when these people step into a flashpoint or some group content, their not left with no way to play their class.


The problem is, why can't we try NIM whenever we want? Why must we get into a guild or find a good pug group who is willing to accept you without achievement?


This, is the main problem really. Even in 3.0, after I finished out HM, they are not willing to accept you to do NIM.

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I concur.


The thing is, this game does have challenging content, majority of the players , like myself, have probably never set foot in a NiM raid, or even completed one. The issue is, once you complete the challenging content, then what? That's where the cry comes from. Suppose a guild focused on raiding has all the NiM content down to a science and has it on farm - then one becomes bored with it because the most challenging content in the game is no longer really a challenge, so they cry on the forums about how the game is dumbed down now.


It's like a guy who climbs the tallest mountain in the world then complains that's there's no other taller mountains to be found, then *****es at the earth for not creating mountains fast enough.


My suggestion to everyone who gets bored or finds the game lame is quite simple: find another game. It's obvious you beat this game and it cannot provide what you are looking for anymore, that's why the MMO market is just saturated with so many games, so many "mountains" to conquer out there, if you beat this one then move on to another. Or you could Rank PvP and see how long you tolerate the attitude there, that in itself is a monster achievement :D


I have become personally of the ilk of gamers that wants most of the content to be fairly relaxing, with challenging content that I can choose to do, and not forced upon me. I think SWTOR does a good job doing that, hence the reason I currently play.


Careful. The "find another game" sets some folks into a right hissy fit. Seems logical and rational to me but there you have it.


Every other MMO I've played and it's been pretty much all of 'em, I've gotten to the "welp, nothing left for me, was fun whilst it lasted" and just moved on (keeping an eye on some favourites for further development). I expect that'll happen here as well eventually.

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This is the problem, those "utter hard content" doesn't even let most of the players have chance to spend effort to try because of no group. This is the problem of raid as well.


Which might be due to the game itself or it might be due to people just not wanting to participate. Time constraints, RL intruding etc. Who knows. I'm just so glad that dev. houses finally figured out that there are things to do "end-game" that don't require 12 or more of your closest friends. Hurrah!

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I love how the title features the term 'founder' as a qualifier of this opinion.


I'm a founder myself, but I'm going to go one better, since that seems to be what we do.


As someone that can do handstands and the splits, I feel that this game is too easy because we don't even have to move let alone get our heart rate up for even a measly 20 minutes.


As someone that can make lightsaber noises with her mouth, I also feel that this game has been dumbed down too much by forcing sound effects upon us. Once upon a time, when I would play starwars fighting with my cousin, we had to make our own sound effects, as well as our own lightsaber likenesses (protip: wrapping paper tubes are too flimsy. Go for wooden dowels!).


Now, everyone's spoiled so much that they don't even have to move or anything, and long gone are the days when you'd get whapped on the knuckles or arms of your weren't good enough.


Obligatory sarcastic WHEE here for no particularly good reason at all!


So, yeah. Weak sauce. Everything is just so weaksauce anymore. I wish devs would make games that were challenging again and made people gradually progress over years and years and years of dedicated, loyal determination.


People shouldn't even be able to log into this game without submitting their top level raiding and pvp history with at least 3 notarized affidavits of confirmation from established veterans recognized positively in gaming.


I can do handstands underwater, does that count?


I always found wooden dowels (or whatever branches we found laying around) shattered too often, had to switch to copper pipes. Maybe make up for my lack of pro handstands ;)

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Careful. The "find another game" sets some folks into a right hissy fit. Seems logical and rational to me but there you have it.


Every other MMO I've played and it's been pretty much all of 'em, I've gotten to the "welp, nothing left for me, was fun whilst it lasted" and just moved on (keeping an eye on some favourites for further development). I expect that'll happen here as well eventually.


The problem is the "find another game" statement doesn't stand when this is the ONLY star wars MMO. Not to mention this is pretty much the only star wars game worth playing in the last 4 years that came from a star wars brand name. This isn't a Korean MMO grinder were theirs several more of the same kind with minor differences, or a FPS shooter with the same game mechanics, this is the ONLY active star wars MMO around so were stuck with what we got, or its abandon the brand name completely, which for the most people, isn't a option when its something as famous as star wars.

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This is not about you or me, this is about the majority of players who don't have much of a clue about what's going on. Please don't tell me you're one of those players who thinks they're so bad at gaming that everybody else can also do what you can do...

All right, I'll grant you that some players are quite bad. I guess I've successfully avoided the worst of the lot by doing story and heroics solo and having a regular ops group. The occasional randoms we get to fill out a HM EV or KP tend to have some clue of what they're doing.

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The problem is the "find another game" statement doesn't stand when this is the ONLY star wars MMO. Not to mention this is pretty much the only star wars game worth playing in the last 4 years that came from a star wars brand name. This isn't a Korean MMO grinder were theirs several more of the same kind with minor differences, or a FPS shooter with the same game mechanics, this is the ONLY active star wars MMO around so were stuck with what we got, or its abandon the brand name completely, which for the most people, isn't a option when its something as famous as star wars.


LOTR is the ONLY Lord of the Rings MMO. I left.


WoW is the ONLY World of Warcraft MMO. I left.

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All right, I'll grant you that some players are quite bad. I guess I've successfully avoided the worst of the lot by doing story and heroics solo and having a regular ops group. The occasional randoms we get to fill out a HM EV or KP tend to have some clue of what they're doing.


Well that's it and there are a lot more people out there that struggle what you or I would call easy. It's the same for me, I have a regular ops group and some people that I know even in pugging so I rarely have a "bad group", but at the same time I am aware that this puts me in a smaller part of the game's player base.


I've said it before but about 6 months after Rav and ToS came out, BW commented here that not even 8% of the player base had even set foot in ToS. I really don't think a lot of people realise what that means. Because aside from it meaning that there's not much of a business case for regular ops releases for BW, it also means that only 8% of the players actually even bothered with it and since there are a lot of "bad pugs" out there, it means that the percentage of people who actually successfully completed ToS is even smaller.


It's not my place to judge though. I always saw myself as just above average but it seems that's underestimating my position. It's the same with money in real life though. I'm not rich but I do ok. But apparently I am in the top 3% of wages in the world. I would've never believed it cause, like I said, I'm really not rich. Don't have a big house, we have a small car, no yacht, no lavish holidays...but some perspective is needed because apparently I do a lot better than 97% of the world. That's is a strange realization.


Now in game it must be the same. And then I looked at my server. I've visited various planets many times (altoholic, I know) and I always see people there and often multiple instances. We may have 2-3 fleet instances with a few hundred people lurking around, but also lots of people on their guild ships and people in the instances for operations, flash points. However, we have a lot of people on the leveling planets. When I add it all up, there are literally thousands of them. So at any given time,and I know it's not exact science, but it seems there maybe hundreds of people playing group content but thousands that are not.


It's not my place to judge the people who struggle with things that I find easy. It really isn't. I can be amazed at it, but it doesn't make me a better person, just better at playing this game perhaps. Well, that's not exactly a life achievement by itself truth be told.


And this is the strange disconnect because this game has a lot of players to look at that want the game, at least the leveling, to be relatively easy and just fun for them. And others look at this and think it's boring because it's too easy. Both sides are right though.


But I think it's good to realise that there are a lot more people out there, that are different from you. I still wish that story instances have a SM and HM as well...but oh well. That may be wishful thinking at this stage.

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I've said it before but about 6 months after Rav and ToS came out, BW commented here that not even 8% of the player base had even set foot in ToS. I really don't think a lot of people realise what that means. Because aside from it meaning that there's not much of a business case for regular ops releases for BW, it also means that only 8% of the players actually even bothered with it and since there are a lot of "bad pugs" out there, it means that the percentage of people who actually successfully completed ToS is even smaller.


Skewed metrics my friend.


How many players actually get past the capital planet and obtain their own ship.... let alone how many people actually level to 50, and not give the game a few hours and decide the game isn't for them. Not to mention rav and TOS was from a LONG, LONG, LONG departure of operations giving no attention, after yet again, another LONG, LONG, LONG, time scale before ops were released. Of course the community is going to diminish if their constantly ignored in that particular subset.

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I think reducing the problem to whether or not the game is to easy is a mistake.


Tactical Flashpoints don't work as they are. Bolster for low level characters and setting their nominal levels to 65 isn't the same as being level 65. Groups with massive differences in level don't work properly. Furthermore, flashpoints lost their point in the storyline.


Regardless of the overall difficulty in the game, I believe there needs to be a system in place that makes it possible to get back to the old story mode flashpoint system, to attach them to their original levels and create balanced groups (2 damage dealers, a tank, a healer) of the appropriate level range. Maybe it's a thing worth considering to make the flashpoints global per region, one North American and one European queue.

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Skewed metrics my friend.


How many players actually get past the capital planet and obtain their own ship.... let alone how many people actually level to 50, and not give the game a few hours and decide the game isn't for them. Not to mention rav and TOS was from a LONG, LONG, LONG departure of operations giving no attention, after yet again, another LONG, LONG, LONG, time scale before ops were released. Of course the community is going to diminish if their constantly ignored in that particular subset.


I disagree with you on that. Of course my "metrics" are limited but the reality is that a any given time that I checked and I have checked a few times there are many more people out there on those planets. Whether they progress beyond a certain point or not is irrelevant in that sense...it's what people are doing: playing the solo campaign and doing heroics.


Also the timing you mentioned would actually mean that people were parched for new ops and would at least try them...jump on top of them as it were...they didn't.


And to seal it all off...BW came out with 4.0 instead of new operations. Surely their metrics must've indicated that there was more need for story and solo content than new operations. Their current decisions support my impressions in game. All I am saying is that I was surprised to find out reality actually matched what BW was apparently seeing.

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I disagree with you on that. Of course my "metrics" are limited but the reality is that a any given time that I checked and I have checked a few times there are many more people out there on those planets. Whether they progress beyond a certain point or not is irrelevant in that sense...it's what people are doing: playing the solo campaign and doing heroics.


Also the timing you mentioned would actually mean that people were parched for new ops and would at least try them...jump on top of them as it were...they didn't.


And to seal it all off...BW came out with 4.0 instead of new operations. Surely their metrics must've indicated that there was more need for story and solo content than new operations. Their current decisions support my impressions in game. All I am saying is that I was surprised to find out reality actually matched what BW was apparently seeing.


This game thrives on story and is what it advertises the most on, not to mention its a star wars game which is probably going to attract a casual player base looking for story rather than gameplay.


A better metric would see how many legacies have a max player that actually does operations rather than comparing it to the ENTIRE player base. This would eliminate all those people who try it for a few hours and move on and all those annoying gold farming worm food bots.


ill admit I to am a bit surprised not many people wanted to try the new operations, but lets be honest, most of the people who probably play strictly for raiding left the game by RAV and TOS.

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This game thrives on story and is what it advertises the most on, not to mention its a star wars game which is probably going to attract a casual player base looking for story rather than gameplay.


A better metric would see how many legacies have a max player that actually does operations rather than comparing it to the ENTIRE player base. This would eliminate all those people who try it for a few hours and move on and all those annoying gold farming worm food bots.


ill admit I to am a bit surprised not many people wanted to try the new operations, but lets be honest, most of the people who probably play strictly for raiding left the game by RAV and TOS.


Which is exactly my point. Now you may remember that BW said they were going to release operations on a more regular schedule and they changed their minds and 4.0 turned out to be a complete turn around from that. So clearly group content has been put on the back burner. They wouldn't have done that if there was a big raiding community with all their ops achievements on or near 100%.

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This game thrives on story and is what it advertises the most on, not to mention its a star wars game which is probably going to attract a casual player base looking for story rather than gameplay.


A better metric would see how many legacies have a max player that actually does operations rather than comparing it to the ENTIRE player base. This would eliminate all those people who try it for a few hours and move on and all those annoying gold farming worm food bots.


ill admit I to am a bit surprised not many people wanted to try the new operations, but lets be honest, most of the people who probably play strictly for raiding left the game by RAV and TOS.


Likely so. I'm one who's not a fan of raiding/OPs etc. Just too burnt out on the drama and such from prior games. I also have a strange playing time schedule so I'm not dependable. This, as you say, is a BW game and they are famous for their stories. That's what attracted me primarily, secondarily the Star Wars brand.


I love that I can play at odd hours, doing my thing when no one else is around or hop into a group with guildies. Yes, this IS a casual game and I don't believe it was even "sold" to be anything otherwise which is why I'm a bit surprised at how upset some folks are. This is not hardcore, I don't believe it was ever meant to be.

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Skewed metrics my friend.


How many players actually get past the capital planet and obtain their own ship.... let alone how many people actually level to 50, and not give the game a few hours and decide the game isn't for them. Not to mention rav and TOS was from a LONG, LONG, LONG departure of operations giving no attention, after yet again, another LONG, LONG, LONG, time scale before ops were released. Of course the community is going to diminish if their constantly ignored in that particular subset.


Just want to clear up the Operation Victory thing so that everyone can be on the same page.


"Why not play Temple of Sacrifice?


Two reasons for this. First, it was a numbers game. Only a fraction of the players who are in Ops at 60 are in ToS and so we wanted to make sure the first round was accessible to as many people as possible. Second, our plan was that the finals (the second round) would be played in ToS so that the Revan encounter was a part of the tournament finale."


Emphasis mine on the paragraph. Source:



Hope that helps everyone figure out what metrics they used.

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